Business Prospects - Good For Spring Dun and Bradstreet Indicate Increased Trade for Coming Season The Dun and Bradstreet weekly trade review said today that "all reports indicate retail buying in excess of the comparative period in 1933, while the majority reveal some gain over the previous week's good level. Installment sales have shown a decided increase, with in dications of a further extension of this method of buying." The review asserted that each succeeding week brings reports of fresh gains in one direction or an other, with prospects becoming more encouraging as the spring seasoti approaches. "Following devaluation of the dollar," continued the agency, "higher prices for many raw ma terials and manufactured products are imminent, but thus far pur cashing by consumers against ex pected advances has not reached a total of any consequence, as the covering of actual needs, any of which have been long deferred, ap pears to be the policy for the present. "Patronage of the leading de partment stores in urban centers reached the highest figures for the month, with the necessity of re plenishing meager supplies of win ter merchandise the chief urge to the larger expenditures. Sales ] with retailers thus far in February, are averaging from 20 to 60 per cent above the restricted totals of the same period in 1933, while some of the chain and mail order houses find that volume has been lifted as much as 50 per cent in many instances. "Many of the wholesale markets' now actually are booming under the stimulus of the numerous trade shows and special openings, whicn | have attracted buyers from beyond i the confines of their immediate territory. The large national and international wholesalers of dry goods report a more active dis tribution than at any time in three years at this period of the market ing season." GET $31,561 BENEFITS FOR REDUCING WHEAT Up to January 30, $31,561 had been paid to North Carolina farm ers for reducing their wheat crops last fall, Dean I. 0. Schaub, di rector of extension at State Col lege, announced today. This payment was part of the $43,716,794 paid to 519,644 farm ers in 35 States which participated in the wheat control program, Schaub said, according to informa tion from Washington. The payments are on the first installment of 20 cents a bushel on each grower's allotment. Another payment will be made at the rate of eight cents a bushel, less a small sum deducted to meet the expenses of administering the ad justment program. RFC has lent $600,000,000 to free deposits in closed banks. AMAZE A MINUTE SCIENTIFACTS -A- BY ARNOLD NUMMA FALLS, TMB CHANNEL IS to HARROW THAT TME SOKHWCE DUE TO TNC VOLUME OF WATER IS CON JY ||RP LINFIT **• E CEKTTA N2O F* 6l THAN THE COLLECTED CROOE OIL SEEPAGE ' " 1 W M BLANKETS WM6 IT AS A LINIMENT FOR I- T ■- - KHEUHATTSW. THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1934 EDGECOMBE TAX COLLECTOR GETS $74,633 IN JANUARY Tarboro, Feb. B.—John W. Mar tin, Edgecombe county tax collec tor, reported a collection of $74,- 633.44 in January, it was made known today. For the year of 1933, Mr. Mar tin turned in $73,227.20; from the tax levy of 1932 the sum of $304.52; from the 1931 levy the sum of $303.46; from the 1930 levy the sum of $884.21, and from the 1929 levy the sum of $114.44, making a total of $74,663.44 col lected during the month. i_o Site is Selected for Community Center in Nash Boddie's pond, six miles west of Nashville, has been selected as the site of the Nash County Com munity center to be constructed with CWA funds. - Construction of 3 buildings, damming a stream for swimming and clearing of land to build a play ground and an athletic field are planned in the project. The land was donated by G. M. Strickland. o DATE EXTENDED FOR UNEMPLOYED TO REGISTER Extension of the date for the unemployed to register at the local reemployment office until about February 12, was announced today by S. D. Bennett, director. While no "zero hour" has been established, Mr. Bennett said that he was expecting the date named to be announced as the final date for registration. The director explained that it will be necessary for all persons who registered prior to January 1, 1934, to register before their names can be placed on the active files in the re-employment office on North Washington street. o EXPENSES CUT Washington. Annual expendi tures by states and a local gov ernments have been cut one bil lion dollars below the peak, ac cording to a report of the Cham ber of Commerce of the United States. o FOIL DRESS PIRATES Paris.