PAGE SIX THE PIEDM^NITOR APRIL, 1966 PIEDMONT PRESS NOTES BALTIMORE — Reporter Howard Lewis: BAL had a record month with 1,465 passengers in March, and with the new schedule change in April we will finally get our fourth flight. We’ve been wanting it for the past four years, so we hope to make a new record high with this. Tom Tompson bought himself a new Corvette, and now he’s on a diet so he can get into it to drive. Seasick Sam put his boat into the water a couple of weeks ago and we’re still trying to find it, he forgot to tie a rope to it this year. We are going to have another fishing trip this year to Ocean City, Maryland. As soon as we set a date for the trip we will let you all know, in the event some of you might want to go along. Last year we brought back over 400 fish and it was good eating. It’s baseball time again so keep an eye on the BAL Orioles, we hope. NORFOLK — Reporter Cynthia Norton: Everyone is cordially invited to Norfolk’s Azalea Festival on April 23. Kari Borden, daughter of Norway’s Prime Minister, will be this year’s Azalea Queen with her court of NATO princesses. The Botanical Gardens are abloom with the flowers of springtime and really are lovely. Congratulations are in order for Don Holloman for the completion of his instrument and multi-engine ratings. Agent, Larry Redden, recently installed a larger and faster engine on his sport fishing boat. Looks like there’ll be plenty of fishing excursions for Piedmont personnel this summer. Captain Hank Holle- man is busy fixing his fishing boat up for the season ahead, also. An Easter bunny came to Bob Wylie’s house, and is expecting a litter of little bunnies — any number! At this writing, Porter Herb Baum’s wife is in the hospital expecting a bundle of joy any moment — We’ll be unable to tell you whether Herb will have a son or daughter until next time.^The news must go out on Flight 565! WASHINGTON — Reporter Ron Rush: We would like to welcome a few new employees to our PAI-DCA family, they are; Mary Ronca, Woody Nelson, Gil Mc- Cuen, Dave Cox and Tony Romanowski. Congrats are in order to Mark Cunningham upon his recent promo tion to Control Agent of our ticket counter. Dick Hup ley recently spent some time in New York visiting his Better-Half-To-Be... the big day comes about some time this fall... GOOD LUCK DICK! Austin Morrison finally let go of some of his rusty old money and bought a car (we thought it would never happen). He commenced to try to run the tires off the poor old thing by going to Tennessee and West Virginia on his holidays. NOTE; Could it be true that Pete Mattaliano is really going back to West Virginia to start a pizza joint? We wish a speedy recovery to Donna Brown who has been in the hospital for an operation. DCA seems to have a number of fishermen. However, the only thing that seems to ever be caught is a case. (No names mentioned but their initials are Glen Burton and Austin Morrison). As of April 16th, PAI- DCA will be moving their flight operations to the north end of the airport. We will then have 4 gate spaces instead of 1... things do get a little congested and hectic here at times. Some last minute news; Jim Lockamy has assumed a new position at DCA — that of sales rep. assisting our most able DSM, Bud Halsey. Jim Beck will be leaving soon for 2 weeks in Europe. TRI-CITIES — Reporter Ray Norris: The radio and TV stations keep saying it’s springtime. Some body should tell the sun about it. These frosty morn ings don’t seem like spring to us. People keep telling us it’s spring. The Batman saw a Robin the other day and now he too thinks it’s spring. Sluder’s hogs he bought from Hack Van Huss got mixed up somehow and now the litter he was expecting will not occur. It must be catching, of the high price of pork one. Even our most illustrious leader, Bill Cash, bought a little piggy. Actually the reason for Cash buying one was, he was starting to eat like one and he couldn’t swing his golf clubs quite as well with a little weight around the middle. Springtime is in our hearts though. Helen Hopson and her son visited Copenhagen and other parts of Europe on a short vacation. You will have to ask him why he went there. Gene Woods is contemplating on a new Piedmont uniform for the upcoming summer. Sure hope Charlie Morrison finds that exclusive fishing hole on Boone Lake. Charlie Johnson knows where it is but is playing shut-mouth. Donnie Hall just loves these Wednesday nights when every flight is full and all running late. Especially the ones that get in around one ayem. Heck, he volun teered to stay and work the last one. Gung Ho! Oh No! Just addle brained. It is gratifying to see all these people flying Piedmont. Shares of Piedmont at an all time high. Buying more aircraft. Keep working troops and maybe when Xmas rolls around and you get another raise it will help soothe those aching muscles. Turby has plenty of muscles, he can bowl 3 games just as easily as if he were 39. Gotta watch him though he’ll try to talk you out of picking up a spare. He’s a good sport though. He’ll buy the beer if he loses. And he did. Our mixed up basketball team scored a roaring victory over the able opponents of Southern Airways. Their good connections went down the drain when they met our fearless group. Let by the invincible Bob Shepherd and his herd of sheep. We posted a 72 to 32 victory. Shep, as he is called by his many friends and foes alike, led