THE PIEDMONITOR July 1, 195Z Page 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Every now and then, it is important that we take stock of the situation so that we will have a better understanding of what we have accom plished, how we did it, and what we hope to accomplish in the future. This is important for each of us mdividually - as well as for Piedmont as a company. A lot of good things have come our way re cently - the most outstanding of which was the long term certificate renewal and the nice new routes awarded to us by the CAB, As you know, the Board in renewing our certificate lor seven years did something for us that they had previously refused to so for any other new airime As a result ol this, we have gotten in the lime light to some extent = and its no secret that we are considered the leader in our field. All of this IS wonderful and we all have a right to swell with pride in knowing that each of us has had an important part in making this outstand ing record Fundamentally, however, the best part of all this is the challenge and the oppor tunity It presents for all of us to accomplish even more than we have in the past. It is awfully important, however, that w'e re member that it doesn’t do anyone any good to “get out in front” if they don t have what it takes to stay there. You and 1 both know of many people or companies or even nations who have risen to a pinnacle of glory only to fade away to nothing. Did you ever stop to think why that happened? It was not because oi some outside force or other unavoidable circumstance - it was because they got SOFT, The record of their previous achievements went to their heads - they got complacent and soon began to rot. It’s happened to others - but we’re not going to let it happen to us are we? If for no other reason, we can’t afiord to relax too much now, because we are just get ting a good start. The hardest part of getting to the top of the ladder is getting through the mob at the bottom. We’ve gotten through the mob ~ but we’ve still got a wonderful challenge ahead. Yes, in looking back - Piedmont has covered a lot of ground particularly in the last four years Of course, the best part of that is the fact that this progress has made possible the very rapid progress of most of the individuals who make up Piedmont, Just take a look around-- you’ll see department heads who, not too many years ago, were line boys; you’ll see lots of senior mechanics and foremen who not long ago were junior mechanics; you’ll see many cap tains who were co-pilots two or three years ago; you’ll see several station managers who were agents; and so on That’s as it should be and it will always be a policy of the company to so reward the individual effort and initiative of those who make possible the growth of the company. To be absolutely certain that we don’t get soft, and that we take full advantage of the opportun ity ahead, we must have a clear understanding of how it is that we have managed to get where we are today- If there is any single answer 1 am convinced that it would be this - “The willingness of Piedmont employees to assume individual responsibility”. No one person has made this company what it is today. And, no one person will make it succeed or fail in the future. The envious position of each of us and our company is the result of this willingness to discharge these responsibilities as best we know how. Now all companies, strange as it may seem, don’t have a large group of people like that - and that’s the reason we see many of those companies fail and the jobs of the people in those companies fade away. Most of our folks, I believe, are the type who recognize their responsibility to their families, to their company and to their nation. They are