The Rocky Mount Herald Pnblished Every Friday at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, by the Rocky Mount Herald Publishing Company. Publication Office Second Floor Daniels' Building. Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Carolina TED J. GREEN ....News Editor and Manager Subscription Rates: One Year, $1.00; 6 Months, 60c. Bate red as second-class matter January 19, 1934, at the post office at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates reasonable and furnished to prospective advertisers on request ~ Bible Thought But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and. easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in -peace of them that make peace. James IV 17-18. Mother's Da y The second Sunday in May is generally ob served as Mother's Day. It is generally recog nized as an occasion for formal expressions of tender regard that men and women every where hold for their mothers-. The people of this state will, as usual, take advantage of this day to remember those mothers who have departed and to give to those living some tangible evidence of filial appreciation. While mothers are supposed to take many things for granted, they should not be expected to assume always that their children are conscious of a debt that they owe. Surely, if any special day in the year de serves observation, it is Mother's Day, and we hope that every reader of this paper will participate in its observance this year. \ i COMMENTS OF THE PRESS L. I The State Laboratory Winston-Salem Journal. The report of Dr. J. M. Parrott, State health officer, as read before the North Car olina Medical Society at its Pinehurst con vention, explains that the State laboratory is gradually withdrawing from departments of service which compete with private enter prise where such enterprises can serve the public as economically. From here it would seem that Dr. Parratt might have used a better word than "can." It occurs that "will serve the public as economi cally," would be the more proper expression, if it is to be assumed that a private enter prise of similar size can make purchaser as cheaply as the State laboratory. But Dr. Parrott points out that until pri vate enterprises become more reasonable in their charges, the public still needs the labor tory, and this makes amends for the use of "can" in the preceding statement of the re port. "Thfe State Laboratory is a central unit of the public health work in North Carolina, and there will hardly come a time when its func tions will not be necessary. Not only does it "Serve as a control in the laboratory price field, but it performs distinctive services in the interest of public health which might fall snort of performance were they left to an indifferent public and to private enterprise. Therefore there is reason to hope that the ! of t. b .? laboratory will not | proceed far. _u _ . I Most blondes are willing to admit that the brunettes are unfortunate. Well, so far as we can see, China belongs to Japan and the United States is lucky to have any islands in the Pacific. LEGAL ADVERTISING | ♦ o NOTICE OK SALE OF HOUSE ANI) LOT By virtue of an order made by A. T. Walston, Clerk Superior Court of Edgecombe County, in that special proceedings entitled "Chas. C. Pierce, Ancillary Admin istrator, vs. Mrs. Cora Lee Butler, Luke J. Robinson and others," the undersigned commissioner will, on MONDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF JUNE, 1934, «.t 12 o'clock noon, before the court house door in the town of Tarboro, Edgecombe county, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following de scribed real e? ate and all improve ments thereon, to-wit: Situated in the town of Rocky Mount, Edge combe county, N. C.—Beginning at the southwest corner of Hendricks Street and Arlington Street, thence west along Hendricks street 150 feet to a stake; thence in a south erly direction, parallel with Arling ton street, 50 feet to a stake; thence in an easterly direction and parallel with Hendricks street, 150 feet to a stake in Arlington street; thence in a northerly direction along the west line of Arlington street, 50 feet to the beginning, and being lot No. 15 of the T. W. Coleman survey, and being the identical parcel of land conveyed by Robert Patterson and wife to E. E. Butler, by deed dated Oc tober 30, 1918 and recorded in Book 205, page 550, Registry of Edgecombe county. Reference to Honoring The Mothers Of America Williamston Enterprise. Since the establishment of the Postal Sys tem, United States postage stamps have borne the pictures of political dignitaries generally, or in some cases