V/EDDJMG BELLS WARD ~ MORRISON Mr.'Addie Morrison announces tho marriage of his daughter, Corean to Dene Ward on January 6, 19U5* The young couple were'married by Probate Judge Roy Cobb in Gaffney, S, C» Mr, and Mrs, Ward are making their home with the bridefather for the present time, Dean is the son of Mr, and Mrs* Jake Ward, Both Corean and Dene are employed by the Cleveland Mill and Power Cc^pany, ^ HUMT - MORRISON Mr, and Mrs, Alf Morrison announce the marriage of their dau^ter, Mary Frances to Herman Hunt on June 13, 1945# The young couple were married by Probate Judge Roy Cobb in Gaffney, S, C, For the present, they will make*their home with the bride*s parents, Mr, Hunt has recently been discharged from the Army, after serving 42 months overseas in the Pacific Area, He is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Jude Hunt, The Hoover Rail Staff joins j^ur many friends in wishing you all long ?nd happy lives. I ' RO>AOTIOM 'J Sgt, Odus D-, V/illiams, son of Mr, and Mrs, Lester V/illians has recently been prcmoted to that rank, Odus worked for Cleveland Mill & Power Company prior to his entering the armed services,' His home'is in the Belwood community* Congratulations, Sergeant, we*re proud of you. HOTOR^iBLE DISCHARC2S Coy Hunt, son of Mr, and Mrs, Jude Hunt received a Medical Discharge on January 21st after four years service in the Army Engineers'; He is now employed in Kings Mountain and is making his home there with his wife and tv/o children, ^ ^ ‘ -M- * ^ Herman Hunt, brother of the above mentioned Coy Hunt, also received his discharge from the Army on June 24th, Herman served forty-two months overseas. He has married since being home, see "Wedding Bells” for details of his marriage, Corp, Eliga Waters received'a discharge from the Army'on June 23rd, Eliga had been overseas for quite sometime, serving in Italy, France, Austria and Germany, He has gone to work now in the Dyehouso of Cleveland Mill & Power Company, He makes his homo here with his vvife and two young children, VfflLCOME HOME B0X5JH