PIEDMONT AIRLINES Wins'tori-Sa.leEij North Carolina TRAFFIC MB.^^QliANDUI4 NOo 44 JULY 14. 1950 lo THE DIFFEIiEMGE •" One of our stations receritly received a short letter from a passenger asking fcr a refimd on an 'uniised pcr-Gicn of a ticket and then added the follci'.rings "On this recent trip as on other trips on the Piedm.cnt and other air^ line? we have besn constantly rend.nded of the klndj ^romgt^ friendly and service we have received \fhile wi'-ih Piedmc;nt- as corapared with other air lines, While other airlines get you there they act as ttough it were a concession on their part to do so. Keep up the good work at Piediucnt.'' The underlined portion is the difference„ I hope we never cut“ grow it« 2. FLIGHT CAKC-EIL.dlON I!jVGLVIKG MILITARY GI^OU? dOVEJiKNTS - 0ns of the airlines has experienced a flight cancellation involving a ndlitary group routed by the Air Traffic Confererc-e Military B-oreau. Re-routing was necessary i.n ordei" to meet the designated time dead line, Other complications set in and .Jashington Military Headquarters began inquiring of AIC Military B'oreau as to the kdieraabouts of the group. The 3nreau wa.3 i^nablQ to give a satisfactory answer and the si^uation becarr.e quite ejnbarrassi;ag„ Therefore 5 the station manager of the station at which it DecaE© necessary to delay or re-route a iDdlitaiy gr'oaf. will be responsible for advising this office or INTD by TT of the irr©giilarity, This is a MST^ DONIT GET CAUGHT SHORTo 3o PRIORITY SYSTEM -As ad.vised by TT July Yj-'so far there has been no priority sys tem set up for PAI^ other than the ?ol““ lowing, 3hoiiId a Military Service or f-rganizati.on make a request for sauie^ asic oheHk to please refer their request to their UCA Headquarters, The Air Traffic Conference Military Bureau is on duty around the clock in the PENTAGCN» Sho'ald you have any unusiial request or sitm- tions that, cannot be handled in the above routine Tiannar^ discuss it v/itb. your Station ifenager and if he deems it ne-- cessar^^ he will contact this office or INTD. (Suggest you read Rule 13(a) and 14(A)(1) effective July 8)» 4o TURl'fER AIRLINES ~ Ed Allender and his boys teok over the ground handling of Turner Airlines two turn-around flights at 3DF on July lo From my findings the boys are doing a good job too. You fellows might take a look at THE LAKE CENTRAL ROUTE in the Guide Page 281 current issue. Know your product. 5“ CH'/J “ Negotiations are well along for AAL to handle our operation at CHW at the time tiie airlines move to the new terminal building„ A firm date for the move seems to be rather elusive« We started with July 15 “■ now it is some time between the 20th and August 1. Walt Ryczek and his beys are already earmarked for other stations as soon as they can get away. Last part added-to keep Mr. Turbiville from being flooded ;d.th requests from you station managers E M 2 1 S S A L E S - It seems that everyone along the line gets a bad case of jitters each time we have heavy book ings on a particular flight and in some cases are failing to cancel reservations even though there are definite indications t;bat there will be no-shows. We have d.iscussed this beforej but I want all of you to please check your passengers for definite^ whether the flight is running hea''..‘y or not^ raake it a practice, and when you find that a passenger is not 'goingj, ^ please cancel the space ini!nediately so tLat it can be used, ersellina or failing to cancel this space is criminal. It is definitely taking money away from your company. Let's put all our efforts into this busi“ ness of getting the in_formation correct the first time and be sure that your passengers understand the time, and date that his trip is to leave. LWGgza