Home Front News WORLD’S WIDEST CIRCULATED NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION: 1700 V^ume IV JULY 20. 1945 Issue I EDITED AND CIRCULATED BY Tarboro Rotary Club, Tarboro, N. C. FOR EDGECOMBE COUNTY SERVICE MEN This baby is the latest addition to Tarboro’s official family. She is Miss Lois Pryor, and hails from Western North Carolina. She is employed by the City as Recreational Director. At present she is managing the Swimming Pool, teaching old and young how to swim, and coaching the swimming team. As you will no doubt notice, she is really “ON HER TOES”. Her two dumbest pupils in the swimming class are ye Editor of the Home Front News and his Staff Photographer. It will take them until September to learn to keep their faces under the water but, with such a teacher, who wants to keep his face under water ? ? ? ? Would you ? ? ? ?