the pack with 40 points, (so he says). Almost forgot the sit-all-day people. Reserva tions. With the traffic the way it has been, these people don’t even take time out for lunch. They wake up in the middle of the night screaming, sorry sir or maam that that flight is waiting list or some such stuff as, are you sure you made a reservation, sir, I can’t seem to find your card. This is the exception rather than the rule though. Seriously though, these hardy souls with kinds words for everyone should be con gratulated on putting up with the many heavy load problems we have been having lately. We have ac quired 3 new agents by one means or another of late and they are namely; Buford Stone, Stan Bishop and Donnie Campbell. Good luck, boys. Man, with Easter vacation it has been one hectic month. The tower told one flight here, as he was taxiing out, he looked tail heavy. But I believe the flight was balanced properly. Remember now. Always smile ... and the world will wonder what you are up to. ROANOKE — Reporter Don Conner: With the coming of Spring, some of our personnel have taken to their sickbeds. J. W. Helms, Scott Thompson, and Ronine Price have been in the hospital for operations recently. Some people will go to any lengths to get in a little fishing. Our personal thanks to the CHO agents for keeping an eye on Ronnie for us while he was in the hospital there. ROA welcomes Jessee Cantline to reservations. He recently transferred to our fair city from JAMTO. Signs of prosperity are new automobiles for Donna Silcox and Don Conner. Donna’s new T-bird completely outshines Don’s new Dodge Coronet, but the menfolk never get to drive the good car anyway. Don’s daily transportation consists of a 1950 truck which sounds like a M404 with a rough engine. Paul Shively has developed a strange Chinese accent. An effect of his rice diet, we suppose. Roscoe Cromer brought in a string of bass the other day. We will still think he bought them at the market. At least we know that he’s enjoying his vacation. I wonder if LYH has read about the 490 passenger Boeing 747’s. With a fleet of those, when ROA closed, they would have a problem. One consolation tho, there’s only room on the ramp for one flight at a time. A special note to non-rev’s-if the first three month’s boardings are any indication of what is to come, you’ll have a problem getting thru ROA this summer. Let’s all work together for another great Piedmont year! SHENANDOAH — Reporter D. Pitcock: We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Don Monroe on his promotion to Lead Agent here at SHD. Chief Agent Jim Dallas is recovering and will be back at work soon. We would also like to welcome Richard Moore, Joe Grant and Dennis MiUer to our organiza tion. March was a record month for us with 2,048 passengers. We might have the oldest terminal build ing on the system. It was built in 1871. We were ready for business when the Wright Brothers made their first flight. Bob Young has joined the rebellion by buy ing a Dodge. Roger Greenlaw has moved up in the world. He bought a truck. This is a definite status symbol here in the valley. While we are on the subject of cars. Manager Tom Crouch had snow tires put on his Corvair. He couldn’t wait to see how they would do, then the snow hit. His car was covered and he still doesn’t know how they would really work. CINCINNATI — Reporter B. Gerhardt: Congratu lations are in order for A1 Annis and his new son. A1 spent his holidays substituting as a house maid while Mrs. Annis relaxed in the hospital. Speaking of holidays and vacations, everyone here is either waiting patiently (??) or trying to get back in the swing. Jim Vallilla is going to move out to the ticket counter and try his hand at handling our paying passengers. We will also have another ticket agent starting the first of May, Miss J. Gillespie. The weatherman has let us down. We thought we were going to have an early spring. But the last few weeks have been cold, with snow and all the winter trimmings. It’s been hard to swallow after one full week of 75-80 degree tempera tures and lots of sunshine. BLUEFIELD — Reporter John Lawrence: One hundred and twelve thousand pounds!! Gosh, that sounds like a big figtire — but it’s just the amount of cargo we boarded during March, plus 1,096 passen gers. Our goal at the beginning of the year was to board over 1,500 passengers and over 100,000 pounds of cargo in a one-month period. We really didn’t expect to acomplish this so early but we got busy and set another goal of 1,700 passengers and over 175,000 pounds of cargo. Sure is surprising the unused weight than can be filled with cargo on these Pacemakers,, despite our grand increase in business, and all with a very minimum of backlogs. Thanks to Charlie Fields and Conley Blevins at BKW who came over and work ed for us April 4th. This allowed everyone to attend our Incentive Dinner Party at the Red Carriage Supper Club. Our menu was a hearty smorgasbord which real ly his the spot. We were highly honored to have Mr. and Mrs. Turbiville in our midst for this occasion as well as Mr. Ed Best., Mr. Pete Jones and Mr. Tom Cowen. Summing this up — a great big THANKS to our company for such a fine gesture. Another high light of April was the Princeton Jaycee’s Bosses Night program. It seems Piedmont really stood out that night since Eddie was on the program and seated at the head table with his