PAGE TWO They're Not "Fair Weather" Friends, Either After "watching the clouds roll by" for fifty years, Dr. Charles F. Marvin, seventy-six, has completed his eerm of service with the United States weather bureau and gone into retirement. At the farewell party given in his honor by his fellow workers, he Is shown congratulating Miss Annie Relle, most recent member to join the bureau. Putting Uncle Sam's Brands on Drouth Cattle A federal worker with a brush and paint is putting a few daubs on Bossie's coat to show that she has been purchased by Uncle Sam. Other cattle bought in the drouth area in Kansas are near-by waiting to be checked off and marked. New Destroyer Is Launched f "SS? \ V % / n> - | " The Macdonough, new $3,500,000 destroyer named In honor of Com modore Macdonough, victorious leader of the American squadron that fought the British off Cumberland Head, Lake Champlain, In 1814, Just after she was launched at the Charlestown navy yard, Boston. Adolph Menjou and His New Wife JBU ~ fin Adolph Menjou, film star, and Verree Teasdale, actress, were married in Los Angeles by Judge James H. Pope. Menjou was recently divorced by Kathryn Carver. Treadmills Still in U*e Treadmills operated by horses, oxen and other animals are in use In many countries. In the United States such mills ar used compara tively little, but In some sections of the South, treadmill power Is used for simple power production. In Cuba treadmills are still used for grinding sugar cane. All through the Orient they are used for rais ing water, for gristmills and sim ilar uses. Bird That Dodgei Bullet* One of the most common of local aquatic birds is the grebe, often called hell-diver. There Is hardly an inland lake in the state that doesn't harbor at least one family of grebes during the summer sea son, writes a correspondent in the Detroit News. This is the bird that is able to dod?e bullets it it hap pens to be watching the hunter, and for speed and quickness in diving it Is in a class of its own. THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA SHOWS HIS SOUVENIRS H m JH B| w.M Mv-'WBK, ■ Midshipman Edwin Denby got home to Annapolis, with 800 or so of his buddies, from a summer cruise In European waters, and he is seen here showing his mother, Mrs. Edwin Denby, some of the sou venirs he picked tip on the trip. Middy Denby's father was once sec retary of the navy. BOOTLEGGERS' FOE Ji Hht JHU A. J. Mellott of Kansas City, Kan. who is heading the new drive launched from Washington to elim inate the illicit liquor industry ol the nation. He will be aided in his campaign against the bootleggei by a force of 3,298 officials and op eratives. Charity Dog to Retire Victor, the silky-haired retriever who trotted the platforms of Euston (England) station for six years col lecting funds for injured railway em ployees, is to retire on account ol age. In that time he has collect ed $13,000. He wore no collar oi chain, but carried a box Into whlcb coins were dropped, and he became so expert that he did not entei empty cars or compartments. Jack, nnother retriever, is in training to take Victor's place. Scenes and Persons in the Current News I—William1 —William G. H. Finch of New York, appointed assistant chief engineer of the federal communications commission with supervision over the telephone section. 2—MaJ. Angel Echeverrla (left) and Capt Augustin Erlce of the Cuban army hearing the death sentence pronounced on them for conspiracy to overthrow the government 3—Dorothy Thompson Lewis, wife of Sinclair Lewis, who was expelled from Germany. 4—View of one of the cell blocks in the Eastern State penitentiary of Pennsylvania after 200 convicts staged a riot. Carrying Home Their War Canoe After a Race fesfe %| V ;|M lcj|k jfiffinK . ft' A M a ■ 8 * laW>s2 JL ! Girls who took part In the annual water sports day at the Luther Gullck camp on Lake Sebago, South Casco, Maine, carrying home their war canoe. HEADS NAVY BOARD HE m ,jjK ; ; : > Wk IVHL - : j'Ti _ Rear Admiral Frank H. Clark, D. S. N., has been appointed chairman of the general board of the navy. He succeeds Rear Admiral Richard H. Leigh, U. S. N., who retires from active duty. Admiral Clark has been a member of the general board since June, 1033. SOLD TO WHITE SOX W- V "Bud" Hafey, star outfielder of the San Francises Missions, who has been sold to the Chicago White Sox. He will get his big chance next year. Ruins of Cuzco In Cuzco, Peru, once the metrop olis of the Incas, may be seen mas sive ruins on a par with those to be found in Egypt. When the city was captured by Pizarro Its' temples were marvels of magnificence. The Temple of the Sun was covered witth a roof of gold. The railroad to Cuzco skirts Lake Titicaca, an inland sea, 165 miles long, CO miles wide, and 12,500 nbove the level of the sea. The water never freezes, even when the temperature drops to 30 degrees, and steel knives thrown Into It do noi rust. Fisher Scholarship Winners : I m V ■jj i| PL .