PAGE TWO The Rocky Mount Herald Published Every Friday at Rocky Mount, North Caro lina, by the Rocky Mount Herald Publishing Company I® J.'GREEN News Editor and Manager M. BULLUC'K Assistant Editor Batered as second-class matter January 19, 1934, at the post office at Rocky Mount, North Carolina under the Act of March 3, 1879 fcbscription Rates: One Year, $1.00; 6 Months, 60j Publication Office: Second Floor Daniels Building, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Advertising rateg reasonable, and furnished to jmis- pective advertisers on request ROBESON COUNTY CITIZEN UNION Smithfield Herald _ Interesting in the light of what has trans pired in political circles in Johnston county in the past two weeks, is a movement in Robeson County, the sole purpose of which is to fight all forms of political cor ruption. The author of the movement, W. K. Be thune, who set it up at his own expense explains the aim of the organization in the current issue of the "Robesonian," publish ed at Lumberton, Styled "Robeson County Citizen Union," the organization has more than a thousand members which have been drawn into it by special invitation. An ex cerpt from the by-laws expresses the es sence of its purpose as follows: "Each member of the organization pledg es his or her influence and energies to be used against any citizen of the community who works for money at the polls on pri mary day or in general election . . . Any member that accepts money for the sup port of any candidate shall be expelled from the Union. . . . No county office-hol der or candidate for any office in the gift of the county shall be eligible for member shp in the organization. . . . Any member that offers a voter money for his vote shall be expelled from the Union." The organization, according to Mr. Be thune, has accomplished more in the five months since it was formed than it hoped to do in two years. The very existence of such an organiza tion is proof that in other counties in the state besides Johnston there is a political condition that is deplored by citizens of character. Robeson citizens have chosen a political union as a medium of improving elections and government. Johnston citizens have merely chosen a more direct method to attain the same end. THE ENEMY NEVER SLEEPS Recently we saw an account of the death of a two year old child with typhoid fever. This is one disease that man has well nigh conquered. For many years now the deaths from typhoid have dwindled, but like any other scourge of the human race this enemy never sleeps, and if the people allow them selves to be lulled by a sense of security nto forgetting the precaution of regular vacci natons we may expect to see the death rate mount. Here again eternal vigilance is the price of safety. The enemy never sleeps. "JUST THROW UP YOUR HAND" The Gold Leaf Farmer, Wendell. Have just read what was to us a most interesting news-letter. The writer invites all of us to come down on what he calls their street. He says," If you don't care to stop, just throw up your hand—" Somehow that idea took possession of us. I wonder how many of us do that as we dash across the country from place to place. What a real gesture of friendliness and com radeship is this simple matter of throwing up your hand as you pass. We think we will throw up our hands more from now on, and we recommend this to all our readers. At heai*t we are all friendly, so let's let our friends know it. ■PSS ' T-TT- --r-T-n mrr ~T~" - -ni-1 | The PLANTERS NATIONAL f * 2 i ! i | * I | MAKES EVERY EFFORT TO SERVE YOU IN SUCH + | A SATISFACTORY MANNER THAT YOU WILL * * i I * NOT ONLY CONTINUE BANKING WITH THEM t I BUT WILL RECOMMEND THEIR SERVICE TO % YOUR FRIENDS. | J I The Planters National Bank j And Trust Company | j; MEMBERS: Federal Resecye System, % h Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | j DEVICE FOR DISTORTION The News and Observer A news report of prmary election irre gularities stated: "The most flagrant irre gularities disclosed by the probe were ille gally certified absentee ballots." The need for the abolition or reform of the absentee ballot in North Carolina is well known. It has been well known for a long time. But nothing effective has been done about it. And as it continues as a device for the dis tortion of the will of the people it some times appears that not only are there in~ Nisrth Carolina some who are willing to use the absentee balot to corrupt elections but that there are also men, more prominent and more powerful and presumably more in telligently interested in the welfare of the State, who are unwilling to remove a device which too often has been the tool of crooks. There is little basis for hope that petty pol iticians will not use the opportunity for cor ruption which has been disclosed in the use of absentee ballots in recent years in North Carolina if big politicians will not act to re move the danger which they know very well exists