PISDLONT AIRLINES \Vxriston-Salem, Worth Carolina VJeekly Traffic Keir.orandiarR #3. July 23. 19ij.8 1. There has been soin.e confusion as to ho>j extra service charges should be made. TOienever charges are to be jiiade^ American Airlines DG6 flints, UAL Lainliner - 300 service, T'./A and EAL Const alia ti ons; issue our regul ar ticket for the regular fare then issue an exchange order for the addi tional charges. A revision vill be made to the Traffic Lanual in the very near future covering the above. 2. Again I vdsh to call your attention to the fact that the teletype circuit is still being used for urmecessarj’' messages, many of ■which should be in meriiorandum form and sent in GCi-AT. LET'5 CAREFUL. As all of you know, the teletype circuit is becoming very busy and at tirues it is difficult to get important messages on the circuit. By cut ting out all unnecessary traffic, you will find your work not only much easier but more efficient. Then too, you are much less likely to have your day spoiled by one or more other stations cutting in on you vjhile sending. Let us all try to reir,ember to be polite. 3. All of you remember the big days you had during the first "Seven Day Period" of this month. They were most gratifying. Congratulations to all of you. However, I would like to point out that during this last "Seven Day Period", (l5th through 21st), four stations exceeded that very fine record. Orchids to RDU, OilF, LKX, and GVG, I wish to add tliat GVG is getting up near the 200 psgrs. per week mark. Keep up the good work fellows and I knovj you will soon be putting on a thousand psgrs. per month and that is not "smaH business". For the first 21 days BliH and RIG are tied for the same number of psgrs, bdg. 7dth CLT and HDU in very close range ~— TRI is only two ahead of LEX Another surprise is that ROA has CHl'V by three. You fellows at ROA will have to keep stepping lively for the few remaining days of the month as CHliV is still going strong EiTO is ttiree up on kRH. Some of the marines must liave found out that we are operating out of E?.® AVL is picking up; they are iiovj tied with SDF. (I Imow you boys in 3D1' need an afternoon departure.) LYH is coming along very nicely and will do much better k.'hen the girls start returning to school. All of you reraember that Randolph-tacon and Siveet Briar are in the hills very near LIH DAN is no longer on the bottom GSO is leading INT —— 40 and 41 seem to be pulling GSO up vfith the big boys Now that the tobacco season is vjell nigh upon us, we can all watch for a big increase in and out of GSB Last but by no means least, SOP is still doing well and I am still unable to understand where all their psgrs. coriB from. LET US ALL BE MORE CONSIDERATE ON THE TELETYPE GIitGUIT LWG/ nga