■»r" • lijflf |Efth MZL ' f% I A ~ H Dreams of a college education will come true for 24 boys from the United States and Canada as the result of the 1934 scholarship awards announced in Chicago at the fourth annual convention of the Fisher Body Craftsman's guild. The awards amount to $51,000 and were given as prizes to the boys building the most perfect model Napoleonic coaches In this year's contest. The four boys from the states who won $5,000 scholarships, shown above, are: I—Bartholomew Mandel of Detroit, Mich. 2 —Franklin S. Atwater of New Britain, Conn. 3—Robert H. Hellmann of Indianapolis. 4—Frank F. Hlnes of Blackvllle, W. Va. Planning the Textile Strike mBg&IIsE— William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor (cen ter), Thomas McMahon, president of the United Textile Workers of Amer ica (left), and Francis L. Gorman, first vice president of the Textile Workers' union, conferring In Washington on plans for the strike of the textile workers. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1934 Housewife's Idea Box Selection of Shortening Some care must be used in select ing the proper shortening for frying purposes. To fry properly, the short- ► enlng must be raised to a high temperature. Some fats smoke be fore they reach this temperature. These fats are not good. As soou as fat smokes it begins to change chemically and quickly becomes rancid. THE HOUSEWIFE. i © Public linger, Inc.—WNTJ Service. Girls Unite Enemy Tribe* Through the work of Girl Guides in Africa two native tribes, 180 miles apart, which have been enemies for centuries, have dechied to be friends. Each tribe has its Girl Guide com pany, and they decided this year to have a joint camp. The invitation was sent from tribe number one. The Guides of tribe number two re sponded and walked the entire 180 miles for a fortnight's fellowship. « The shyness of the first few hours was soon broken, as with their lead ers they Joined in preparing the common meal and helping the old people in the village. In doing their good deeds they soon became friends. Older members of the tribes liked the friendship idea and adopted it » J——— No More Freckles; Weather-Beaten Skin It is BO easy now to have a lovely skin of gatin-like texture; to have ~ smooth, white, flawless new beauty. Just begin tonight by using famous * -TtfH a Nadinola' Bleaching jk -—■»» Cream, tested and W trusted for over a Ejfl If generation. The min- F Ajff 0 ute you smooth it on, r4 s|H| (. Nadinola begins to r'k whiten, smooth and clear your skin. Tan 1 and freckles; muddy, | I sallow color vanish rj WU&gi ShBRI quickly. You feel its |afpH| . v tonic effect imme- yV 1 diately and almost jSri overnight you see nff beneficial results, ra- HHRHHBHBB diant new beauty in your complexion. No long waiting; no disappointments. Money back guarantee. Get a large box of Nadinola Bleaching Cream at your favorite toilet counter, or by mail, postpaid, only 60c. NADINOLA, Box 11. 'Paris, Tenn. Ambition's Spar Ambition is a longing that makes some men near great. DO YOD SUFFER FROM NEURITIS? • American and European Scien* tists Agree That Mineral Water Is Beneficial TRY THIS NATURAL WAY ' People spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year going to the great mineral water health resorts of Europe and America. Many of these people have to travel ' thousands of miles. Many of them were suffering untold pain from "rheumatic" aches, from arthritis, from neuritis, from gout. Others suffered from certain stomach ail ments or excess acid or sluggishness * or a general rundown condition. The scientific and medical records of Europe and America show that a very large percentage of these people S lined blessed relief and help by ese natural mineral water treat ments. Today, however, you do not have to travel long distances to partake of the healthful qualities of fine natural mineral water. You do not even have • to pay the excessive cost of having it shipped to you in quart or gallon con tainers. For Crazy Water Crystals bring to your own home the precious minerals of one of the world's fine mineral watert in crystal form at a great saving in expense. To Crazy Water Crystals absolute ly nothing is added. All you do is add Crazy Water Crystals to your drinking water and you have a great mineral water which has benefited millions. If you, or any of your friends, suf fer from "rheumatic" aches or pains we suggest you investigate Crazy Water Crystals at once. Just ask any of the millions of people who have given them a full and fair trial and . you will realize how beneficial they have been to so many sufferers. The standard size box costs only $1.50 and makes enough mineral water for several weeks treatment. Crazy Water Co., Mineral Wells, Texas. are for sale by dealers displaying the red and green Crazy Water Crystals sign. Get a box today.