BAT^’L'^BORO \‘Je regret to re^oort that Hr. ez Mrs, Ixsnnie - pQpe received messasce in Mar^h stating that their son Jack was missing in action in France. Our sympathy goes out to them* ?fc; Albert G-ainor is imnroving from injury received in action in Jan. in Belgium, Congratulations are due 1st lit. Lawson G-. Katthews vjho is now Capt, Matthews. He is with Rig, Ser. Div. in T=]ngland. He was a former teacher here are happy to report that ’Battleboro went over the top in Red Cross Drive by a hundred or more dollars. Roger F.theridge was rejected at 'Port Bragg because of jaundice. Ve hope he will not be recalled. Farmers are very busy this lovely inreather but la bor shortage makes farming this spring rather hard, T/^ J.A. Viverette, Jr. writes he is in G-ermany under G-en, Bra(?le5^’s com mand with 1st Army -'says they are really moving in a hurry Hopes that it will ;ill be over in G-ermany by June. a ?1ACCLF?^FIELD NHT.’"S: CaPt, !), J. Moore is at port of embarkation to return to the front. returned 12 Mo. ago from two years service in the South Pacific. He will be ■located in the "European theater this time, Horace Jefferson,F C, 2/q is at home on 30 day leave. He has served in several ma jor battles in the Pacific. 5gts, VJillie Phillips and Walter Phillips who have been in the South Pacific with marines are at home on leave. Bgt. ¥illie has married an attractive South Car olinian since on ieave. P’f’c, "Freddie Ellrod is still in a hos~ 'pital somewhere in Europe, He is suffering from.back injurymd hand wounds. Pfc. Raymond 'Gardner who has had a foot injury is about ready to return to the front. Mr, H, Hearne is serious Vy ill in a Tar boro Hospital, The three ye’^r old daughter of Mr and Mrs,Frank Bridgers was recently burned to death from catch ing her clothes afire in a field brush fire. VJh iTAprSRS NE’.'7S: G-eo'rge Tucker, Ph. M 1/c sPent last week-end at home. Hp is stationed at the N. A, S;ilspensary, in Norfolk. The Milton Marks have heard that Charles has ar rived somewhere in the South Pa.cific,^"il8y Bradley is • overseas by Hew York way, and "Elizabeth is with her parents in Enfield. Joel Price and Alex Battle have opened a peanut shelling shop in the building next to the MayC^r's Office. Joel Hamilton spent several days at home and had treatments for an injured eye. Mrs Sam Anderson's father, ^r. Jones, of Richmond, ■ Va. died last wk The new cannery at the school was put into use for the first time this week when V/ill Powell and Alex Battle butched a calf and canned it. Two men ff>om State College came down and super- Vi sed. L~^G-G-FTT June Koonce is back overse-a.s after having sp ent a thirty day furlour^h at home. Joe Cherry is now in ^rance. A. T. Cherrj'" has been B.vTarded the Combat In fantry Badge. Robert Lee OTeil v:as married ^ri.,March l''^th to Ruby Fverett. Sambo Crimes is ho;Tje on tv^o weeks furlough. John Mac Powell, Jr. is bf^ck at home after having spent some time in the hospital in Tarboro. Mr. J, T, Ba.v/rence, '^r, is at home af ter spending several days in the hospital, Thomas Lawrence,Jr is improving after his recent illness inthe hospit,*^l,Mrs.Arthur T^ountein is out after having had flu. Rill \llsbrook has finish ed the mid-v/inter term at State Colleere and has stopped school to join the Mavy, Mrs, C-raham C-ulley is now living in Mississip pi where Oraham is stptioned. Mr, and Mrs, G-askill Anderson an nounce the bii’th of a son David G-askill,Jr, born ^eb. 21st at Bass Hospital. Mr, nnd Mrs. J, T. Lawrence, Jr, announce the birth of a son, Joshua Thomas Lawrence III, on Sat, March 17th at Edgecombe Gen, Hospital, ^ememberj Sara v;as your former HFN Reporter, ROCKY MOUNT NEWS: This month marks the third anniversary of the SMC Booth at the Railroad Passenger Station, Local jewelers have formed the Rocky Mount Jev/elers Fellowship Club with J, M, Fox as president. Pfc. Wm, Minter awarded Purple Heart. S/Sgt, G-ilbert Strickland awarded Bronze Star. Wm, B, Harrison was elected Pres, of Jr. Chamber of Commerce