Frank Carlisle,, Willie Pox^^e.ll,Billy Marrow, ,and K. S, Brown brought in several good storeis used in this issue. . ■' We have ov-=:i‘*lool£ed ' inentioning' our ,excellent, friend^ •o-eorge Heath, as a helper on. liFH,- •This guy'Is a real artist -and is al^-^ays. glad to helD. out. Kor V'ould i-^e overlook i^rs. Mar.^aret Edmondson and ':er contribution in' the Service Wives Colu^'iin. Don’t you think it. rfood? VJo rlo- ■ ' ■ ' , Correct ion"' January Issue. The threeruni-'^ays at airport average ,3,6CC feet in length/ Also correction total'. assets of Edgecombe Bank ^2,.500,000,;00 instead of 62,500..00b ’ Boys if -you ever, ever really have any doubt' aoGut which bisa;.lt cornr)any tc 'paitronisemake it National B.iscuit;' Co. '’Crackers" Key- denreich, rational ?.e')rei-'9ntative here,, contributes ;five: bucks a- boui: • every, month. ’Tis acte such, as: these-that bring'you the' news. Rawls Howard tells us this one: A. dad'>:'.{iad' gone ‘off .to- war leaving a young .baby who• had been get ting most of his,,nin?sxng. j;‘‘rom his daddy, 'and '"dad-never vseemed to have trouble' getting .' the offs'orir g to si^en at nightHis, r.other was having ••.'a heck%of a'-yime. every .night, Bobshe called dM, wlio was at sea, .and’ .reauested-a ,Gab_lci re’ol^'y. KivS S'lraple cable recipe v/as, "Put ■ a cou-ile 'teas'-^oo'n's ;'of' gin in his night feeding'^*-; ■ v 'b 4nd of., the farmer, - w):o was .eaonomising by piittlng green -glasses' on' his- cow.: and feeding her sa.wdustAsked \3iOw, it'was working,,, out, he Te’olied: ’ •.'’It' vorkyd ■ f ine ’till she ud and died■ ''’.r.', 'V, . Mr. .MrsHenry/Webb, 'oarents of. Henry,' Bill- and •Corky, .write'.us fine letter from'.Newnort }•'ews home, and drob ,a.-cduple doll!'ars:\iin the enyfelope^ for^ the KFN,; Said t)iat \Lt. bob,ie. was.-'\.;Po!pt6mouth; hos")ital, with illnes'b conoractsd in S. Pacific; ,(Our prediction' the Webbs will ^one: day after ohe war, move - back home tqv Tarbdydy-^-fe hqpe .so;, at anv' rateb) ; _ ■ g; ■ . .. b ' g,' C-eo,: R'4 G-ammon and,Rebecca W. Bryant ..werb 'marvi.ed inWS.cot,Tand . Keck on . Jan;, loth'. ” Usheivs fwere 'S/S Junius /JCoonce, , J. Tb 'IjawbogC/e^g :Jr., of Leggett,^^^ best, /nan . SgtW \v7amnQn recently returned from'2/. moa. v ihbSgy^Dt,' ■•and-^ is. :now'stationed in ..Asheville.' ' Tha.nks, .’’Slim’’ ' Jb'Hnson;’-fob s^e^^ goodb'stbri’cs.,. • .j b^;.' . :SQ,DS.WRITi:]:: Franka .tank in 5^rmany,.-says'/'j.0ke;s .,b ■,•' ; ' in ,:"biFlb;gd:,..K.b/'Says., he. has been , in; tigHt,vplaqes'.:,Cnl, Mau:de'>.Lee Sykes seh.ds. "Re,treat .;tp';;v Ta,'os” Dai^er .from.,Camp/Camr^be 11 'Ky'^ b t/S' :John ' K. bArmstrohg^.now Ibdat^d- in. Hehdricks' '.'Field ,'''Sebring,;. :;Fia|; . ^Tb^piian:,Whitleyy . writes, from :B^rmi.:^a . .Rbck .-anifl^'^ r-send-s-ppi^any ;bap^3:''V^'''.'b'. ." ;■ ^b'' :b■ :.'-..: / b ■’ .bb''!^'"' b' ''*"b^.-bv-'-''''^ ,b- rov/]:r TALK* :DQrbthy. 3^.k8r.'' Lancaster; bngaged", toThoraae faloe " ' -b Jack eon, :^^.b^.;Lt.^;^^'^ STni'th.^^^jjend week R;ota.ry 'stages la'dies ni.ght, Jan;■ ;2-th. . Pbpf. C^Iteal of ^. C,T.’G,-.' :gue r-t;. s-oeaker;. .;Rotary Rab’^-j Brinso.n and’ Ausbon ^ featu.r2&,;:bro-~, . grain for: thfe;;iad.i'e's :and s'tunt s- by ■ Ro-ta.r^ians, Br,in.sob., Rab'y', Hc.ppTfell Hull' fountain'' ^ (’'le'o,.'..M'v)', '*Runt jFbUi^tain, Willia^^s, Joe Sagjles R‘i Eagle s,' Hprrie,b'Speir, S^ .'{Jrb);. • The humorous ' gobd. ' b.Carter.; Darrow-'. .led..the^ . einginfblra"t' ;;at and everybpdy: eri^y^d ,a_ .swell fried’ 'chibl^ebi, smoper. ■ yo^a • C-;Is don' t -.'. ,think. f.dr^".',,.4y^ .forgot you -during' ’th^| ,poc,as'ion't ■,trying ’to■ Keep; t'|ie .;.home- f ires; ■ 'burnirxg' while; you.'are 'awayv). Johnny .'A', •Ha^i'^ibbh; hew, town:' 'meter./ii’t^.adei’^v S; -.Cia2?k: ^ -SahS’'as; butcherBill /-pag^ i'goe^ withgCi^a^s; "‘Bjake,, ;:;(Cl.i‘d,ll^a 'Kach.^pSuri..:)-- a^ f;sale.£fean:;b/Mrav ..Kary'^BiyWo-od^ 'Vtenderfey^T^si^ (^b Cashier ,Milk'-'Pla;nt .b\' .: ^b :..v;.;::b''b;.'-Wb:_^ ■ ,