boss, Mr. Best. The during the program, our Joe Robertson received the “Outstanding Jaycee of the Year Award” — We’re quite proud, Joe. HOT SPRINGS — Reporter Sham Perry: BBBRR RRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr—BLAP! HOOOooooHUMMMMMMmmmmmm, o’ boy. Our alarm calendar must be fast, it can’t be gpring yet. Yawnnnnnnn stretch—moan—sigh—HOO HOO HOOO HUM. Han o’ man if our calendar is right, then the weatherman’s is definitely a month slow — here it is March in the middle of April. Wonder if the Easter Bunny had to borrow Santa’s Sleigh? HOOOoooooo— HUMMMMMmmmmm. (How is one supposed to dupli cate a yawn on paper?) HUUUMMMM. Where were we? O’ you don’t know either. Let’s start over. Hi! Maybe we should try writing this in June or November or never.) and this station is Hot Springs, Virginia — just a minute we’ll look up the three letteujJi code, let’s see, o’ heck. “Hey Jim, what’s the three^^ letter code for Hot Springs? No Virginia. You don’t know either ... YOU’RE A GREAT HELP.” Let’s see. (Boy, no wond^ we have so many lost bags, nobody knows who, much less where we are.) Now we’re cooking, hooo HOOOOOOOooo hum—darn it. A lot of things have happened since last fall — but we’ll just briefly touch upon the more recent ones. OH, ohhhooo! . Cut that out. Harry Gilpin has transferred to Camp Lejeune JAMTO. You know Harry was in the Air Force until someone finally realized they had no further need for barrage balloons. We hated to see Harry go — we’ve had to start using helium to inflate our weather balloons again. Bob Waugh is having trouble with the cabin pressurization of his jeep but so far he hasn’t had to resort to use of the emergency oxygen system. 0’ yes, we’ve started a “Toupee for Lyle Fund” — our everloving chief agent Lyle Cox will, of course, be the beneficiary. All contributions should be mailed to P. O. Box 41, Clifton Forge, Virginia. Any surplus monies will be transferred to the “SLP Needy Person Fund”. By the way the Jim mentioned earlier is James McDaniel — a fine fellow, but he almost had a disaster a little while ago. Jim was parking a 404 when sudden ly a little ole’ lady in a Tri Pacer cut in front of the Martin. Could have been terrible. HOoohHUUMMmm. There goes our yawner again. OOHHOOOOOoooo HOO HOO HUUMMMmmmmmm, gosh we’ve just got to start getting more sleep. A fellow can’t get settled until after New Year’s anymore ... If you’ll excuse us, we’ll just sorta doze back off for a littttooohhhh HOO HOO HUMMMmmmmmm—ZZZZZ ... AUGUSTA — Reporter “The Phantom”: Would you believe the Phantom has been tripping over golf balls this month, but the Masters has come and gone and everything is again peaceful; except for those ExSec nites. Only two of our people went to the Mas ters, but as reports have if from them, we can only surmise that this was one of the best tournaments yet. Dave Smith, our station manager, had his two brothers down for a visit during the Masters, one from Massachusetts, and the other from Charlotte. Both had a right good time and really enjoyed the fine southern hospitality. Van Berkman, our “avid angler”, has been trying to get a little fishing in on his days off — but has complained of never being able to make it. So, the Phantom put his eye on the matter and found out the real scoop and it seems his wife has put down her foot on such foolishness. Now Van devotes much of his hard earned time off in the yard. Well... happy green thumb, Van. A bunch of us ventured up to CAE a couple of weeks ago to watch the Kentucy- Duke game. The trip gave our manager and CAE’s manager a chance to hash out the latest PAI news, thought we’d never make it back to AGS in time to go to work the next day. Chuck Miller in finally settled into his new home and now we’re all just waiting for his house-warming party coming up shortly. Cody Reynolds and his Exployer Scout Squadron are going on a long trip soon, hope Cody doesn’t lose his compass. It took Jim McNeill to solve our new agents problem — “You just gotta watch that adding machine boy” he quipped last week. Well, we have a new car again in the family. Bill Calvert bought a 1966 Chevell^^, Malibu SS Convertible — 4 speed and all. Must be nici^^^ to be single and so rich, but enjoy it while you can Bill, your day is coming. Jack Cluck became the AGS station chess champ last week by soundly defeating one of our stronger players — congratulations go to Jack until next week. Jim Crank and his old time fishing friend, Arthur Sallies are going to North Georgia on their holidays for some trout fishing. Hope Jim brings back some real proof this time. Pete Jones, our Division Manager paid us a surprise visit last month and was in the best of health. We’re always so happy to see him and welcome him back anytime. MYRTLE BEACH — Reporter Frank Woodruff; MBC is still busy and looks like it has set in to be a good spring and Summer. We have already boarded 517 passengers this month through the 15th and that is just 27 less than we had for the whole month of April, 1965. We have had about a 75% increase every month this year. Seems our only trouble is getting reservations, which has been a real problem. It sure is going to be nice to have those non stop flights to ATL and to have 50 and 27 back for the summer. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with Tom Butters. Wish you all could have met him.

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