Ntei' -U-Ak t^alki'. Vi"' , / ' '" \ . ^ > «,*, ti;-, ,-,./ ;• .-?• .■ . •* V * I ^ ‘ 0 fHf VV/^X THETHuTH /iA;£).. ' Tli^UfE;f^O /v)f\hl cot^iEtn'utiTo ’;■ rHf 'FATHB^ pur. MF. ’’The Village Church 3iid Church Activities” ■: Carrie Lee Vfeaver 'riie seanon just recently observed comes ajmually to rem^jid us of the change from winters gloom to the renovDjig spirit of springe As spring brings to us t the assurance that the beauties of nature will come to vio’.; with the buddjjig and blooming of the trees and flowers thereby revealing the truth of a- nevmess v/ithin. so Easter gives to us the same assurance of a newness of life v;hich comes from within the hearts of mankind and with the' ^warmth of Gods love may be come sweet and beautiful^ Our nev/'quarters study at Sunday School began with a lesson on ’’The Word and the Faith”• The Woini •—ours to guide us, the Faith---ours to experience,. Gifts 4i)f God*fe love aiid care to all those who will accept them» The teachers of the smaller children have been prbmbt.-5jig their older pupils to other classes, Can*t you imc*.gine the reactions of those boys and girls as they expressed pride-in having reached higher plains of-recognition? (Just a ft3vr of those prompted: Dickie Falls, Barbara Car1>ery 'Steve Champion, Jolene Wallace, Elizabeth V/ease) 'Tlieir eyes sparkled, their shoulders were erect, -and their steps more sure •:lnd steady, , The hearts of the church foil: are saddened a- long with the family of Hal Vernon Buff at the news of his'deathj and we offer to the family our sympathy In his last letter to the ”Ho6ver Hail”, Vernon expressed his thanks for the little daily dovotiont .1 guide which he had received from the Sunday School* God is due all the praise for acccmplisliments in His name, and for His glory* As we think of the many ranks in'ivhich 6ne rna.y serve, we pray; ”Lead Kindly Light all men cyerj’v^hero by Thy* mighty hand. May we ever look to Thee fiN3m whence coiieth our help and our strength, , , i •«- •M- Scripture Text: St, John 3-36 SKY PILOT ^mOKETTE - By Rev, Durham V^hisnant . ' He that .believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, ^ . ,an4'he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, . r ' Mt the wrath of God abideth on him. Dear Boys: , ' ‘ ’ ^ . We like,to think of the ^odness and mercy and love of God, It is not pleasant to think df th6' wj^ath of Gode Nevertheless it is one of the attributes of God, He is equally balanced” in all of .his attributes and, that being so,'he can not be merci^ (Continue d on next page)