—To prevent pirates from stealing new fashion designs, | French designers are admitting ! only those with "buyers' passes" to their Spring fashion show. o Hershell Plott of Clay County, fed silage for the first time this winter, because he has a trench silo, and says his cattle are in ex cellent condition. ! Soviet bailoon sets altitude rec , ord of 67,585 feet. New "Knee-Action" Chevrolet Gives Passengers - Ride Like a Glide f' - . ... . .... • v "• • *' i Jj' * > In the design and development of the new 1934 Chevrolet, particular attention has been given to driver and passenger comfort, all annoying sensations of disagreeable sound and feeling having been eliminated. The upper photo shows the new Chevrolet coach with its long, sleek lines. Wind rush has been eliminated by the Fisher No Draft Ventilators and the new streamlined bodies. Chevrolet's "Knee-Action" wheels enjoy thi advantage of being The driver and passengers in the new 1934 Chevrolet get a ride like the glide of an airplane. One of the main factors in improving the riding qualities of the new car to such a great extent is the "Knee-Action"—or inde pendently sprung front wheels, to use the technical term. So much has been written about independent spring ing that the public has doubtless concluded that it is something too technical to understand. As a matter of fact, there is nothing complicated about either the principle involved or the construction of the system. Chevrolet's "Knee-Action" enjoys the advantage of being enclosed in a welded weathertight housing in which the entire spring mechanism and shock absorb ers ride up and down in a bath of oil. An automobile gives a perfect ride when both the front and rear springs have the same "frequency," or tension. Actually this has been impossible to carry out in the past because the front springs had to be over twice as "stiff" as the rear springs in order to liolJ the front axle, wheels and brakes in place. In independent RAILROADS SEE DAWN New York.—That 1933 was a turning point in Railroad history is indicated by an increase in net operating income which was 45.4 per cent better than n 1932. Total per cent better than in 1932. Total revenues, however, were about the same as in 1932. o WENT UP 13.67 MILES Moscow. —The three young Rus sian balloonists, who were killed in the stratosphere flight, reached a height of 72,178 feet, or 13.67 miles, before their fatal landing. o USE POISON ARROWS Nairobi, Africa.—One policeman was critically wounded when po licemen crashed with native out laws using poisoned arrows. The fight occurred in a deep forest and two natives were killed. o Soviet government planning a $51,500,000 medical centre. Nash Brick & Coal Company T. W. COLEMAN, Manager WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF ALL GRADES OF GOOD COAL WE HAVE A LARGE FLEET OF TRUCKS TO SERVE YOU PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY PhoneU s Your Order Phone 921 - 922 * completely enclosed in a weat hertight housing; the coil springs and shock absorbers ride in a bath of oil. William t. Holler, Chevrolet's general sales manager, is shown at the left holding a chart which shows the internal construction of the system. The radiator of the new car has added heautv through its graceful [ and sharply pointed design. Smartness has been the theme in | every line of this year's Chevrolet. springing, the wheels and spring mechanism are rigidly attached directly to the frame and there is no front axle. By relieving the front springs of the task of carrying wheels and axle, therefore, it became possible to make the front springs as "soft" as the rear springs. When the new Chevrolet strikes an irregularity in the road, both front and rear move up and down with the same frequency—there is no inclination on the part of the roar end of the car to leap into the air aAd throw the passengers forward and upward. Chevrolet's "Knee-Action" has additional advantages all contributing to a comfort in riding never before thought possible in a motor car. There is a decided improvement in handling, steering, safety at high speeds and tire economy. In design, the front spring is a neat, compact and efficient unit, as Mr. Holler points out in the above picture. The entire spring mechanism is attached rigidly to the frame. From this enclosed unit the wheels spring vertically at the ends of strong, steel horizontal arms. Of the 79$ cotton growers in Lee County, 