jrSj' Dr..?atsy C'Eang the world's greatest vet erinarian-' anBt-;ored the t'0?u6r)hone and found himeelf talkin;; to a farmer T;ho wanted soni-:;f'linfr for a Biclt calf that vrac off ito feed. ■ O'Bang who gives auch cervices free,' oun:- ijeated that s nint of castor oil ' p’.’r-ht to do the Job. It ha’',\‘-'ned that the farmer's v^as a cafe and not a .calf. Later when Dj', O'Bang met, the farner, he 'apfeed about h.i.s oick calf, orly to learn that it V'asn’t a calf at'all. "Do you'rnean^ to say you gave a a -nint of caBtor oil? "V/hat ha'ooened?" The farmer replied, "The l£);st time '■ I -Been tliat cat, he ' was with five otherr?' rurinin' over the hill. Two , werr.; dig^jir:', two wore cov;?rin' up,'and one was scoutin' for new terri-tory. "I hear you had a date v;ith Si amese twins last nijht. Have a ffood t;i>‘,e?." "V’ell, yes and no." "I love you—ouch!” "i love you—^^ouci'il" And there you ha’''o the atory of two porcv5’)ines tiochiii,-*. Tv;o nar.'i'^c in adjacent beds in the hos-oital. .Sr.id one to the ; othar, .a 's-i’''-—"''hat- are you?" ' ni a l^oy. ", "rut you look like, a ,?;irl," Bhe GOi.?r;ter-)d. "I'm a boy—I',11 nhov' you when the nuree leaves." Finally they wern alo:vj. Tig shyly lifted tho cov-:rn., "Gee,, he 'aald,' "bli:e/ oootie Tlliii: TELL - Passenger: '^Po I hav'i ticie to' say ''jQcd-bye to ny wife?" Conductor: “I don,'t knovr, Sir, }iGw Ibnr; have you beo>: married? "1 want a corset for my X'fife." "W)at, bust?" "I-'oth;i.ns, 3-t just wore out." Paratrooper: Do you olirink from Iris a.Ini:'? ’ V'ac: I'io. If I did, I'd be no thin'rr but skin and bones. « ’■Jill tlrp r;entleman who picked UD thP fuv coat last night at t};a road hovise V;lease i'Oturn the blonde who was in it? No quostiona asked. The chances for getting any slQ'5 0 in a haren are a theu sand to one r.vjuinet you. • ■ VJas Like The At Kind Look Of a You G-irl Breathes there, a man witii soul so dead-—Who never turned his head and said: "Mran-n ' not baC.!" "Dear, let's c-^o.to ’bed." said the wife to her drunken >iuoband Whereu'con he re-olied, "Mi.'-^ht just v,ro'>,l. I'll catch h—1 v'hen I .^:et I'Orr.e anyway." 1-^re. Caloy: "Kow did you BtcD your h.usband from 'Gta.yinc: out late?" hrs. Stuart: ''•■.^hen . he came jn late 1 'cal?.:ed obit, 'la that you Jack?" 'I, Mrs. Caley: "Hox^)' did that stoo ■ him?" KrsStuart: "My husband's nare is i^orle." lady of the .ho’use: You knawl ' rusoect my husband is having a T''AT'r '■ T'T? ■ ■■■■■ ■r~nnT :Tr^’^ V ill /ibi’ Jb J-. ‘ I* .-(* * .. i ,L O O-j I •..-j • hsid: I don't believe it. ''ou are only sayin.^ that to r.ia.ke. me jealous. A fire in a burlesoue theatre dressing ' room was uut out 'in •on":; hour, and tlien it took five hour a'to put' out ths! fircimcr . ft Doc say$ the olo. yre'y mare had ,,he r f ault s. ' T]\at * s why the y , pi.'t dash bo&rds on buprries. Beautiful: "I don't know vrhat-, is the matter ’•’ith tiia.t nan o- /*er there. IIf) vas sO'attentive a fc-.'-’ momonte ago and now he won't ev«n look at mo." l ot So Dumb: "Peri^'onR'he savr - me come in. , He's my bTiab'and’” Uncle and nieco stood watohin.^ t.he younf; oeonle dance aldut them.' , , "I'll bet you never had an ex- •nerience like tliat back in t]-ie nineties, eh, uhcle?" "Once," he rsoiled, "but that vras on my hoiieyruooii, ki«3Q0l5OC}Wm)tX)C'tf5XXit Little too rou^h j(j^x>:xxx x3)catxx»sc. iixMcci^:mx^xxxXxxx^ }tjODC^iXKXl5fiXXXijKX)ato^ XBOESuufiJom'*: Hq: Beautiful, your kisses leave me weak. She: I notice they do, darn it I He: V7hat do you mean? ‘ She; V’hy the evening is just bo- ginninf.c!