; D jA.1 ^HAPL^INS I) I EDITOR: aSORGE■EARNH/^T MGR.: DAIL HOLDERNE*SS i^RTIST: ALIGE EVANS PHOTOGRAPHER: M.S.BROWN By Rev. J. W, Walkup, Paetor, Johnson Memorial Presbyterian Church CONTRIEUTING REPORTERS ' Cobb Memorial Freabyterian Church Mrs. Ct. ¥. Peebles Mrs, John Varnell Mrs. Ea.gar ClarX Mrs. J/ A, Viverette Mrs. i:\ F. Tucker Mrs. Joe Eagles Miss Mildred Worsley Mrs. S, B. Kitrell ' Miss Josie Howell Hiss Josephine Daniels Mrs. Dee Taylor TYPISTS & WORiCERS Miss Josephine Arno?>d Miss Mary Minter Ausbon Mrs, Viola Babcoek Miss Josephine Bailey Mrs. Mary V, Barnett ‘ Miss Edna Best Miss Delores Cobb Mrs. Tom Collins, Jr. Miss Mary Lib Eagles Mrs. George Earnhart 'Miss Mace Edmondson Mrs. Margaret Edmondson Miss Virginia Hagan Mrs. Lurline Harrell Miss Phoebe J, Harris George Heath Mrs. Biscoe Howell Sarah Heilbroner Lucille, Henderson Beulah Hoard Louise Lane “Lightning” Lee Anne Lovelace Mary McDaniel Katherine Miller For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that, he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. II Timothy 1:12. This, is pression lost all a man of _ had come a long way from being tor of Christians and became a a great assertion. It is an ex- from the heart of one who- had doubt and uncertainty. Paul was ^reat wo2?ds and noble deeds,-. He a persecu- TDreacher of righteousness. The trials he endured and perseci-itions he suffered make his state- menti all the more remarkable. He found the road to certainty and attained a per fect trust in God. How may we, find the true faith? Paul gives us the steps in.. the words above, "I believe, I committed, I know," ”I believed,” It is the simple||' truth of the Bible that we are saved byl^^ faith. To believe is to trust. As we' trust,Jesus Christ, we are led to commit our all unto him. To have saving faith is to believe on Jesus Christ so fully that we commit our lives, to him. ourselves our hopes Miss Miss Mrs, Miss Dave Miss Miss Mrs, Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss to him. Our souls, are' alike entrusted^ As we commit' our all unto.His care, we come to knowJIim, It is a' faith tiiat adventures that bring us to the know- led.ge of God, A faith that issues in. ob edience is ever on the roadway ./to . know-' ledge, Jesus said, ”If any man iswilling Mi s s Miss Miss Lucy G. Mills Bella Porter Eloise Owens Myrtle PresQOtt Elizabeth Ruffin Daisy Smith Lois Sowell MisS’Carrie Lee Walterj Miss Marcia Warren Marion Watt Glennis Weeks Marjorie Wilso] Mamie Lois Faijcette Estaline Page-^ Lila Mobley to do his will, he wonderful hoxf doubH warmth of an effort this world. Men have again that as th is walking, they able to say with your faith? , May svj-er, able unto him "I to know. ” . Itr-is away in the some good in over and over road that God and thus become Paul, “I know.” %at is you give the joyouS' an shall melts to, do found, y v;alk the meet him :y-.. am per|uaded that Jesus keep that which I have agains t Christ is"^’- committed Miss Mrs, Mrs. Miss Miss Mies Mrs, Alice Kent EDITOR’S CORI^ER: We are proud to give you' a nev7 super staff mem.ber, "G. I. Citizen;, No, 1”, Milton S. B’i^ot^. Listen fellows,'-' he has asked that he be permitted to fur nish you GIs with pictures for the K.F.N.'. Well,, you guys might looK around England,: France,\ Italy, or i^sia, but my chips.are \down th^ you will never discover the" near ^^qual ■ orxthis man ”Coca Cola” Brovxn, I l\ iave seen him' in action as a banker,a City . ^>tlommissioner, a suDporter of every ., kno\^^l sport unearthed around here, a • Merchants Association and'Chamber of Commerce Pre,Gi-:; , .. vO every worthy cause pronufced herer. :but .- I:. am yet to see any 'pne out-distance him, Milton Brown now..sees ■■ - ah ' opportunity to mak^ your task lighter, and if pictures will do ,. it',. bank on him. And 'frpo, THIS IS AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. I say, wherever you are, salute this'-vjaan Brown - he i{5 out there with you and has : been all the time, .■ ” ASSEMBLY & MILIlW A(^fiMS: THE ENTIR^l "^lOTARY "CLUB .' 2 jm