526 have signed reduction contracts to date and 215 other growers who have very small acre ages have signed cards stating their willingness to cooperate,. o The last round-up of tobacco farmers in Caswell County shows that 96.5 per cent of the growers have signed reduction contracts. o o o LEGAL ADVERTISING | o —o NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, NASH COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust given by W. W. Avera and Mary W. Avera, his wife, to R. T. Fountain, Trustee, on February Ist, 1932, and record ed in book No. 363, patfe No. 343, Nash County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed as therein provided, the under signed will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on Saturday, March 17th, 1934, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock Noon, in front of the Plant- ers National Bank & Trust Com pany, corner of Sunset Avenue and Main streets, city of Rocky Mount, the following described real estate situate in the County and State aforesaid and bounded as follows: Lot lying «nd being in the City of Rocky Mount, adjoining the lot of W. H. Avera, deceased, and fronting on Church Street and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake Avera's corner; thence with his line S. 70 deg. E. 2.64 chains to Avera's cor ner; thence parallel with Church street 20 deg. W. 1.97 chains; thence N. 70 deg. W. 2.54 chains with Church street N. 20 deg. E.' 1.97 chains to the beginning, con taining 1-2 acre, and being the land conveyed to H. D. Avera and wife, Mary T. Avera, by deed recorded in book 28, page 255, Nash County Registry, and was conveyed to W. W. Avera, by the Rocky Mount Savings and Trust Company by deed recorded in book 322, page 325, Nash County Registery. This description is taken from deed T. P. Braswell and wife to H. D. Avera and wife, Mary T. Avera, recorded in book 38, page 255, Nash County Registry. The above property is free and clear of encumbrances except deed of trust recorded in book No. 340, page No. 268, securing $5,500 to the New Home Building and Loan Association, executed to R. T. Fountain, Trustee, recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Nash County. This the 13th day of February, 1934. R. T. FOUNTAIN, Trustee. Ben E. Fountain, Attorney. (4t —Fls to M 9) STRENGTH - SECURITY - SERVICI ESTABLISHED MARCH, 1899 Resources Over WE SOLICIT YOUR BANKING BUSINESS ON OUR ABILITY TO SERVE YOU. ALL PHASES OF BANKING SERVICE The Planters National Ban And Trust Company ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. MEMBER UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE FUND. J. C. BRASWELL, President MILLARD F. JONES, Vice-PresU Cashier and Trust Officer NOTICE In the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, Edgecombe County. Emma Jordan Williams vs. Starley Williams The defendant Starley Williams will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Edge combe County, North Carolina, for the purpose of having the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the plaintiff and the de fendant dissolved and an absolute divorce granted to the plaintiff; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of said county in the courthouse in Tarboro, N. C., on the 7th day of March, 1934, and answer or demur to the complaint filed by the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein or in said complaint. This February 1, 1934. A. T. WALSTON, Clerk Superior Court Edgecombe County, North Carolina. J. L. Simmons, Attorney. (4t —F9 to M 2) NOTICE Under the powers contained jn a deed of trust given by Henry Roberts and wife, Polly Roberts, to J. P. Bunn, Trustee, recorded in Book 273, page 590, Edgecombe County Registry, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Peoples Bank and Trust Company corner, in the City of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on Saturday, March 3rd, 1934, at 12 o'clock M., the following de scribed property: Fronting 60 feet on Albemarle Avenue and running back 150 feet, lying between lots Nos. 67 and 83 and east of lot No. 74, the said premises being lot No. 75 of Block C. in the survey of the real estate of John H. Logan, Trustee, in and adjoining said town, which survey is recorded in Book 75, pages 570 and 571, Edgecombe County Regis try, to which reference is hereby made for further description and identification, and being the iden tical lot conveyed by Paul Gorham, Trustee, to Henry Roberts and wife, Polly Roberts, by