Dear Boys and Girls: It is a 3?eal pleasure to me to have the opportunity of writing each of you. If I should try to write a letter to each of you, separately, it would take quite a while, ’so I am vory proud that the Hoover Rail has given me the chance to say ’’hello** to all. Spring? is in the air in cle' Lawndale with the apple trees, dogwood, and differ ent shrubs and flowers in full bloo^i. Very often you can hear the old familiar tune, "Gee Haw” in various'garden spotB, especially, in some of those gardens where you fellows have vacated. As some of'ycu Icnow, "Dave", my beloved husband^ has not been able to ivork for some tine, ViTeJJI, it seems that spring has gotten him, too, ^He*s plovdng all the neighbor*s gardens without a grunt, I*ve been rather frustrated about the matter — Can’t decide whether it*s the ploxving he*s interested in, or could it be that'he *s trying tcj take all your places? I suppose that will be settled'v;hen you return, which I hope won^t be long, Gii'ls, my head v/as in a whirl a few v/eeks ago, Uy eldest son, D. A,, was on his v;ay home from Hawaii, and, at the same tin^e, my youngest son, J, F, was entering the U. S, Navy, IThat would you call a situation like that, I suppose it would be called an eqaal mixture of joy and sorrow. It will be a total feeling of joy when we hear that it is all over and everyone is returning home, ' Be good ,]Doys and girls until we see you again - /md may God bless you all. Your "liloms’’ of the Month, Mrs, D, A, Cline -K- Some say it is only a tree gi'ovm from the sod, I isay it is more than a tree ^ To me it is God,