jV. I \ i^y '■'v i4:>'.-« L- J rJ Dear Boys and Girls: ' i It is indeed , a. pleasure to bo asked to be Mother of the Month, We, back home, are happy to know the war has ended and you boys and girls will be coming homo soon. You know, wo have two sons, Ivo and Alston, in the Pacific who will bo coming home soon, wo hope, School will soon be closing for f'cotton-pickin" and lots of the school children will be helping their parents'on the farms. Guess the most .of you boys remember the "cotton-pickin" vacations too, as almost all Cleveland County children have at one time or another helped at this busy season. Also at this time of year .we begin to think of Fairs, with all their exhibits of fine home grown vegetables, etc., and of the gay midway. Perhaps by this time next year, Dr, Dorton will be putting the final touches on the Cleveland County Fair and the great majority of you boys will be here to attend, (Xir earnest prayers are with each and’overyonoiof ypu^ • is never a day passes but what you all are constantly on our mind, ' i ■' ' .■! "■'I 1*11 say so long for now and hoping ^u all'will'be |»me by Christmas, Your Mother of the Month ^ Mrs. Margin Bridges HJZZ O’TOOIE SEZ- ■ ’ Renoribcr how wo used to sit around by the hour pjid gas about what wc were all of us ^^onna do, cofao Victory? ' ' V/oll, boys—THIS IS ITl'This is'tho.tirie wo'vo been waiting fori And I can’t think of a BETTER way of oxpreSSin’-our gratitude than by saying "Thank youi" with an EXTRA bond in’the Victory Loan, Drivel .■ J :'. : .J . ■