deed re corded in Book 218, page 344, Edgecombe County Registry. This the 29th day of Jan., 1934. J. P. BUNN, Trustee. (4t—F-2 to F-23) NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, Edgecombe County. Uiyter and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust given by W. T. Rose and wife, Fannie E. Rose to R. T. Fountain, Trustee, on May Ist, 1932, and recorded in' book 306, page 357, Edgecombe County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, March 3rd. 1934 at or about the hour of twelve o'clock Noon, in front of the Daniel's Building, comer of Tar boro and Washington streets, city of Rocky Mount, the following de scribed real estate situate in the county and State aforesaid and bounded as follows:. Being located in the city of Rocky Mount. Beginning at a marked corner between lot No. 4 and the Norfolk & Carolina Rail road along Cokey road 65 ft. North of center of Norfolk & Carolina Railroad on said Cokey road; thence northerly along Cokey Road, 77.8 ft. to corner of Lot No. 3; thence along Cokey Road northerly 77.8 ft. to Planters Street; thence easterly 173.6 feet to corner of Lot No. 23; thence easterly along Planters street to West corner of lot No. 24; thence southerly along line of lots Nos. 23 and 24, 122.5 ft. to corner of Lots Nos. 23 and 24 with the right of way of the Norfolk & Carolina Railroad; thence westerly along the Norfolk & Carolina. Railroad right of way, 50 ft. to southeast corner of Lot No. 4; thence west erly along Norfolk & Carolina Railroad right of way 79 ft. to the beginning, intending to em brace and include lots Nog. 4, 3 and 23 in the plat of said Mill Plaza property of Dr. M. R. Bras well. recorded in Book 150, page 83, Edgecombe Registry, being the identical lots conveyed in the fol lowing deeds; Dr. M. R. Braswell and wife to Farmers Supply Com- pany Book 167, page 195, FH Supply Company to J. B. rH Book 190, page 361, J. B. RM Trustee, tjs R. E. C. E. HiMj&i, Trustees, page 46, 61 said Registry, deeds reference is made ther description and this day conveyed to the Thome and J. H. Lanier Whitehurst and C. E. tees, and others, and conveyed by J. J. Thome and J. H. Lanier and T. Rose by deed bearing 20, 1923, recorded in page 452, Edgecombe This the 29th day of R. T. FOUNTAIN, Tnfl BEN. E. FOUNTAIf® (4t—F-2 to F-23) NOTICE OF SALEH NORTH CAROLINA, ■ Edgecombe County. Under and by virtue power and authority that certain deed of by W. F. Parkerson Kathleen M. and N. S. wife Ruth D. to R. T. Trustee, on February and recorded in book 309, Edgecombe County Regis fault having been made in ment of the indebtedness secured &s therein undersigned will offer public auction to the der for cash on Saturday, March 3rd, at or about the hour of o'clock Noon, in front Daniel's Building, comer boro and Washington of Rocky Mount, the scribed real estate county and State bounded as follows: Being known as lot Block C, as shown on a the Hargrove Property, vey and map is recorded BH 128, page 491, Edgecombe Registry, to which, hereto made, being comer of Branch and pB Streets, said lot having ed to H. L. Bulluck in the of his grandfather, the uel Hargrove's estate, conveyed by H. L. Worsley by deed Book 156, page 344; and been conveyed to James ley by R. C. Worsley a interest by deed recorded No. 239, page 272, Ed«M Registry, the other interest by deed recorded No. 243, page 291. ■■ This the 29th day of J^H R. T. FOUNTAIN, Trfl BEN E. FOUNT (4t—F-2 to F-23) ■ v NOTICE OF ADMINISTH Having qualified as tor of -the estate of man, deceased, late of County, this is to notify Mj "sons holding claims estate to present them to H[ dersigned on or before 1935, or this notice will in bar of their recovery. HH sons indebted ,tp said make immediate the 26th day of January, IB GEORGE W. STRICKLiH ministrator of James ceased. w. s. WILKINSON, (6t—J-26 to M-2) NOTICE H In the Superior C^Bj NORTH CAROLINA, MB Edgecombe County. |H MAIE BELLE vs. HH ALBERT CLEVELAND [ The defendant, Albert i Wiggins, will take : action entitled as above : commenced in the i of Edgecombe County, i of the action on the . plaintiff being to obtain : defendant an absolute ; the bonds of matrimony i ground and for the ; are fully set out in the I complaint filed in this the said defendant is quirgd to appear before signed Clerk of the i of Edgecombe County, JB office, in Tarboro, North on the Ist day of March, answer' the said relief therein prayed granted. HI This 29th day of A. T. WALST« Clerk Superior (4t —F-2 to F-23) ■