pictures pertain ing to important historical events. But never yet has an American postage stamp shown up to better advantage than the new 3-cent stamp released on May 4, "In memory and in honor of the Mothers of America"—showing the painting of a middle-aged woman which exemplifies that type of humanity next akin to God. It is an expression of the very es sence of modesty, love, and virtue, and plays the sweetest strains of the human heart. The picture is a partial reproduction of a painting by ames McNeill Whistler of his painting by James McNeil Whistler of his North Carolinian, born and reared in Bladen County. The original portrait was painted in Rus sia and is now in France. There is nothing new in man's love for his mother, but there is something new in na tions honoring motherhood by placing them ahead of their heroes of statesmanship and heroes of war. It is well that we take the attitude that when we honor mothers, we are rising above the elements and thoughts of our power and strength and choose to follow the principles of virtue and truth. Let us stand for our wo men, rather than for the principles of war and force which destroy their sons. Robert H. Wright Greenville News-Leader. In the passing of Dr. Robert H. Wright, Greenville shares the sympathy of the entire State and Nation. This pioneer was more than a "local school man." He had a universal vision of education in its various uplifting aspects. The darling of his heart was, of course, the East Carolina Teachers College, which he and we first knew as the East Carolina Teacher's Training School. He was its president from the first. He died in harness. Much of the credit for that institution's advancement can be attri buted to him, along with the late Governor Thomas J. Jarvis and others. But his heart was big enough to bestow love and affection on the educational endeavors and aspirations of men and women everywhere. His vision was broad enough to see beyond the bounda ries of his own immediate interests. That is what made him great. In his personal life, Dr. Wright was a just and upright man. His actions were prompted by the loftiest motives. None of his actions were tainted with selfishness. His character was rock-ribbed, his sympathies tender. Greenville has lost a stolid and useful citi zen, North Carolina a son of whom it may be justly proud and education a man whose ex ample may be followed with both safety and profit. It there is such a thing as equipping one's self in this world for the next—and we believe there is—then eternity has gained one who is fully prepared to continue his ex- I plorations into the infinite. The spiritual side | of the man was never eclipsed by the materi al things of this transitory life. >yjiat The Nation Needs The nation needs more women like Mrs. Dock McKee, who operates a filling station at Winfield, Texas. It could use some men of her courage. The other day, armed with a pistol, she rescued a kidnaped man who was a captive in the closed rear compartment of his own car. When the driver tried to swap a pistol for some gasoline and she heard a pounding in side the rumble seat compartment she open ed it up, releasing the captive. The man fled, as did two others standing nearby but onlv one got away. It's about time for the family to get the old man on the hot spot and make him talk "definitely" about the summer vacation plans. The world is filled with men who believe anything nice that is said about them. which is hereby made for further description. This sale is being made for the purpose of securing assets to pay debts of the estate of the late E. E. Butler. Said lot, in the town of Rocky Mount, is No. 902, Arling ton street, city number. This the 3rd day of May, 1934. CHAS. C. PIERCE, Commissioner. (4t-M4 to M 25) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION NORTH CAROLINA, NASH COUNTY. Notice is hereby given accord ing to law, that the undersigned has qualified as administrator of the estate of I'abitha Wells, Dec'd., and all persons owing the said es tate will make immediate settle ment, and all persons holding legal claims against said deceased will present same properly verified within one year from this day, or said claims will be barred. This April 2nd, 1934. NELSON N. HARRIS, Administrator. (6t-Al3 to M 18) NOTICE In the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Mattie E. Johnson vs. James Boyd Johnson The defendant, James Boy.l Johnson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has .been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe County, the purpose of the action, on the part of th 6 THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., FRID plaintiff, being to obtain from the defendant an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the ground and for the reasons that are fully set out in the plaintiff's complaint filed in this action, and the said defendant is hereby re quired to appear before the under signed Clerk of the Superior Court of Edgecombe County, at his office in Tarboro, North Carolina, on th»» Ist day of June, 1934, and answer the said complaint, or the relief therein prayed will he granted. This Ist dav of May, 1934. A; T. WALSTON, Clerk of the Superior Court. T. T. Thorne, Att'y. (4t-M4 to M 25) NOTICE OF CANDIDACY FOR HOUSE Subject to the action of the next Democratic primary, I here by announce my candidacy for member of House of Representa tives in the next legislature from Edgecombe county and will appre ciate the support of the citizens of said county. I am a farmer and also work for the railroad, and believe I understand the de sires and needs of the people of this county, and if elected I will strive to represent their will. W. L. THURSTON. National basketball body makes eight rule changes. Public Forum Support No Candidate That - Advocates The Sales Tax To the Editor: Dear Sir: I have never seen so many candidates. The country is full of them. One of them came very near to running into me dur ing the past week, in fact both of us were running. He was in such a hurry to speak to your humble ser vant that I thought that he had something for me, so I made for him. Well, after he had almost crushed the bones in my hand, he told me that he was out for Con gress from this district, and of course he asked me to support him. Now I'm not calling any name. I can only say that my friend was among the ugliest men in North Carolina, and I am leaving this matter with you to work out. Of course a fellow's looks is no reason why he should not make a good congressman, but of course our women folks rather vote for a good looking fellow like Harold D. Cool ey of Nashville. Now I must not forget our past legislators, espec ially the bunch that voted for this iniquitious sales tax. A 10 percent for the poor and a 3 per cent for the rich. Well let's see. The widows, orphans, poor white folks, and ne groes whose purchasing power is 10 cents. Mr. Maxwell says, a pen ny tax please. So when they do that ten times, they pay ten cents sales tax. Who gets that 7 cents blood money The merchant or the state of North Carolina. Never has a set of men in the good old state of North Carolina enacted such an unjust law was to Candidates' Cards ANNOUNCEMENT Subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, June 2, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Judge of Recorders Court of Nash County. I will ap preciate the support of the citizen ship of the county. J. W. GRISSOM. FOR THE LEGISLATURE To the Voters of Edgecombe Coun ty: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, in the Democratic Primary to be held in June. In announcing, I wish to thank the people of Edgecombe County for their support of me and co-operation in the past and assure you, that if I am elected, I will give the people of Edgecombe County and the State my best ser vice. Sincerely, •». W. W. EAGLES, FOR THE LEGISLATURE To the Voters of Nash County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, in the Democratic Primaries te be held in June. In announcing, I Wish to thank the people of Nash CoUnty for their support of me and co operation in the past and assure you, that if I am elected, I will give the people of Nash County and the State my best service. Sincerely, O. B. MOSS, Spring Hope, N. C. Oceans of hot water , In endless abundance, always ready, to come rushing and gushing, steaming hot, from every faucet—ah-h-h how smoothly you sail through the day! It means the difference between a long, I tiresome day, and a short, joyful one. It means that every cleaning task is done two to twenty times quicker. It means : 'i that every member of your family can have his full share of cleanliness, comfort, health and convenience, that conies from S&- jl j "made-to-measure" hot water service. W | !p| Install an automatic gas water heater—then open the faucet _3| .Juttl wide, with confidence. Hot water flows at once —to shorten the workday—to lengthen the play- w*"Tl iday —to make a pleasant voyage of •very homekeeping day. EASY MONTHLY Ask us about "Made-to- Measure" Hot Water Service ROCKY MOUNT PUBLIC UTILITIES 127 N. MAIN ST. TEL. NO. 1842 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. >AY, MAY 11, 1934. tax a man in his casket after death, or a