and from which it sometimes appears they are wiling to profit. Crookedness in elections takes place gen erally at the hands of little crooks in back rooms, but it generally takes place as a part of a system presided over by supposedly big men in legislative halls and government buildings. ELECTION LAW CHANGES NEEDED Scotland Neck Commonwealth Looking back on the primary, and after! reading reports from all sections of the state, we are. of the belief that an honest expression of the will of the people is mpos sible under the present election laws. Why should men and women of education need or desire for others to enter the vot ing booths with them to mark their ballots ? There is no excuse whatsoever for this. If a man or woman cannot read or write suf ficiently to mark a ballot then the presump tion certainly should be that that man or woman has no right voting—for in order to vote it is necessary to have a fair degree of familiarity wth reading and writing, and al so with interpretation of the Constitution. The whole procedure smacks of bought votes or votes cast under pressure for this or that candidate—and in either case no honest expression of the will of the people is possible. In Guilford county for several years, the former county chairman of elections, George C. Hampton, had in effect a ruling which required a man or woman desiring a mark er in the booth to state to the judge of elec tions whether or not he or she were able to read and write. If the voter could read and write, he was not allowed to have a marker, it being absolutely clear that the voter was able to mark the ticket without assistance. This rule would, if adopted as a statewide measure purify our elections to a certain extent. But, to the everlasting shame of the General Assembly, when an attempt was made to incorporate this and other reforms into the law, the measure was allowed to die in committee—although every honest-minded man and woman must admit that under our present system there is no such thing as free and untrammeled choice of public officials by the people. We once heard an old farmer say that if a man uses his head and works every day he can work he can make a fairly good crop every year. It seems now that this is going to be a poor crop year but those who work hardest and use the most intelligence will make the best crops—as usual. Of course there is such a thing as pure blind luck, but a very large percentage of the good things that are attributed to good luck are the result of some sound thinking and much intensive effort. VHK ROCKY MOUMT HERALD, KOOKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA -M* 4* *•>***•>* 4« S- * * +4. * * *4. * •%*.{. .j.4. 4. 4. 4.4.4. 4. .5. *4. RADIO SERVICE I | ■ ■ ii Repairs to | See and Hear Chevrolet's Out-Standing Auto Radios f * I * We Have a Nice Collection of Used Auto Radio Sets f + FROM $7.50 to $25.00 * + % I Bulluck Auto Sales Co. ! t CHURCH STREET ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. 2 t * * 4. PLUMBING I + + ! and ! HEATING I * | Make Your Home Up-to-Date With Running Water J * We Install Automatic Pumps For Farm Homes and * Stock. We Repair Pumps! J * * ? We Are Prepared to Give All Service in Plumbing and £ Heating. Call Us for Large or Small Jobs * * f 4. On Heating and Plumbing Contracts we are prepared * to extend credit as low as $5.00 a month with no down J ] | payment * | ! RUSS PLUMBING ! and HEATING GO. * £ * Successor to the late Howard C. Dixon * | Phone 1280-W 216 Hill Street f I ; I A 4* FULL LINE OF LIGHT WEIGHT SUMMER SUITS SEE OUR LINE BEFORE YOU BUY YOU NEVER P EGEMOR'S, Inc. 116 N. Main Street Rocky Mount, N. C PUBLIC OPINION ELECTION FRAUDS To the Editor: In the light of what has been disclosed in connec tion with alleged election frauds in Guilford and Johnston Counties, it is perfectly clear to everybody that some teeth with a genuine bite in them should be put into our elect tiou InNvs. If a few of the election thieves were to be sent to the State Penitentiary for terms of from 10 to 20 years at hard labor, I am sure the boys would think twice before they would attempt to steal an elec tion. iThe affair in Johnston County was particularly reprehensible, because, had an investigation not been insti tuted immediately and the swindle discovered, the candidate elected by the citizens of that county would have been defrauded of his seat in the State Senate. The investigation should go right on, and every per son, who had a hand in this very ap parent election steal should be indic ted, and, on conviction, to pri son, and not given any kind of sus pended sentence. There has been too much smoke in regard to election frauds in North i Carolina during the past decade for there not to have been some fire. There are thousands of good Demo crats in the State today who still doubt that the last gubernatorial race was on the up and up. Just because we are Democrats is no rea son why wo can't