CHARLESTON . . . . . , Ruth Miller We greet you this month with the news that the Abshlres have a new baby and it's a sweet little girl. Brother Chuckie is real proud too. The daughter's name is Jennifer Louise. P. K, is sunning himself at the beach and plans to do plenty of fishing, we're told. Eddie and Carol Smoot have returned from Virginia and Myrtle Beach, both looking quite tan and rested I have just returned from MIA and let me tell you I really enjoyed myself. Stayed on the motel strip at the Last Frontier Motel - real plush and beautiful. There is planned entertainment each evening, food is good and even a playroom for the young members of the family is available. Rates are un usually low. Charleston stat ion has developed a bet among agents. Each agent on a shift will donate adollar the beginning of each month as a bet his shift will have less delays dur ing that month. At the end of the month the shift with the least delays will be the winners, and refunded their dollars. The other two shifts, the loosers, will plan a picnic for the winners. Not as simple as it sounds, but certainly makes everyone more (if possible) conscious of delays. CHARLOTTE . . . . . . Al Shulley We want toextendourwelcome to the new flight crews who are coming thru CLT and to assure them we wish to extend our co operation. To theoneswho are not coming thru CLT any more, we miss you. LYNCHBURG . . . . . . Martha Brown Welcome aboard, Jimmy Thompson! ( our new agent) Jimmy is from far off London - Kentucky, that is. Clyde Vaughan has been promoted to Lead Agent. Best of luck, Clyde! Lynchburg has a new Airport Manager, he is Robert Berry, a local city official. We are happy to announce that the new terminal building wil I be startedsoon. Now we will have to learn towalk on level land. Wonder how the fellows will get their daily exercise when those steps are gone? With vacations in full swing, George Gil bert spent a week at his home in Georgia.. Horace Goad is flitting from spot to spot, while back at the station . . Fran Dresser completing her plans for Nassau . .the rest of us are normal! We were happy to have Ken Ross and C. H. McCall come by, although, as usual, each had a very short visit. NORFOLK . . . tanks. Take-off and landing speed is approximately 25 knots and gas consumption is about two gallons per hour. Joe is in the market for a Volkswagen engine. Purser Barco recently purchased a fully equipped 15 foot runabout boat with a30 HP Elgin motor.. . . Harry O'Connor bought himself asailboat and already had a mishap. It seems that Harry wanted to go one way and the boat went the other-you guessed it, the last time we saw Harry he was swimming for shore,towing his boat behind. New officers for the Norfolk Aviation Club were elected with Art Whittaker on the Board of Directors, Charlie Cross the new President, Peggy Strong, third Vice-Pres ident, Reggie Powell, Treasurer, Martha Blair Secretary and Buddy Fleear, Seargent at-Arms. The Norfolk Aviation Club had a dance on June 25 at Baxter's Barn,however it was not a barn dance as a popular orchestra played some old favorites and everyone had a jol ly good time . Art Whittaker and his wife flew to San Francisco for the Lion's Club Convention during their vacation. Joyce Murphy enjoyed a wonderful vaca tion in Hickory. Buddy Fleear, the rebel, spent his vacation in Fort Dix, N. J. for the North-South Army maneuvers. After the Memorial Day parade. Buddy got a crew-cut and shaved his three inch beard and he doesn't look like the same person. Larry Redden and Reggie Powell fished at Naggs Head,N.C.for a few days. They caught 30 bluefish and an assortment of others. Peggy Strong and husband vaca tioned in Nassau. Bob Wylie and wife went to Hickory and Angie Bettes and husband went to Florida. Norfolk boarded approximately 1 , 77 5 passengers during the month of June, which was 225 short of our steak dinner. One of these months in the near future, we hope to hit that 2000 mark. The reason most women pay more attention to beauty than brains is that no matter how stupid a man may be, he is seldom blind. To be safe on the fourth,don't buy a fifth on the third. Well, we've done it again - had another record month in Charlotte. We enjoyed a greater boarding here than ever before in the history of our station . The work doesn't bother us when we break our own records. Pete Jones, Johnny Newell and George Bennett, along with all the CLT airline managers, recently rode Piedmont Airlines up to Tri-Cities for an interl ine fishing meeh- ing. All three of our men saidthefish were biting good but what bait was used they would not divulge. Incidentally, the menu showed no fresh fish. Captain Joe Mathias is busy working on his Bob McAlphin, our own softball slugger pew plywood airplane. It is the Druine belongs to an Eastern Airline team here In Turbulent,designed in France andpowered CLT-F. They have been undefeated and popular air-cooled Volkswagen auto are anticipating taking aplayingtour thru engine. It is a single seater, with a wing Florida to challange some of the teams at span of 21 feet and is 18 feet in length. It the different fields. grosses 600 pounds includingpilot and full - 2 -