EDITOR; BILL BABCOCK BUS, MGR. BAIL HOLDERNESS ALICE EVANS LIB PORTER ARTISTS: COMTRIBUTINa .REPORTERS: Mrs, a, w* Peebles Mrs. John Varnell Mrs, Edgar Clark Mrs, J, A# Vlverette Mrs, J,T#Lawrence, Jr, Miss Mildred Worsley Mrs, S, B. Kittrell Miss Josle Howell Mrs, Joe Eagles' Mrs, G, Tuoker Mrs, S, B. Kittrell TYPISTS & WORKERS Mrs, Tom Collins, jr. Miss M^^y McDaniel Miss Mace Edmondson Miss Deo Doe Morris Miss Carrie L, Waters Mrs, Cameron V/ecks Miss M^ry M, Ausbon Mrs, Knox porter Miss Sallie Vick Miss Ellen Walston Miss Louise Lane Miss Brooks Pricc Mrs, W. C. Bogey Mrs, Nell Huggins Miss Frances St ell Miss Lorraine Edwards ASSEMBLY & MAILING A'gENTS THE ENTIRE TARBORO ROTARY CLUB Sk'/ Pilot's d o il N £ R BUT ONCE : I SHALL PASS THROUG-H THIS WORLD BUT ONCE any GOOD THEI^FORE THAT I CAN DO OR ANY KINDNESS THAT I CAN SHOW TO ANY HUMAN BEING LET ME DO IT NOW, LET ME NOT DEFER OR NEG-LECT IT, FOR I SHALL NOT PASS THIS WAY AGAIN "'A SOLDIER’S PRAYER In this war-turned world of strife ; • .and shame Alinighty God, you died for me. You stood'the anguish and the pain Teaph me my God so I might die for Thee, You bought new life upon this earth, Opened my eyes that I might see;. The man that sanctioned Hitler*s birth Does not belong with Christianity I Cannot help but hate the foe, And look to guidance from above. Although the one 1 hate I know Is Just as welcome to your Ibv.'e, * , When 6h the field of battle I too '• must go I want you at my humble side If you*re there you* re sure to' know Almighty God for you I died,• '^HE EDITOR*S CORNER In this corner we never tell anything that we read,,, only things we hear-,- Sometimes it is true and then again its rumor, ' But from non-official sources we learn that Lt. Geo,Pennington is now paling around with Don Ameche and Mrs. Don Ameche, Lt, Nelson Howard of North Africa, through tie address system of the HFN looked up Seaman TomHoard late of Tarboro but Tom was not where he should have been and so got 1^ hours of ex tra duty. Tom likes Boss Nelson despite the extra duty we quote:”Lt, Howard says we got the best base in Africa but then most everything Lt, Howard talks about is the best in the wo!rld, ■ Lt. Howard sure don't like Arabs. He says you can work *em in the dark better than in til? day cause when they stop, smellin they have done stopped work," Lt, Gene Simmons wants the Sheriff to send him'10 pks. of gum, a Lb, of candy and some smokes and will guarantee to carry the natives in the Next Election for Sheriff. The Sheriff',has agreed Cause there is no telling how many Arabs will come back' • with G-ene and be Citiz ens of Edgecombe”. A big shot (anyway he is a major) from out in the deipert of Califor nia wrote and asked ye editor if he could copy the stuff out of the HFN for his Camp Newspaper, He got a quick answer, of ”Yes” cause the Major didn^t know it but anything that’s worth copying in the H.F.N, was copied without permission from some other sheet. SEND SOME MORE PICTURES KEEP US INFORMED OF ADDRESS CHANGES.