discuss these things right out in the open. The wicked absentee ballot vot ing law, a very fine tool for thiev ing politicians, should be repealed as soon as the Legislature convenes. Absentee votes figure in every inves tigation of election frauds. The law was enacted when thousands of North Carolina citizens were in training camps, or overseas during, the World War, and there is no longer need for such a law. Nobody our politicians perhaps do not know now wants the law except the mani pulators of elections. While some of that the war is over, that should be no reason why we should have a law that can bo used to advantage by election thieves. ROBIN O. KINO Raleigh. BETTER GRADING FOR COTTON' A modern, $20,000 cotton-classing building will be erected by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture immediately "to give the state bet ter grading services which will in evitably result in better prices for cotton," Commissioner of Agricul ture W. Kerr Scott announces. | The cotton-classing building, to be located in Raleigh, will be a part of the State Warehouse System of the Department of Agriculture. During the past year, the ware house division has classed approx imately 75,000 bales of cotton with out cost to the farmer and plans are now under way to increase the marketing services rendered the cot ton farmer. Effect of war on Japan's exports marked but not serious yet; imports dangerously low. George Wallis, farm superintend ent of the Biltmore Dairy Farms in Buncombe county, has planted 70 acres of Sudan grass at the rate of 30 pounds of seed an acre to pro vide summer grazing. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Snuday morning service 11 A. M. Wednesday evening service 7:45 P. M. The reading room in the cnurch edifice is open daily ezecept San day and legal holidays, from three W five P. M. QUALITY COAL COLONIAL ICE CO. PHONE 173 I We feature —The New invisible Half Soling. No Seam visible— We use factory methods of renew ing; yonr shoes LAMAC PROCESS USED No repaired look. Makes Shoe* like NEW H. H. LITTRELL & SON EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING V 141 S. Main St. Phone 845 Miss Edna Bobbins —— „ HILL - PROCTOR PRINT SHOP Commercial Printing of All Kiirtla 114 Washington St. Phone 39 Rocky Moant DR. R. L. SAVAGE Diseases EYE, EAR. NOSE AND TROAT GLASSES FITTED Office over Five Points Drug Store Rocky Mount, N. C. L. A. GRIMES PLUMBING - HEATING PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL REPAIR CALLS PHONE 1304-J 534 Marigold St. RQ£KT MOUNT, N. C. INSTANT HEAT t where you want it . . . with a PORTABLE HUMPHREY RADIANTFIRE For baby's bath for Grandma's nap for tht den, or basement or attic pleyroom banish d)iU( inrtently with the healthful sunlike r/*y» of a Port*bVv Humphrey Radiantfire. , VjL . , * It's e great little heater. Sturdy. String, "fly x light enough to be picked up and connected to any gas outlet. And a' good gas fitter can put connec tions where you want them with little trouble v Out on the sun porch it's as handy for the coJ evening as'en electric fan is for the hot one..' It a cold kitchen, connect it up to the oad of Hwi range manifold, set it on the floor, a boH \ or shelf out of the way, and the problem is solve^J And keeping warm isn't the half of It. A suppl of radiant infra-red heat to turn on whenevc there's an ache or pain to be soothed Is anothe valuable use for the Humphrey Porteble. The heater ts 21" high with a heavy drawr sheet steel bese 8" x 10". -Total weight only 14 lbs. It Is ecniipped for hose connection. By rl moving tho hose connection, it is reacly far sofly A pipe connection. Finish is walnut brown with plate J , I trimming to harmonixe with other home fujnishing4 I No. 14 Come in and see it on display. Portable Humphrey Radiantfire $8.50 Complete With T^e ' * 1 * Rocky Mounit Public Utilities 127 North Main Street ! PHONE 1842 i 4 i FRIDAY. JUNE 21 I I. T. VALteNTlflfe ATTORNEY- AT-LAW General Practice in Both gW« * and Federal Conrta NASHVILLE, N. C. ' j |l B. E FOUNTAIN ATTORNE-Y-AT-LvfW General Practice Office Daniel Bnltyiac NEWPORT SIGN COMPANK Out-Door Adv£tismg Jt WEIR ANDERSON WINDOW, And ALL KfflTW Of SIGNS - I RICHARD T. FOUNTAIN | ATTORNEY-AT-LAW + ,« * General Practice in AS % State and Federal f Courts J Office, Daniel Bldf. "J | ROCKY MOUNT, N. a J **** * * * * * * 'I !■ t 'H' «t 9** *i • | DO YOU KNOW— | = Your Old Mattress Can = E Be Made Like New Ifyr EE = Small Proportion Of Or- = iginal Cost? f E I SOUTHERN | | Mattress Co. I | CALL PHONE 1712-W | 5 Rocky Mount, N. C. I ?iiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiii"niiiiiiiininii|iir FRESH FISH | SPECIAL SKASOJN fot % Ocean Viey ! •| SPOTS"'!- ♦ Which We Receive Daily * % Call The t % BEAUFORT 2 And * * MOREHEAD | SEAFOOD. ! t Phones 1610-1836 | 157 Washington St. * I ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. |

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