FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 Bedtime Thornton W B msesajjs^ HANDSOME, HAPPY CHICOREE ((T*v ED you ever BeCV happier fel yJ low than my cousin, Chlco ree?" demanded Linnet the Purple Finch of Peter Rabbit, as they watched Chlcoree coming toward them. "TO venture to say that he, has been having such a good time that he hasn't even thought of build ing a nest, and here half the people in the Old Orchard have grown fam ilies. I've got a nest and eggs my self, but that madcap is just roam ing about having a good time. Isn't that so, Chlcoree?" "Isn't what so?" demanded Chico "Qulte True, but What of It?" Baid Chlcoree. ree, perching very near to where Linnet was sitting. "Isn't It true that you haven't even begun thinking about a nest?" demanded Linnet "Quite true, but what of It?" said Chlcoree. "There's time enough to think about nest-bullding and house hold cares later. Meanwhile Mrs. Goldfinch and I are making the most of this beautiful season to roam about and have a good time. For one thing, we like thistledown to line our nests, and there isn't any thistledown yet Then there Is * no sense in raising a family until there Is plenty of the right kind of food, and you know we Goldfinches live mostly on seed. Just as soon as the children are big enough to hunt their own food they need seeds, so there is no sense In trying to raise a family until they can find plenty of seeds when needed. How do you like my summer suit, Peter?" "It's beautiful," cried Peter. "That black cap certainly Is very smart and becoming." Chlcoree cocked his head on one side the better to show off that black cap. The rest of his head and his whole body were bright yellow. His wings were black with two white bars on each. His tall also was black with some white *— ' You Know" i That pie, according to recent report, is the supreme na tional dessert of America— with the apple predominant. It is estimated that the American people consume 1,500,000 pies a day. Q. by Modure Newspaper syndicate. WNU Service Kidnaped Pup Back, Ransom Paid MltS. FKANCKS KUDULNSK'X of Winthrop, Mass., shown with her pet terrier, "Kid Boots Ace," with whom she was reunited after she had paid ransom money to Chicago crooks who kidnaped the dog last February. Maybe "Kid Boots Ace" wasn't glad to be home again, too! on It In size he was a trifle smaller than Linnet and altogether one of the smartest dressed of all the little people who wear feathers. It was a joy just to look at him. If Peter had known anything about canaries, which of course he didn't, because canaries are always kept In cages, he would have understood how Chlcoree Is often called the Wild Canary. "I suppose," said Peter, "It sounds foolish of me to ask If you are a member of the same family as Lin net." "Very foolish, Peter, very fool ish," laughed Chlcoree. "We be long to the same family, and a mighty fine family It Is. Now I must go over to the Old Pasture to see how the thistles are coming on." Away he flew, calling "Chlc-o-ree, per-ehic-o-ree, chlc-o-ree!" As he flew he rose and fell In the air In much the same way Yellow-Wing the Flicker does. ffli T. W. BurKesa.—WNU Service. 1"H ROUGH a WOMAN'S EYES * NEWTON THE GOOD OLD DAYS «*TpHERE was once a time when 1 the sun used to shine brighter than it appears to do this latter half of the Nineteenth century; when the zest of life was certainly keen er; when tavern wines seemed to be delicious, and tavern dinners the perfection of cookery; when the perusal of novels was productive of immense delight, and the monthly advent of magazine day was hailed as an exciting holiday; when to know Thompson, who had written a mag azine article, was an honor and a privilege; and to see Brown, the au thor of the last romance, In the flesh, and actuuily walking In the park with his umbrella and Mrs. Brown, was an advent remarkable, and to the end of life to be perfect ly well remembered; when the women of this world were a thou sand times more beautiful than those of the present time; and those of the theaters especially so ravishing and angelic that to see them was to set the heart In motion, and to see them again was to struggle for half an hour previously at the door of the pit." That plaint about "the good old days" seemed too delightful not to lift bodily out of the Victorian novel where we found It! Note the complaint that wines are not what they used to be —the complaint dated a half century or so before Prohibition I And food and novels and women—and the sun I It did not shine so brightly It seems, seventy-five years ago, as In "the good old days" before thatl Sure enough—the ancient Greeks complained about "the good old days" and also about their prepos terous younger generation! So ap parently our modern existence Is not the oilly stepchild of the uni verse ! &. Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. nHIEook UNUSUAL DISHES WE ALL like to serve occasion ally something a bit different and out of the ordinary, but for the daily diet the common foods simply served we enjoy the best Golden Coconut Shortcake. Allow two slices of sponge cake THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA Baseball Is Revived at Its Birthplace for each serving. Prepare orange sauce by using one cupful of orange Juice thickened with corn starch, adding a bit of sugar and butter. Cover each slice of the cake with the sauce In sandwich fashion, cov er with thinly sliced oranges and top with freshly grated and sweet ened coconut Stuffed Tomato Salad. Scoop out the centers of six ripe even sized tomatoes. Chop the cen ters and add one cupful of cooked rice, one-half cupful of diced cel ery, four tablespoonfuls of cheese grated, one hard cooked egg, two tablespoonfuls of pimiento and one small onion, all minced; season with salt, a little lemon juice and any other desired seasoning. Fill the tomato cups and chill. Serve on lettuce with salad dressing. Pot of Gold Dessert. Mix one-half cupful of sugar with one-fourth cupful of cornstarch, add a bit of salt and a cupful of rich milk, one cupful of orange juice and when cooked until smooth and thick in a double boiler add two tablespoonfuls of butter and the well-beaten yolks of two eggs. Let cook until smooth. Serve molded in individual molds, with whipped cream. i Maple Junket. Dissolve one Junket tablet in a tablespoonful of cold water, add to a pint of lukewarm milk a little al mond flavoring and a half cupful of maple sirup. Serve with the top of the sherbet glasses sprinkled with grated maple sugar or sprinkled with finely shredded almonds. Western NewsD&Der Union. Question Box By ED WYNN The Perfect Fool Dear Mr. Wynn: 1 met a friend of mine today I haven't seen in years. He told me his father died on the "scaffold." He didn't seem ashamed to tell me about it, that's what got my goat. Can you account for a fellow who will go around and say a thing like that about his father, without blush ing? Sincerely, I. D. CLAIRE. Answer: Because your friend told you his father died on the "scaf fold" It doesn't necessarily mean he was hanged for murder. He might have been a bricklayer and, If so, probably fell. Dear Mr. Wynn: Do you believe in the old saying: "It's the deeds that count, not the words"? Tours truly, ROSIE CHEEKS. Answer: Not when I'm sending a telegram. Dear Mr. Wynn: I am secretary of a little social club. We needed some money, so we decided to raffle off a piano. We had 2,000 tickets printed to sell at a dollar apiece. A day after they were all sold, our club rooms caught GIRIIGGP JVvjjk "If we made a careful check," says putting Prudence, "probably we would find that golf has broken more hundreds than the would-be players have." 0. Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. Sometimes I Wake— By ANNE CAMPBELL SOMETIMES I wake and tremble in the dark, Thinking of you, across the miles of night lour lamp of life burns with a feeble spark. I do not know when on a winged flight Tou will be through with living's sweet delight But this I know: when In the dis tant blue, Your soul shines out, a new and lovely star, On such a night ns this my thoughts of you Will come and linger near you where you are. The light of your pure spirit will reach far. Just as it finds me now, to lay a hand Upon my consciousness with you apart; Speaking of love while midnight angels stand— Dark sentinels who, with their woe ful art, Lay bands of black foreboding on my heart Copyright.—WNU service. fire and the piano was burned to ashes. We are in .» quandary what to do. What can you suggest? Sincerely, C. SHARP. Answer: Very simple. Hold the raffle Just as you had Intended and Instead of finding out who won the piano, you'll find out who lost the piano. Dear Mr. Wynn: An uncle of mine told me his daughter, who is seven years of age, has a pet "clam" with which she plays. He even tried to make me believe that the "clam" would get In bed, at night and cuddle up along side of his daughter's neck and sleep. It sounds silly to me. Do you believe it? Sincerely, C. FOOD. Answer: Of course, I believe it. In the first place, the girl Is seven years of age. That means she is quite small, being small she must have a tiny neck. The reason the clam cuddles up by her neck Is very plain. It probably Is a "Little Neck Clam." Dear Mr. Wynn: 1 have not been well and don't feel strong enough to work. In fact, 1 haven't worked a day in the past six months. Can you advise me what to do that will make it pos sible for me to work? Sincerely, M. PLOYMEXT. Answer: Ginger ale Is very good for your strength, but you must take it right away. Go to any drug store and take six bottles of ginger They're Coming Home For Early