FRIDAY, MARCH 26,1937 ' OF INTERES WOMEN CLUB NEWS IMr. and Mrs. Red Brown spent last week-end in Richmond, Virginia. ■i'jic Owens, who is a student at State College spent the week-end with his parents. Mra-ifenry Crawford has returned to the city after seven weeks visit 'in. Washington, D. C. Miss Virginia Pitt and Mrs. G. ►H. Daniel left last Sunday for a Havana to visit a mutual T frTend. The friends of Mrs. Charles W. i Harris will be sorry to learn that she is confined to her home with an attack of influenza. C The friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil li lium' Thorp will be glad to learn ■f 'flht their small son, Lawrence, is If after an attack of I] pneumonia. Miss Pat Jones was honored at v a delightful party given i>y Miss. Mattic Lee Atkinson and Miss Lou-i iso Jaekson, marking Miss Jones' sixteenth birthday. I') The many friends of Miss Gla ! ilvs Matthews will bo glnd to learn f that sho is reported to be recover } ing- nicely after an appendectomy : : X"ormed .at Park View hospital. ' Mrs. W. E. Renneker and daugn -1 ters, Elizabeth and Mary, were call *i«d to Kingstree, South Carolina 'flist Saturday on account of the Ijlfcath of Mrs. Renneker's brother, ffljtr. Dove. fJ»4'ho friends of Mrs. B. 11. Win- I stead will be happy to learn that |i her condition is reported to be improvement following in- Ifififiries sustained in an automobilo |||f£ident. She is a patient at Park I 111 Jew hospital. ff Xi A party made up of Mr. and »trs. Turner Bunn, Mrs. J. W. Wei - vfcer and Mrs. M. C. Bulluck- has p-jJAurned to the city after a tour of Charleston and other gardens in 1 South Carolina. Misses Margaret Lawrence, Susie Rankin Fountain, Mary Ruth Moore, nnd Willie Lee Clark have arriv ed from Peace College in Raleigh j the spring holidoys with respective families. I LEGGETTS | * The Leggett School entertained tho | Edgecombe School Masters Club evening at 7:30 o'clock at Wjyfr home of Mrs. T. F. Savage at pCTWbuffett supper. The young people met at the home ft uti'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harper I KiUnuay evening. Circle No. 1 met Monday after noon with Mrs. Sparks. Circle No. 2 met with Mrs. Perry S Weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lawrence, Sr. Ind daughter, spent Sunday, with (f'-Vf- and Mrs. Edd Lovelace at Crisp. L fWr. and Mrs. William Goodwyn 1 Jamesons were Rocky Mount visitors tffday. J 1 Mrß. I>ank Savage, Misses Ella \g Moore, Annette Darden, Jauet Eg ' gleston, Carrie Gaynor and Tucker Lynch spent Saturday in Rocky Mount. Little Freddie Fountain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Braeey Fountain en ' tertained about twenty of his friends ; Monday afternoon. >■ The Home Demonstration Club met Wednesday afternoon with a laijjfe attendance. Mrs. T. F. Sav > flffe und Mrs. Bruce Fountain were' > joint hostesses. It is learned with regret that Dur ' wood Parks is sii-k this week. I Mrs. Leon Fountain was a Tarboro visitor Saturday. I Mrs. Quick Gammon and Mrs. Theo .Fountain were Rocky Mount visitors jiSsit'urday. » Mrs. L. L. Parks and children of lTarboro visited friends here Tues- I fay. J 1 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fountuin (FIRST CHURCH OF i V, CHRIST SCIENTIST |£akday School 10: A. M. Sunday morning service 11 A. M Wednesday evening service 1:45 P. M. The reading room in the cnurch edifice is open daily execept Sun day and legal holidays, from three to five P. M ) dJ 11111 ll 111111111111111111111111111111111111 i r jsl DO YOU KNOW— | loin Old Mattress Can = E Be Made Like New For § jLI Small Proportion Of Or- = [ = iginal Cost? | SOUTHERN | 1 Co. | |! CALL PHONE 1712-W | Rocky Mount, N. C. § 'JI 1111111111 i l li 111111111111111111111111111 iT F§ RICHARD T. FOUNTAIN J | ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | T * I I General Practice in All J j! State and Federal | ' i| Courts 2 | Office, Daniel Bldff. 11 II ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. X PERSONALS of Tarboro spent Sunday with rela tives. Miss Watson, a trained nurse of Wilson, spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Jim Harper and Mrs. Eugene Allsbrook. We are glad to learn that E. J. Hurdle who ha 8 been sick, is able to be out again. Mrs. Bruce Fountain gave her son Bruce, Jr., a surprise birthday par ty Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. L. Parks of Tarboro gave a lovely party Tuesday evening. Those from here that attended this party were: Misses Kggleston, Lynch Moore, Darden, Gaynor, Marshburn, Walston, Winstead, Mesdaraes, Sam Bunting, Arthur Fountain, Braeey Fountain, William Goodwyn, Bruce Fountain, J. T. Lawrence, Jr., Phil lip Koonce, Eugene Allsbrook, Jim Harper, Lloyd Harrison, T. F. Sav age and Quick Gammon. Mr. and Mrs,.J. T. Lawrence, Jr. spent Sunday in Battleboro. the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Gorham. Mrs. Jim Harper entertained the Thursday Book Club Tuesday even ing at 6:30 at a lovely buffet sup per. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harper and sons were Hocky Mount visitors Saturday. Miss Margaret Lawrence of l'ence Junior College, Raleigh is spending the Easter holidays with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lawrence, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Goodwyn and sons spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Frank Eagles of Crisp. Clifton Evans of Greenville, was a guest of Charles Fountain for the week-end. Quite a number of young people from here attended the Y. P. C. Conference in Goldsboro, Saturday. R. T. Fountain and daughter Mar garet of Rocky Mount visited rel atives here Sunday afternoon. SPENT TEN BILLION According to reports to congress, the United States has in four years [spent ten billion dollars for relief and recovery. Slightly more than half of this stupendous sum has gone for direct amelioration of hu man misery, the other half, nearly five billions, has been spent in every thing from sanitary outhouses to the Golden Gate Bridge. Wendell has three valuable items in this list: I the Gymnasium, the Athletic Field, and several miles of splendid side walks. ! CAROLINA I PRODUCTS I i * | Our Bread is made from fine ingredients that guaran- + * tee fine flavor and the utmost in nutritive elements | X TRY A LOAF TODAY 1 I ! I DAY-LITE BAKING j I COMPANY | | 235 S. MAIN ST. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. | * ♦•J*■{••{•♦•J. - tv --------- m ------- . Vft I ■ ■ ■ ■ m is ■ ■: - . If H ; ■ I ■ 4 ■ I ■ 'I ■ | I ■ I ■HHB THE ROCKY MOUNT HERALD, ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA Scimitar and Song Edited By Lura Thomas McNair I sometimes wonder as I look away to the stars at night whether it will ever be my privilege as a disembod ied spirit to visit and explore. Sir John Lubbock Nothing was born, Nothing will die. All things will change.—Tennyson Personality is always and forever invisible . . . Man, because he is like God, is as unseen by mortal eyes as God Himself. Wm. Hanna Thompson. I have been reading so many great pilgrimages into the realms of immortality that I would make the column up of those quotations ex cept for the fact that I have been favored with such enticing Easter i poems. From Elizabeth Newman's charm-1 ing and delightful book GARDEN I RHYTHMS. This poem is rejirinted. Gethsemane'g Hosannag How the birds must have sung in the garden Round the Arimathaean's tomb. They had no need of an angel To reveal the vacant room. The birds, I think had kept vigil From darkness until dawn, They sensed a stir .in the branches Of olive and fig and thorn. Each stock and stone in the garden Was of his presence aware, Though men had deserted the Master, He lacked not worshipers there, . . . And from the same book— Madonna Lilies I saw them first at early dawn, A stately group in spotless white, In bold relief against the lawn Still dark with June's lush night. Chaste Priestesses of Purity, Jn morning's unpolluted hours They lifted chalices of gold In worship of the Lord of Flowers. The art work of this book was done by student's of Belhaven Col lege in which institution Miss "New man is a well beloved teacher . . . and speaks well for the college. These three from the deep well of reverence possessed by Minnie Curtis Waite— To Mary Of Bethany To her, assurance was most doubly sure That He she loved, had triumphed over death, Could bars against such strength as this endure Whose spoken word had given the lifeless, breathf She who had seen the dead arise be fore, For sight of pierced hands could feel no need He gave her brother to her arms once more For her, the Christ, the Lord, had risen indeed. Resurrection "And stooping and looking in, he seeth the linen clothes lying. . Robes of selfrighteousness of envy and of pride, And sin's that weigh us down and vex us sore, O help us Lord, to, cast them all aside, That w e may rise to nobler heights once morel O from the grave of self may we arise, Leaving our cast-off garments ly ing there, That we may mount unhindered to the skies, Clad in new vesture, radiant and fair! flteter The dreary, winter-time is o'er Our hearts closed .shutters open wide— New life, new hope, new joy onso more Come sweetly in at Easter tide! "Tig heaven itself that points out an hereafter And intimates eternity to man." The following lovely Easter poem, breathing the true message of the Easter season was written by Mrs. R. B. Whitley, of Wendell. Easter's Message The Easter season brings to us The story old, yet new, The message of the Christ who died, And bade us to be true. He said, "I live that you may live. 4* ? * To move out of town our big butter and egg payroll ;■' 1 man, would cost a family of five only 60 cents a day, !!| | or a total of eight thousand seven hundred and sixty ;!j * dollars in forty years. He is a loyal taxpayer—we are ;; j + keeping our store open till twelve o'clock at night sell- •' 2 ing Quinine, Calomel and Castor Oil, helping to raise 111 | • enough money to pay taxes ;; I MOORE'S | C.O.D. DRUG STORE |**+++ ++ * I J. ,f. ,!■ ,y $ , h fr **»* 4.