poor widow to bury a father less child, for every item in the making is taxed by the state. There are million-heirs and mon ey in North Carolina and there is where the tax money should come from and not the widow and or phan. The corporations who are making 25 millions apiece for their children in a few years, and who have taken this away /rom the poorest class of people—the farm ers. They are the ones who should return part of these vast fortunes back to the state in the way of taxes. M. H. Jackson, Momeyer, N. C. o To the Editor: We notice in your paper that you' carry a column under the head of public forum and we would appre ciate your carrying this letter. The impression has gone out through the press that the people of Rocky Mount elected Judge Thomas because they were opposed to a Bill enacted by the last Legis lature giving them the right to elect the Recorder and Solicitor. This impression is wrong. All good Democrats are in favor of the peo ple having the privilege of electing their officials instead of delegat ing this authority to a few. There fore, the majority of the working people of the Nash County side of Rocky Mount are supporting Van S. Watson for re-election to the House of Representatives. A fur ther reason for supporting him is that he is a friend of the working NOTICE OF CANDIDACY FOR HOUSE Subject to the action of the next Democratic primary, I here by announce my candidacy for member of House of Representa tives in the next legislature from Edgecombe county and will appre ciate the support of the citizens of said county. ROSCOE GRIFFIN, Rocky Mount, N. C. J» *' * • • rTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT v | DANIEL'S, Inc. { | A SHOP OF INDIVIDUAL STYLE FOR WOMEN J % AND JUNIOR MISSES * I ❖ + i + 4 *f* 4 ! National Cot ! ! All Next Week I I i I Wear Cotton This ! ! Summer and Be j | Comfortable the | I S|l Hot Days ! f We are showing lOYeij' Cotton Dresses % JMBk for both Women Aim Children and they 1 'X are priced so reasonable you can buy | *• idrolPilffl Come and see them. We have J t them in all sizes and styles— * | I] y>sl.oo, $1.98 and up | * + *+++++++++++*+++*+++++*+*+++++++++++++++++++++++. i. people and of the farmers, one of the latter of which he is. R. A. Powers, Local No. 2, Shopmen's - Association, Rocky Mount, N. C. ' May 8, 1934. o "Spring" Spring is coming, spring is here It brings things closer that are so dear; It makes us sing and makes us dance It brings good cheer and makes romance. It gives the flowers and leaves And also brings the birds and bees. It gives us pep the whole day through It makes us happy and never blue; We should always love the spring For all the beautiful things it brings. "Fowler and Marshburn." NOTICE OF CANDIDACY Subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, I hereby an nounce my candidacy for re-elec tion to the House of Representa tives from Nash County. I thank my friends for their loyal support in the past and shall appreciate their support again. VAN S. WATSON. ♦♦HH* » » * ♦ * ************ CLEANING and DYING CLOTHES REPAIRED SUITS AND DRESSES PHONE 909 Progress Cleaners 163 S. WASHINGTON ST. LEVI POWELL, Mgr. ❖•M-H-++++++++++.J.+++++++* |W. D. JOYNER! $ "Sells Everything" i f Phone 178—203 S. Main St. I BATTLE & BARNES General Machinery and Automobile Repairs. Elec tric and Acetylene 'Welding. Lawn Mower Repairs. Portable Equipment for Outside Work. Phone 270. 1 235-239 S. Washington St. Used CAR Exchange 155 Washington Street See C. W. SHURBRIDGE or J. H. LUCAS for bar gains in good used cars. ■IIIIIWII I—l nil VISIT 808 MELLTON FOR BARBECUE SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF UNITED STATES PHONE 1481 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. W. M. HARDISON CHIROPODIST Located at 221 Tarboro St Thnr.-Fri.-Sat. Each Week Removes Corns, Bunions and Ingrowing Toenails Residence Phone 1126-J It Costs NO MORE EVERY LOAD INSURED CALL W. I. TANNER TRANSFER CO. PHONE 1731 325 GEORGE ST. J. E. W instead Blacksmith Wagons, Carts, Wheels REPAIRED "We repair everything for the farm." - 1101 COKEY RD. Next to Railroad Crossing DRY CLEANING IF ITS DRY CLEANING CAM* CASEY'S CLOTHES MADE TO _ MEASURE Phone 685 906 Falls Read Phone 1045 MODERN CLEANERS R. L. ALLSBROOK Suits and Dresses We Call for and Deliver. 206 IIILL STREET Rocky Mount, N. C. Meadow Brook Dairy PHONE 137-J GRADE A CREAM AND MILK from our tested Guernsey and Jersey Herd. Straughan Radio Service Expert service on battery or electric radios. Latest model test equipment. Member Radio Manufactur ers Service. Your guaran tee of satisfaction. Phone 1535-J. 540 Marigold St