Fall With a slight cowl at the throat, six gold buttons and a hammered gold belt this distinctive street frock of celanese jersey will be ideal for the first cool days of au tumn. WITTY KITTY By NINA WILCOX PUTNAM The girl chum says picking out her speed boat for next season was easy in comparison with the ordeal in store—picking out her first spring hat. WNU Servlca ale, run out of the place without paying for them and let a police man catch you. When the police man tells the judge that you took six bottles of ginger ale without paying for them, I guarantee that you will work hard, very hard, for the next six months. ©. the Associated Newspapers WNU Service. QJI Feu? Little SCORE ONE FOR KUBBY Young Wife (looking In the wln- Jow of a Jeweler's)— George I'd love that bracelet. The Husband—l can't afford to buy It for you, dear. "But If you could, you would, wouldn't you?" "I'm afraid not." "Why?" "It Isn't good enough, dear." "Oh, you darling." Overstudy "A man must be a student all his days to hold a position like yours." remarked the admiring constituent. "That is very true," answered Sena tor Sorghum, "and, like a student, 1 get so weary of hard lessons that 1 am going to organize a movement to Include a sports page In the Con gressional Record." Washington Star. Immune to 'Em Now "Your daughter Is very modern, isn't she?" remarked the visitor. "Yes," sighed the mother; "I have reached the point now where I doubt If I could even be shocked by a live wire, no matter > what the voltage was." Dining to Discord "Society," said Miss Cayenne, "re minds me of a minstrel show." "Where they say 'Gentlemen, be seated'?" "Yes. Only they say, 'Ladies, be seated.' And then the 'music' starts!" Hi* Idea Sunday School Teacher—Why was It that David said he would rather be a doorkeeper In the house of the Lord? Bright Boy—So he could go out side If he didn't like the sermon.— Pathfinder Magazine. THE BRUTE Mrs. Smith—My club has asked tis to take part in the pageant of the '6os that they're giving. Mr. Smith—What do they want us to do, impersonate the Civil war? Charity Begins at Home Newsboy—Sir, my beautiful sister Is dying of starvation. Will you buy the rest of my papers? Gent—No, but I'll take your sister out to dinner. Just a Vacuum Frosli (knocking at senior's door) —You told me to call you in time for your first class, but I didn't wake up myself. It's ten o'clock now, your class is over, and you can sleep as long as you want Even Up Dorothy—lt must be quite three years since I saw you last. I hardly knew you, you have aged so! Doreen,—Well, 1 wouldn't have known you either, except for that dress. Too Much to Expect Wife—Will you love me if I get fat? Husband—No. I promised for bet ter or worse—not thick or thin.— London Answers. Easily Satisfied "But I couldn't give you enough work to keep you occupied." "Missus, you'd be surprised wot a little It takes to keep me occu pied."—Sydney Bulletin. Why Not? Wifie—l can't afford an operation now. Hubby—No, you'll just have to talk about the old one for another year. EJMSSZ |^||K£| PAGE SEVEN For Morning or Afternoon Wear Pnttern 1795 Here's the latest In feminine chic for morning or afternoon wear. Ruf fles to accent the smart line of the yoke are irresistibly flattering, and the sleeves have puffed-up charm. A white yoke to top a sprightly silk or cotton print would be ever so lovely. The cost of pattern and fabric is so nominal that you could make this frock without Imposing on your bud« get. A perfect model, too, for the be ginner because of its utter simplicity —the front and back are without waistline seams and the yoke Is just sllpP | , JTwl /. V\T 1/ * \r-^\ cftcft 1795 • - v) no trouble at all to set in place. The sleeves may be omitted. Pattern 1705 is available in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 3>4 yards 36-inch fabric and five-eighth yard con trasting. Illustrated step-by-step sew ing instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly your name, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 243 West Seven teenth Street, New York. JUST PRACTICING "But I've been told that you have proposed to three other girls quite recently," said the maid. "Oh, mere rehearsals In view of proposing to you, dear," said the man. CROWDING HIM Customer —Are your eggs fresh?" Waiter—l don't know, sir. I've only been here a month, sir. Third Ingredient Prof. Albert Einstein gave recent ly what he considered the best for mula for success in life. I should say the formula Is a equals x plus y plus z, x being work and y being play." "And what is z?" inquired the In terviewer. "That," he answered, "is keeping your mouth shut." Who's Afraid? These cigars make me feel like the Three Little Pigs' straw house." "Wyzzo ?" "One puff and I'm all In."

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