j^>\TM£R . Tr A\OMTr Hello Boys aiid Girls; It's fishing time around here again with the hoes cind shoTOls ringing almost daily searching the earth for red worms« Your windi^.g path dovm to the old Reek House has grown up in weeds and briars waiting for you fellows to come back and take the trail again. The ball park over in the pasture behind our house is growing up in a nice little crop of pines, I an plann ing to plant a good sized patch of watermelons and peanuts over tliat way, hoping that you fellows wi.ll be back to have a game once in a while aiid share them with us. Of course, you never did fil3. ycur pockets with peanuts - Just stood and looked on the patch wistfully„ Now I'm sure Joe'and Tea Fox don^t remember our regular peanut gatherjjigs, I certainJ.y do miss you boys and girls, and am hoping and praying that you wi.U soon be home again and we can all have one happy reunion. You are doing a great job of it. May Gcd continue to bless you. Your Pops of the Month D. A. Cline -K- 45- "I find the great thing in this v;orld is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are going,"