-^'A sp.ilof' Oc'.iDt on a dcr>c'rt islmia. Afbor iic hr^d b'^c^n fc?:orc for uino y^^.rs, hr av.rolv' • one *norning rnd- ai.u c. lovely younn flo'r'.tinf^ tb’.'^rd* tiio bor.ch on: "I I r'rr'.ll. Ivrr'-vll ■•'"::i:tr.d r f.}ioro • id the "'o:Acn ?•■ p’;ro?.ohcd • '’■■'.rllo,” sh'v; Gf^.id, ".'io*'; lonf, hr.vo * you ’boc:i horc?'* ' ' , ".Fifh iinto' 10 yc■'■^rs,'’ s'^id th.o o-''llor* "Gr-'.cj.o-iif:”, spJ.d' the v'oncn, ”Tiicv'. I nn you i3 0':iGtV)i;}.r'' /ou ccrtr.l?';iy hrvo^i't in ‘i lonf" tine." "Y7f;ll, ouct 1;?^ i" o;^ol'‘.l”vd s." 11 or. ”Do3i’b tpll ;ic- you rot-bc;'r i:i that br.rroll i”- Prof: ”Crn you Cv-n gx'^,''rj]■. or £■. oo^;;.:K:r.l'-v-1 r.pplir.y;co \rV>Od in r.t tlr.cs?" Student; /'Yes, the locso l:-r.f L^yct''-’'! used ,hi the. Garden o.';' Ivlon". Excorpts fron the di:-ry of a. fcn'.lo . voyr.f^er: Mond.r'y: '^.'rn.u flnttorcd to be yilrxod at the cn ';rtian’e tr-blc . > Tucscp.y: ’’Syotr; tbo '■.ornin;' on brld(;e. Tlio Cr-.ytain r.co-.is to lil:o '''Ted'iosd‘’'.y; '’Tlio c^^.'.itr.in’s ^-rc.y/s- .ls yr:^ unbono^'-infr; to r.n oi'ficGr n.iidy:, r.ontXc.-.an,' Thursd '. y; ” TLo Grptr.ij'. tl^r':'" t':^7',s i:c p5.n?: the nhiy if I do net r'.:;;ri*jo ,to his pro.posrQ," ■ . • , Frid'^y: "I s^vcd 600 liv;s”* Y'/’ith tlio oponin"; of tho basobv.ll so, r.on, hero's n.n it:'.;i vro [;;loanod frfTi r\ sr-r.ll to’?n ncY'fjpi'.por, "The b'-sobrJ.l botT'ocn Snv)d|]rr’ss r..’id Fodu)ik' Cf/.itcr, Yrhich plnyod 5n .'■>n;-iJonos' oo'"’ ,;'’‘sturo v;ns tov.irjorr'.rily dolryod in th sroc' -.d . i’/n.in/;, ”’hcn L'ljvcr Diddle slid into '.b-.t b.c thounht ymn th.ird b«,so. First Pe?:: '’ilc*-'rd fro'. j/oin' bo-ar i‘ricx>d Ir toly?” . ooc-nd ?ir: ”Y::-h, 1 Jur.t sjot o. litter fror.r hir.i” . And tlicn there \-r.\c>_ the Gtudc,nfc Vrrho v-r-'-to; ”7ir;_’in vrool .oo^'v.jp fro y the • Gh th'.t onn vr:\ the fn.c test.” RDOEIVED EY'JjRAFT ./OAHD . T'’".!!. a^yrooi'nte it very r.:uo]‘: ,i^ yon vrill deCor our lur. LicDuff t'or :ict;\..;r siy >^o\;d:l■s. T'c if;, the rniy-''ifin-Ipft in our shop nnd is a: rryii-i- on ’"iti: t.^-jnty r;irls”. ' ' ' Th-' ’-^'-n .'5tood on the street corner £in'::.:,.r, "Ar.nd; the Aijfiodalc- , do^-: ’valkec" ur^ '■:o^ h;ir,i f’.nd grid, ”Okry, . You -Vf-Ji'od' for it", An^ry vri.e^?; kg nr'.d I. could sl.'p thnt bonolicr'.dod elcrk. for- ser.c’iviC rie r. brrsnlere three sizos - 00 3-' *"'.11 I" Tul.by: "TVerc, thn'o, -:y der^r-' try '-nd puli yournelf “tor^'-thxr ARE TTIET KIDr^IIIG? A co?r-;ention . of furniture ricnufr.oturers Iv-.s concluded thn.t rien rcturnir^^ fror; w-'-.r,, h.ovin;^ ''..v.-oo 'o rcousto' "od' to , , > rl(5’dpin2 r.lono, vn3,l v.nut bods, lu-pertor Intervi.-';-..n.7-: Csstr'.ii’i^.y I.l/\rinc; "Arid you r.nd tiiis lorely 2>>utli So^v jinidc^u lived nil alone on this island ftr vSOT.y(,’T.r$?" ’ , ■ K.'.>'in-‘ : "b'ell, i.c did for the first 'ij'ii- absert-'-in'cd offioo' ndn.ai.;cr pnllocv the tyn^'V'ri''j'r dovni en his lyp .■\pd bop.-.n to unfnsten th.fj ribbon. ' TJ.RD Id OLi) JLMDnS’ FOME "Sc yc’.i’r ' troi;bii.':l v.-ith conotipntion too? V.nrt you ti'-.ke?" "Oil, I jur.t t.-'i'jc ?iy Vnittiiip;". ?'‘o roo5^-'-:.rs •' ere in't|{o ,bp.rn;^T?.rfi '■'V.en it ~tv.rt:-d to r^in* rrn ir tlic '.-Tn, tho &bl:cr r.-ade n. ijuck •a?ider t’lc perch. People v.'ho li*n* ir; rlnoG h'^u.icsMi^^ht ’•■•.'11 rnc';"'n‘ their doer bell* "e; "After- T rrt v!p .1 n ■.'he nomini^ rn’\d j’i ‘p. ■ rr-^ J O(■■(: 1 t} ityc :.r r. y'H;n>c r." o^:e;"y -u Ghou-ld bef-.'^p'c you r^o - -. -'II • -t. . u I» * J r ■.. * 13