PIEDMONT AIRLINES Winston-Salem, North Carolina TRAFFIC MEMORANDUM #22 January 3, 1949 GO^^ERM''rH;NT TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS - We have been advised by the Air Traffic Conference that the Government Transportation Office in Washington is quite upset because of the continued confusion resTilting from improper handling of Government Transoortation Requests., It seems that the main contributing factor is the fact that so many of the airline offices are failing to enter the ticket nuflibers on the TR'Sc I have checked with the Accounting Department^here and have been assured that- they are receiving very few from the field with this oinission; however, I did want to caution all concerned to be very careful in the handling of these requests. 2’ SCRATCH PADS - I realize that there are many times when it is most convenient to use message blanks, letterhead or any other expensive stationery to jot down notes such as reservation infonnationj plane contacts, etc. Fellows^ this type of note 'oaper is expensive and should not be used« It is just good business to keep an inexpensive pad of note paper handy. Let's do this and take care of all of our supplies. These wastes amount up over a period of time, 3, 1949 POCKET CALENDARS - A supply of Piedmont Airlines pocket calendars has been forwarded all stations for distribution to the general public. We want all of you to use them as they are intended. Give them out where you think they will do the most good. Please do not store them on a shelf and forget about themo Vife still have a limited supply of these calendars on hand that you may requisi tion as neededo I wish to point out that the cost per card to us is 5^o Let's use them-“but use them wisely, 4, TWA LIVE AIR FREIGHT - Tl^A has advised that the embargo placed on live freight recently has now been lifted and live air freight may now be carried on cargo aircraft only* 5* BATTERIES - In our last traffic memorandum, we requested all stations to have their batteries checked if they were having any difficulties, vie are still getting complaints from some stations by the flight crews that batteries in carts are not charged sufficiently to start engines. Please make it a "must" to check this item Immediately as outlined in Traffic Memorandum #21, Mrc Turbiville would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very happy New Year and to congratulate you on the splendid progress and the splendid record made by the ground personnel during the year of 1948, The cooperation shown during the past year has been most gratifying. LWGolsonsbbf cc; All Department Heads