An Invitation tp. Capt-, D. E. HlarRhart,. Chaplain at Fort Des Moines, brother of your editor, for script to you, brings the following; LOVE THY NEIGHBOR BY DANIEL E. EXRimmi. Here'are the ten commandments on the "Good Neighbor Policy." 1. Thou shalt love across racial lines, for if one’s love does not include other races he cannot call it divine or Ohrist- ian love, 2. Thou shalt not Judge a man by his color. If you did then you could not have any basis for judging the white man,since white is a mixture of all colors. 3. Thou shalt respect each race for its contribution to hu man progress. The white man is to be respected for producing the law upon which our Christian civilization rests. The black man is to be respected for his contribution to the v;orld of art, music,. homespun philosophy, humor, and physical prowess. K Thou shalt not build thine own racial superiority by ly ing epithets hurled at other races, such ss; G-reasers, Yello^^^- bellies. Wops and Niggers, 5, Thou shalt respect the wives and daughters of other races, 6, Thou shall share the natural advantages with thy neich- bor. If we cannot ride and plow and haul without rubber and gas then the likelihood is that our neighbors cannot either, 7, Thou shalt not exploit thy neighbor, N S, Thou shalt not hog the neighborhood road, the economic road, the medical science road, or the religious road. 9. Thou shalt not live by the sweat of thy neighbor's brovr God has built His universe on moral'law and vre hs'ive ho right to live in ease and luxury at the expense of others viho sweat and die to produce the royalties on which wo splurgo, 10, Thou shalt sv;ap eyes and ears with thy neighbor. Then you CF.n see his little children as he-sees them; and then can you hear the parent's beating heart as he longs for an even chance at livelihood and haopiness in God’s world. On ’.'■Jednesday, June 26th, Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Bullock, were notified that their son, Bruce, had been kill ed on Okinawa, June 6th, A member of the Marine force, no finer son has gone forth from Tarboro He was most popular in school and was awarded a valuable prize as being the leading Boy Scout at the time of his entry in the service. The entire HFN organization conveys to these parents their deepest sympathy, T/S, Mien L, Harrell, B~2^ Liberator gunner with 15th AAF in ^‘^turning to states, BM2/o and Mrs, H, G. Fisher announce birth of a son, Ben Harrell drovms in Fishing Creek near Win field, Struck rock v/hlle diving, Mr, & Ivtrs, Sam B, Kayo announce birth of a daughter. Pvt, Janes A, Cox vlslt^s parents. is lo cated at Camp Blanding, Mr, & Mrs, Tom Mewborn announce birth of & son, Letterof' Aubrey Shackell published in Southerner, .6/29 Gives vivid picture of action in Pacific. Sgt. Bill Long, for merly wounded, gets honorable discharge. So does Tllghman Pitt man get discharge, I ii , 14