Mr, and-Mrs, £arl Wease of Lav/ndale announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, April.23rd. ■ Mrs, Wease; is the former Miss Mamie Luckadoo, 4!- • ’ r ■ ■ . • ' ■ . Mr, and .Mrs, Roy Gold of Lawndale, Route 2, announce the birth of a son, James Monroe, on Thursday, May 3rd, Mrs, Gold is the former MisS Mildred Lattimore, *. ;• Lieutenant Adam Hart and Mrs, Hart of Lavmdale annoiinde the birth of a daughter, Virginia Lee, oh Saturday, May 5th, Mrs, Hart, is the former Uiss Margaret Johnson of Californiai Lt, stationed in Italy, ■ , -it ■?£• .it , it it SOLDIER‘S lAMENT "GI" Williaa,- son of John Post, he,ad of the composing room of a publishing fim in Cincinnati, broke into.rhyme in a letter to his faMly from an Army cajnp, wrote: ’ , r' . "Sitting on my GI bed, my GI hat'upon ;ny head, my GI 'pant?, my GI shoes, every thing free, nothing to lose; GI razor,*.GI comb ~ but GI wish that I were home', They issue everything v/e need - paper to write oh, books to read, ■ They issue food to make us grow.- but GI want'.a long furlou^,. ' , "Everything free, nothi:ig to buy; your belt, your shirt,’ your GI tie; You eat your food from GI plate, and spend ^your funds at a GI rate, . Ifc>s GI this, and GI that GI-'haircut, GI hat. Everything is'Government issue - but GI ^ure would like to kiss From REiiD Magazine it it it you, . i LET US HEAR I?RCM YOU TODAYI iJ !;