i 1 EDITOR: GEO.. EARNHART MGR; DAIL HOLDERNESS ARTIST: ALICE EVANS CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS: Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs., Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs, G. W. Peebles John Varnell Edgar Clark J. A. Viverette J. T. Lawrence, P. F.Tucker Joe Eagles Mildred Worsley S. B. Kittrell" Josie Howell Josephine Daniels Dee Taylor J>r. TYPISTS & WORKERS Mrs. Tom Collins, Jr. Miss Mary McDaniel Miss Mace Edmondson Carrie Lee Walters Katherine Miller Mies Phoebe J. Harris Miss Eloise Owens Louise Lane Lucy G. Mills Beulah Hoard Virginia Hagans Lurline Harrell Delores Cobl) Josephine Arnold . Lewis Heilbroner Dene Creech Miss Sarah Jennings Miss Anne Lovelace Mrs. W. S. Babcock Miss Myrtle Prescott Mies Daisy Smith Miss Margaret Savage, Mies Elizabeth Ruffin Geo. Earnhart Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. Dave Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss ’Lightning" Loi CORNER CHRISTIAN FREEDOM By Rev. Robert Spencer Hough, Pastor Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church. The ideal for which ypii fight is Christian freedom, for yoursolf and for all people. The Atlantic Charter expresses the purpose for which we on gage in . war. VJe fight for freedom, not for territorial expa,nsion. You arc engaged in this struggle to make possible freedom for our nation Jesus had much to say about freedom He said, "If ye continue in my xrork, then are ye my disciples Indeed; and, ‘ ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John. 3:31-32). The condition upon which xve obtain Christian freedom is by continuing, in Jesus’s word, which means obeying Him If wp obey Him, wo are his disciples in fact and not' ji^st in name. By knowing His teachings xve com.e to knov; the truth about ourselves, about other people, and about God. This truth makes us free from prejudice and hate, and enables us to love God and love our fellowman. The truth of God will free us from bondage to evil and free us for service in Christ's kingdom. The man X'/ho fights with truth on his side fights a battle that/ must eventually end in victory God's truth will not be defeated. rniETHS "AGSifr^— THE ENTIRE TARBORO ROTARY CLUB EDITOR'S CORNER: V-DAY Glennis Weeks Sarah Heilbroner Mary Kinter Ausbon Bella Porter Margaret Edmondson Marcia Warren V/innifred Rosenbaum Mrs. Robert Wilson F. M. Carlisle Goo, Heath Lucille Henderson Mrs. Mary V. Barnett Vfc are positive that you that you xirill continue to lered "enough". As we go to press for the August is sue, indications are that unrest and dissention are flaring up both in Germany and Japan. As sure as the’ run rises in the East, right will prevail again throughout the world and the nations that perpetrate this terrible slaughter x^lll be called up for accounting. We all knox\r that the going is tough and will be tougher as the end nears for these tyrants. They are corner ed like so many rats and will fight to the death. But VICTORY is in sight and millions axmit the day and hour to- celebrate V (Victory) Day. will not falter at the finish and pour it to them until they have hol- We like the now historic reply by our comrade, Joe Stalin, v;hen asked as to who would dictate the peace terms, said, "Let the first ones to Berlin draft those terms". So, this issues part ing mesBage to each of you is to really keep the fan turned on and show those guys x-rhat cuper-men, our style, can do x^rhen the chips are down. Keep your heads down and God grant tho safe re turn of each of you.