Our Reporters Report ROCKY MT, NEWS: Rotarians elect Bob Madry of Chapel Hill G-overnor. of . the lS9'th District in two day conference^ Os^ie Harr is was sentenced to 6 months in Jail by Federal Court IbJ* violation of Gas Coupon regulations. Kay Kyeer fails to pass Physical for Army Ser vice. 68 local men receive graduation certificates as Auxilia.3:'y Police Each hpVe received a years training in modern police methods & proced ure, Rev. John‘Cobb'leaves city to become Chaplain at Blacksburg, Va. Jim Murphy wds elected president,Ed Cox Thorne, Vice-Pres. and Edgar Orr secretary of Rocky Mount student cjov. Assn. Ray Bandy was elected president & Bernard Taylor Secretary of the N. C. Junior Chamber of Co mmerce. Clyde R. Hoey will run against Bob Reynolds for Senate. G-regg Cherry & Ralph McDonald hpvo announced in Govornor*s Race. Count Fleet win^s; Kentucky Derby. Rocky Mount spends $5000 on improvingbus Staticn H, H. Strandberg olected N. Ct' Bldg. & Loan-Anns, ;Director. LEGGETT NEWS: T/Sgt. James Hai*per is back from Greenland where he has been stationed for the last 12 months,Sgt,Harper will report forvQffioor»s Training School" at Miami, Fla^ Lt. Charles Gorham has r>rrived safely in a foreign port. Due to rationing Leggett High School Juniors gave the Seniors a dancing and bingo party instead of the usual sumptuous banquet, 17 Seniors received diplomas with Con^ nie Draughn as Valdeictorian and Iris Kirkland Salutatorian, Comm.Kerr Scott gave the Commencement Address, pvt, David Hyde is now of Florida SPEED NEWS: Home on leave were Pvt, Raby G-rimes, Camp Barkeley, Texas, Pvt, Cliftoh-^Vick, Camp Lee Va, & Ht, V, Lee Parker, Westover Field, Mass, pvt, James M. Howell of Los Angeles, Cal was home for a few days & on his return was accompanied by his wife the former Dorothy Clark Lewis, Speed School closed April 23rd# TARBORO NEWS In May Town Elections Ernest M, Keene with 11^ votes defeated Mack Abrams. 110 votes & Russell Cra tch with 93 votes for Commissioner of the Sth Ward, Milton S, Brown running in the Jrd \TS:rdL In place of L.P. Hornthal was elected with no other oposition. Mayor Rawls Howard, unopposed was returned to office The County Commissioners prohibit sale of wines and beers from 11*30 Sat night to 7:00 A* M, Monday Morning, Edgecombe County A. B. C. Bd, Officers with aid of under cover men arrest following charged ^ with violation of Prohibition Law; Louise James,D* J, 0^’Neal, Paul Bulluck V^alter Walker, Robert Thomas, Barney Dew, John Mitchell & M«*s, Dan Whitehurst, . WHITAKERS- NEWS; Dr, Cice ro Denton & Miss Laura Strickland of Middle sex wore recently mnrried' by-'Re-v, A.M, Williams. The couple will make their home in Whitakers, Laura Moore' was recently married to John Robert Willis and for the. present will live in Xuma, Arizona, Bernard Ladd has been, inducted-into the Army, Those filing for Town Commissioners a^^e ElmervCutchin, A,G. Mayo, Sam Anderson,Bob Weaver & Ben Strickland; Billy Rosser has filed for Mayor, HART-MILL NEWS Miss Doris Carter & Joe Jones, USN were recenly married. Mr, & Mrs. Jim Lassiter & family have moved to Goldsboro to live, Lessie Bridgers who has been working w3th Sawyer arocery Co. is now with the A.C.L. RR Co. »Dicks« Carter has joined the navy & is at Bainbridge; Md, Home on Furlough were Sgt. Ben Morn ing, Floyd Norris, USN, Pvt. Paul Pull ey. Pvt. Raymond Baker, Wai'ren Howard is now with the Merchant Marines, Thurman Phelps, USN is now in the war Zone. MACCLESFIELD NEWS;Home on furlough were Sgt. Julius Oscar Webb, Pvt. Fred Bridgers, Jr., pvt,. Bennie Clark Phillips, Pvt. Jimmie Forbes & Pvt. .Willie Harrell, Robt. E. Webb is now a Sgt, Sgt. Julius Oscar Webb recently married a Texas Girl, Mr. & Mrs, J, pred Webb & Mrs. Fred Webb, Jr. have Just returned from G-eorgia where Lt. Fred Webb, Jr. is now stationed after returning from the War Zone. CONE TOE NEWSt Home on furlough were Pvt, Ch«^rles Everett, Sgt, Julian Barnhill, Pvt. Job Holland Jr. and Nathan Wor slcy, Jr. U,S,N. Mins Sallie Roberson recently was married to Clayton Davenport, Mrs* Mae Ruth Bryant recently visited her husband Pvt. A.J, Bryant Jr, who is in training-at Camp Breakenridge, Kentucky,