"liother-in-law" they say, and yet, Somehow I simply can’t forget •IVras yriu viho watchod his baby vmys, Yiho tau{^t hini his ffrst hytm of prAise, Who •'E^iilefi on hiiA vjith 3.o'ving pride, I’l/hen fiy-st he toddled by your aide. And as I thjjik of this today -~- I thiiik that I'd much rathor say —»■ Just, MOTHER. *^other-in~lav;" but oh, * tv/as you, \7hp taught him to'be kind and true, Ti'Vh^n he was tired, alnotct asleep ’1?tvas to your arri.3 he used to creep- /^d vuh^n he scratched his.tiny Icfieo,' *l’w?3 ycu v;ho kissed it tenderly, ^aien ho ivas down, you cheered him too • •And 30, I’d rather speak of you — As, MOTIER "lIother-in~lav;" they say, and yet. Somehow I never shall forget Hoiv very much I ovro To ycu who taught hija how to grow,' You trained your son to look above. You made of him, the moji I love. And as I think of, tliaii today. It is with thankful hejrjrt I’ll say, (TUR MOTHER. ■it •Ji- •55- Tivo little colored boys were loitering on a comer when one asked the other "Hew old is yo"? t'Ah don’t know - Fo or Five." "Yo don’t kncfvv how old yo is?" "Nope," - ’ "Does'V/omen botha ya?" "Nope," - ' "Yo«s fo." _..j& •M- y 'j —I X ^ \ V 3 ^.1 /l.'i. A sentry challenged a soldier, Hie soldier ad mitted he didn‘*t know the password and the sentry replied, "Aint this a mess I We’ve both forgot it at tho same time,U ^ -it" Toddy Roosevelt, visited an Indian Chieftain who had six wives, Teddy suggested that he choose one and dis*- card the other five. After thou^tful consideration, the chieftain'agreed, on one condition, "You choose the one for me to keep ~ and then tell the other ifive," the chief said. V -Si- * * i HaV ABOUT WHITING US TODAY ( V /iw An Individr.alist,