THE GALAX NEWS JULY 8. 19^h PAGE 7 PERSONALS Mr* and Mrs. Jack M. Hall and daughter Joanna of Atlanta^ Ga. spent last week-end here with rela tives and friends, Joanna is spend ing this week with Mr. and Mrs, R.B* DuPree and family. Mr, P,R. Paxton left for Atlanta last Monday where he will be lo cated since his resigning as Chief of Police of Highlands, Mrs, Paxton will remain in Highlands with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tudor Hall, for several months before joining her husband. Mr. and Mrs. F.N, Shearouse have returned to their home after spend ing several days in Prosperity,S.C. where they visited Mr. Shearouse*s mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Otis G. Johnston of Columbia were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Preston Byers for the Fourth of July week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Overton S. Chambers of Chicago, 111, arrived Saturday to spend several weeks at their summer home on the Buck Creek road. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Page and child ren, Jimmy and Narda, of Middlesboro Ken. are visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. Gasque of Charles City,Va, is spending the month of July in Mrs, Little’s apartment on the Asheville road. Mrs. WcJ. Crowson of Anderson spent several days last week with Mrs. Preston Byers. Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Blakley of Winston-Salem, N.C. spent last week* end v/ith Mr. and I4rs. James Blakley. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ed wards last week-end were Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stevens and baby daughter Linda and Mr. Tommy Swain and Migs Ruth DuPree of Pinehurst, Ga., Mrs. Madge Wood and son Lionel, and Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Cornelius and daughter Judy and Jerry and John Cornelius of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Speyers of Florida are occupying the Mitchell (C on..l.t.^ pagp..-9.) ALLEN BYERS PLANS TRIP Allen Byers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Byers, leaves July 9 on the "Mackey Tour For Boys”. The tour, lasting four weeks, covers thirteen states and two provinces of Canada. Mr. Mackey has conducted this same trip for twenty-five years. This year he is taking fifty-four boys, traveling on an air condi tioned bus. They see and study and enjoy life in the big cities, such as New York, Washington, Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto, and natural attractions such as Niagara, Endless Caverns, Blue Ridge Parkway, Thousand Islands, and the far north Canadian Lakes. In Canada they spend four days at "Camp On Da Da Waks" which is lo cated on Golden Lake, Ontario^ After this tour Allen will be in Highlands again and will help in Byers Men’s Shop. the '^drol ind A4^cuntdin Shop CASHIERS, NORTH CAROLINA Dorothy and Henry Conkle WILD STRATOERRY PRESERVES DISTINCTIVE GIFTS SPORTSWEAR BURRELL mOTOR CO. CHEVROLET - OIDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE A COMPLETE LINE OF USED CARS AKD TRUCKS Vffi SERVICE ALL MAKES CARS & TRUCKS 2h HOUR VffiECKER SERVICE Phone 123 FRANKLIN, N.C. or 795 see i/L-eiA/ cncre6 on LITTLE HORSESHOE MOUNTAIN LESS THAN ONE MILE SOUTH OP THE COUNTRY CLUB OFF DILLARD ROAD 32 BEAUTIFUL HOME SITES See your own broker or OVfKER C.A. PKINNEY Ph. 3078