* ,1. ,f. j, ,|, ,|, ,t, ,|, ,|, , t , %t ,,, 1%l h + # ,* Progress Cleaners DRY CLEANERS PRESSERS DYERS CALL US PHONE 909 213 N. East Main St. Douglas Bldg ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. I MO* l ** * CAROLINA Building Suppl) Co. LUMBER, PAINT, ROOFING BUILDING MATERIAL GLASS, COAL Rocky Mount, North Carolina +4 , +++++++++ , ! , +++++4 , + , s'+++++++ , s , +'s'++ , H'++++4"f , ++++4 , ++++ j| * ' | I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF MULES |; t FROM THE WEST 1 t I | These Mules are Well Built, Blocky, Good Hair, and | $ as Fine as Can be Bought || % | | Prices Reasonable, and will Compare with Any Dealer f[ I in Reasonableness || j GUS Z. LANCASTER I I COKEY ROAD PHONE 1443 | Opposite Planters Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Plant X f I go that you may come. Thut where I am you find the way Safe to the Heavenly home." lie said, "Peace be unto you. Be not afraid; I send As my Father hath sent me Go ye unto the end." Were it not for a faith like this, This life would worthless be. It gives a radiance to each task, And sets the spirit free. With faith that dares to travel on The spirit soars ahead. Faith gives the victory over death— The way the Master led. —Mamie Harper Whitley (Contributions for this column should be sent to Mrs. Lura Thom as McNair, Jonesboro, N. C. Manu scripts not available for use will not b# returned unless postage is enclos ed.) Capacity Of Plant In Zebulon Doubled Recent additions doubling the floor space, and also doubling the capac ity of the plant have made the Home Fertilizer and Chemical Co. of Zebulon possessor of one of the most modern and efficient fertilizer fac tories in the state. This plant was moved from Bal timore about two years ago, where it had been in successful operation more than thirty years. W. I'. Cren shaw, of Baltimore, who has own ed and operated the Homo com pany for nearly all of its thirty years of existence, came to Zebulon as largest stock holder and nnnager of the plant. He is president of the corporation. Mr. Crenshaw, who now lives in Raleigh, has the reputation of being one of the best-posted and experienc ed practical fertilizer manufacturers in America. He now has a plant |nt Zebulun capable of turning out two hundred tons aday, and easily capable of turning out fifteen thous and tons in a season. Improvements in the plant have been almost continuous since its re- j moval to Zebulon, and even now a 1 nitrate of soda house is being added . to the buildings. All the buildings are of fire-proof metal construction, anchored with foundation bolts to concrete foundation falls, and roof ed with metal. With a long siding just back of the buildings for rail shipment, and a platform across the front for truck shipments, the I plant is well suited as far as trans- i portation is concerned. o TELLS SITDOWNERS TO EXIT Sitdown strikers in the Chrysler plant in Detroit were ordered to leave the plant by Federal Judge Campbell. He fixed a penalty of $10,000,000 for failure to comply with the order to be levied 011 their I chattels and lands. "MY DIGESTION ROLLS RIGHT ALONG" -says Fred McDaniel, Cowboy ; j | "I SMOKE PLENTY of Camels, and f enjoy my meals," McDaniel says. Cam- I jdtigß %-f els at mealtime step up the flow of & B| digestive fluids—alkaline fluids—that f help >Oll enjoy a sense of well-being, , ** LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH BURT SEED OATS, FULGHUM OATS, LESPEDEZA, PASTURE MIX TURES, SEED POTATOES, GARDEN SEEDS, GARDEN PLOWS, FERTILIZERS, AND OTHER SUPPLIES. OUR PRICES PLEASE H. H. WEEKS SEED STORE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE—ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Southern Manor Week SOUTHERN MANOR PURE TOMATO CATSUP 11 M - bou,e 10c CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS, pound 18c SOUTHERN MANOR FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 cans 25f PILLSBURYS CAKE FLOUR, package 25c SOUTHERN MANOR TINY LIMA BEANS 2 cans 29c SALAD TREAT MAYONNAISE, pint 19c SOUTHERN MANOR FRESH PLUMS 2 25c N. B. C. CHOCOLATE POMS, pound 18c SOUTHERN MANOR FANCY SWEET GREEN PEAS 2 cans 29c PALMOLIVE SOAP, cake 5c SOUTHERN MANOR LONG SPEARS PINEAPPLE no2a " 17c I). P. BLEND COFFEE, pound 24c SOUTHERN MANOR GOLDEN BANTAM OR WHITE CORN "° 2 can 10c OUR PRIDE BREAD, large loaf 9c SOUTHERN MANOR PICNIC ASPARAGUS wv ' omc °"" 17c PAGE THREE Llr. F. E. Townsend, venerable and white haired California author ol the Townsend Plan, was convicted ot ■ contempt of the senate on March la, ! and received a jail sentence of j thirty days in addition to a fine of 1 SIOO. He posted bond and signified his desire to appeal. 0 o | LEGAL ADVERTISING | o a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Herman F. Blount, deceased, late of Edgecombe county, ! North Carolina, this is to notify all 1 persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, 011 or be fore the 23rd day of March, 1038, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will pleaso make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of March, 11)37. J. P. Bunn, Administrator of Her man F. Blount. (M2(i-A3O)