January 20/ volume II -.Mssue 7 Edited & Circulated by The Tarborp North Carolina Rotary Club for the Edgecombe Servi'ce Men -n WORLD’S WIDEST CIRCULATED ■ p:WSPAPEH /' ' 1250 COPIES drink a toast, ito the widening l host . j/ji, Of Americans serving the nation - jytj To those millions of lads and their brothers and dads Who are saving our civilization. To the men. from the mills and the ■; farms and the hills ^ And the cities and'mountains and plains , % TO the workers and miners and air ^ plane designers And crews on the ships and the .' trains. Wherever they are be It near, be, it far, On the If^nd, in the air,, on the sea With a' stoutness of heart they are doing their part to keep this - the land of the free**^ so good luck and Gpd spet'^d them - mr>y nothing impede them. Nor- make them delay nor digress - May forty four find them with power behind, them o roll up a final success, ^ I i E ^ i i I E X ^ A E 19M1 •