Porter McNair publishes true story on Herbert Jenkinr. going tar get fihootlng in Crsrman woods- tv/o Na::is came out with hands up, thinking he was after them* Clarence Olsohner geta honorable discharge from army. Marrief3 Miss. Lilly,of I'/illiamston* Will praotico law in Nashville, Tenn, "Bat” Cosby, {^-!-,2) found ,dead in G-reenville Home, 5/2^* He'd been in bad health for quite, a- v;hile. Held fine position v;ith Person-G-arrett Tob, Co* (iC fine fellow and HFN extends sympathy to bereaved family, ^"e liked "Bat" very much). Local Lions sponsor Civil Air Patrol, Polly Edmondson and Lena stancil tell Lions of Wi3.mington Ship sponsor trip, Winnifred Rosenbaum reports to VJa'^hington for Red Cross, adrai,ssion* Mrs, James comes from Raleigh to l.ive with moth er, Mrs* E. V. Harris, while husba.nd is in Service, Mary Vernlta, Barnes, Pinetops, and v.velyn Pittman, Whitakers, graduate from Mars Hill, Mrs, H, S. Harper says Woman's Auxiliary,sold over '^200,00 in popiiics honoring war dead of both world ware. Members .of American Leerion and Auxiliary observe Memorial I>^y at tending '^^unday servibevq at Baptist Church, Catherine Overton, eight months old dau,ghter of Mr, & Mrs, Harry Overton dieB,5/25* Rev, J, W, Walkup preaches baccalaureate sermon Conetoe School Bail Holdorneas, Chm, , a'^^ards r>ins at Colonial theatre to school studends sellinrr bonds; ' Sherrod Bi'^an, Ruffin, Mattie Strawbri'dge, Dot Miller, Ann Edrxiendson, Ruth Clark, Miriam Sol- lee, Betsy Ausbon, Kary J^ane Mcrow.?ll, Cynthia Ann Mehler, Sue Ann Sadlar, Mrs, V/esley Jf. Beech enroute to Separation Center in N, J, stops off in Tarboro, Southerner of 5/26 carries thrilling story of 3gt, Wm. C, ("Pete-") Clark of impossiblo mis** Sion,and return of Liberator Bomber over Italy, Several of crew Were killed as flock of German planes ridd.le'd Liberator,^: Rev, Rob't Hough pr^^aches grand baccalaureate sermon at High School , 5/27, Rev, M, W, Maness gives, invocation, 'Mrs, Ashley SPier and Hiss Doris Kimbel rendered besutiful Tiusic, Pupil inarshallo Were Bill;^^ Saseer, (Chipf )Polly Ednendson, G-eo, Robinson, ■ Mar«. ■ garet Thoraad and Fred Hill. W, C.U, I^^C, elects Miss 'Em Austin ?nd ViC0*-Prest, / . City Board in called session 5/26 hear report of Diesel Expert, Dr, Rob’t, Rioe, of'State College,who h«id made study ^of our sys tem, Ho disproved purchasing new engines now, but, I'epair old. ones and await oheapter and better cnsrin'^s later, Jas, C, Crisp S2/C, trains at Little C.vcek, \”a, Irvin Carlisle, CM2/C, re ports traveling by sea 60,000 miles since V7/^3* Southerner of 5/2t'-'5 publishes interest in-:: letter of Lt, 0cm, Aubrey Shackell'in Pacific, Alvin Koore, Jr, , returned from Fi^hburne, Mrs,Ohas. Savin visits . parents, Fred Hills, Mr, Mrs, ^‘’cre^t Sledge and Forest, Jr., visit Tarboro, 5/'—, Lt, Henry 0,'Bourne, Jr., ar rives from Ft, , Lewis, Washington, Cept, A Mre, Eugene 3immons, Jr., go to Florida, 3/2-^, stationed there several weeks, Capt, Ru;"sell Sheffield, B-29 Pilot, arrives Marianas, he write' mother 5/8J3, Southerner of 5/29 carries picture of Mr, L, ‘B* Mc Daniel and Miss Irma Walker, officers of Natl, L^oan Office established here 1935., Office serves Edreco'mbe, Nash, Halifax,! and Wilson with splendid record, James E, Taylor, with 32nd Inf, Div, on Luzon, sa.ys dead Jar> fell in hit- la.p when hti shot him over fox hole,, Ensip;n Sam,' Dick of Arizona, is guest of Ena "Boo-Boo- Crilliam, T, Sgt, Ashton Proctor comes a battlefield promotion to Lleuten- ®-nt«* earned by heroic deeds on more than one occasion. He was terribly w'ounded and last reported in England .hospital. The House was tho scene of a great event oh May 30th wh^n Don took ' oath of ofiice for c.ppointrr,^n": as Federal^ Judr^e 'ts-tr . Association of the District, n^ir-’bering well ovur,;l>D,, avver'dod and heard.words of praise frou Supj.*rme Court Ju'sfioe ,Barin':ill, words ox' welcorac from Att^^, Henry C, Bourne, ^ an^'i the 'oath administered by, Cl.erk.A, ,T, Walston. A barbecue diiiner »Tns served the ^giu::st3. i’ollo\;ing the ceremony and on the Qomnunity House grounds, G-rio, M, Fountain, Jr., sr.cce-H^.ed, Don Gilliam as Solicitor for this district,appointed by Goy, Cherry on 5/.^0* We predict George will grace the office and will QBt'abllsh,' a real record, HFN joins his many friends in oongratulations and v/ishes him a‘ major Gucc.ess, ':