L £ T 1 N 6 O A R O PROP V/ASrJ 'By Geo, H. Hart Dear Boys:- We are dedicating this issus of your magazine to your mothers as HER DAY came on the 13th, and we feel sure that nothing vie couZ.d cr have- done is anything like they deserve, as they are the very fin est people on earth, and v/e are all v;ell aware of that fact. Since ray last letter you boys have come through with a glorious victory, for v;hich we are most thankful and for which we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Wo realize that it was ' won by hard and'disagreeable work, blood and tears, and you boys have \\ W shown that you are really made of ft I / stuff which has made this nation famous and great. You have proven / / IJ I /j^^^selves and we are perfectly content to leave the running of this ■C2-'in your hands, v;hen you return, which we trust will be in the near future. This month v;e have endeavored to select pictures for the front and back covers which would be of interest to you, and vie hope you vail like them. We knovif that most of you are familiar with Palm Tree Church ?Jid know the folks xvho are sitting on the rail awaiting the v/histle call to start the second shift, Vfe ;vill continue to give you scenes of interest around the old home town, and hope you enjoy each and every issue. At last we are having some warn v/eather and the gardens are beginning to show up, but it has been a hard and discouraging task, and many have had to replant due•to the unseasonably cold weather we have had, but we trust that we are novi on our way, and can have lots ^d lots of vegetables during the summer, as all signs point to meat be ing scarce and we will have to livo on them, which is entirely satisfactory to us if you boys want or need it. Nothing is too good for the boys who have done the magnif icent job you have. Hie writer has been getting a lot of teasing lately on becoming a grandfather, as he now has a fine granddaughter, but he does not mind that, as he is mighty proud of her, and thinks she is about the finest he has ever seen. If you really wish to see a beautiful si^t call by our house v/hen you get homo. We continue to grind out wrapping twine, seine twine and other products for the ■ armed forces, and will continue to do so until given the signal to stop, V/e are very, very proud of the fact that no one stopped vrork when the wonderful ne;vs came about the surrender of the Geman army. Every one stuck to his or her machine as we felt that the war had not been won, and the boys in the Pacific still needed all the twine we could send them. We did stop for an hour in order that all might go to the church for a prayer and praise service. This service was most impressive, the church was full, and all joined in the prayers and praises for the victory. The Revs; Suttle and Iseley led the service, and their remarks vjere most appropriate and their prayers most timely. This happened all over this country, which shows that the people are well aware that a Divine power led you boys, and we must be thankful to Him for his goodness. The checker tournament staged here annually has been held, and Forrest Walker is the chanpion. There was much interest manifested, and the boys crowded around the players on the Hoover Rail watching each move with the greatest eagerness. It was a hard fought contest, . ' Wo continue to see very few of the boys in the services, but do enjoy having one call occasionally, and we trust that the day will soon come when vre will not be looking for uniforms, but will have our boys back with us to stay. Sincerely, Geo. H. Hart,