-t V„J i";i, r‘ LA PORTE ~ ViTAILACE Mrs, Fred V7. Denton and Mrs, J. B, Elmore Jr, announce ' the marriage of their sister, 1st Lieutenant Dorothy Vfollace, Army Nurse Corps, to 1st Lieutenant Alfred La Porte on April 13th at Del Ray Beach, Florida. The bride wore for her wedding costume, the li^t beige uniform of the Army Nurse Corps, Lieut, La Porte's home is in Rochester, N. Y. He hats been with the 6th Army Cxroup, for three years, serving in Africa, England, Italy and France, He is at the present time' awaiting orders to rejoin his unit somewhere overseas. Lieut, Dorothy La Porte vdll continue her service with the Army Nurse Corps, She is now stationed at the Army Air Force Reg, St, Hospital in Coral Gables, Florida, Mrs. La Porte is the sister of Mrs. Fred'W, Denton, Mrs, J, B. Elmore Jr, and Evander Wallace, all of whom live in Lawndale, She has two brothers in service, Sgt, B, C, Wallace of the Army and Vernon Wallace, of the Navy, Mrs, La Porte formerly lived here and has many relatives and friends who join the Hoover'Rail Staff in ex tending best wishes for a long and happy life to the young couple. * * * IVESTER - CORDELL In a lovely home. ceremony performed Saturday at high noon at the home of the bride parents on Grover Street, Shelby, Miss Frances Rollins Cordell became the bride of Morgan Lee Ivester, Rev, W. A, Rollins, uncle of the bride, performed the double ring ceremony in the presence of members of the immediate families. Vows were spoken in the living room before a background of fern and candelabra holding slender white tapers! The mantel was arranged with mixed white flowers. Bill Brid/^s,' son cfPvt, and Mrs, Ivo' Bridges and nephew of the bride lighted the candles -c.t the ccrer.iony hour, , The wedding musicians were Mrs, Jack Vifilson, pianist and cousin of the bride who played the traditional wedding music and also accompanied Miss Velnalvester, the vocolist, ' Mrs, Ivester is the grand-daughter of Mrs, F, C. Rollins of Lawndale, Sho is the youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs,E, J, Corde, was educated at Shelby High School'and Elon college. She has been employed at Moore and Stewart, Itie bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Ivester of near L:;.Tmdale, Since his discharge from the amy he has been of^rating a store near Lawndale, ■Tlie bride and groom are both well known in Lawndale and have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy wedded life. ■JS- WOUNDED IN ACTION S0MEVM2RE IN ffiRMANY Pfc, Brevard Hunt ~ Pfc. Foy Southards and Pvt, Thelbert Williams were all reported as slightly wounded in action, dur ing the month of April, The homefolks surely regret to see thes The Hoover Rail Staff joins their parents and friends in wishing for theo a speedy recovery. c:r- essages come in.