JC PEK COPY JC PUBLISHED WEEKLY DURING HIE SUMM SEASON BY THE GALAX THEATRE, HIGHLANDS, N.C. ITiursday June 21, 1956 n Mary Smnmer, Editor Hucfeo'n' Lil Assisted by Judy Reynolds Highlands, N. C Fnone 2495 T GAL AX THEATRE Thur-Fri June 21-22 Robert Taylor-Debra Paget-Stewert Granger In ”THE LAvST HUNT” in CinemaScope & Tech* Shows at 7:30 & 9i35 Adm: 20^ and 6o^ Saturday June 23 Randolph Scott-Angela Lansbury In "A LA^;JL£3S STREET” in Technicolor Shows et 7s30 & 9325 Adpi 150 & 50fc Sun-Kon June 24-25 Rock Hudson-Cornell Borchers In •‘NEVER GAY GCCDBYE«« in Technicolor One Show Siinday Night at 9f00 Monday Shows at 7*30 & 9830 Adm2 150 & 500 IHie-Wed June 26-27 Grace Kelly-Alec Guinness In "THE SVJAN» In CinemaScope F.nd Technicolor Special Matinee Wed., June 27, at 3*00 Night Shows at 7:30 & 9*30 Adm 8 Matinee 150 & 500 Nights 200 & 6O0 Thur-Fri June 28-29 Gregory Peck-Jennifer Jones In »THE MAN IN m GRAY FLANK^L SUIT” CinemaScope and Technicolor Matinee Thursday at 3:00 Tliis feature is 2^ hours long. Night shows at 7:00 and 9s4-5* Note earlier fJ.rst show starting time of this movie only. First show starts at 7:00 and main feature will start about 7:15* Admt Matinee 150 & 500 Nights 200 & 6O0 One Section Reserved For Colored People At All Matinees. / VA/IT ADS tTTifdl WANT ADS will be published in the Gn f.x News for ■'^1«25. The ads are not to O’:.oed five linos of typing. MISS REYNOLDS 'The Gr'ilax News has a new member added to its staff this suiii.ior. 14iss Judy Reynolds cf Tryon, N.C. will be assistant to Miss Mary Suianer, editor. Miss Reynolds will be a senior at Western Carolina College next year where she is majoring in business education. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs* L.C. Reynolds of Trj/'on. HUDSON LIBRARY Have you seen the Library with its face lifted? The building has a new roof, a new coat of paint in an attrac tive shade of gray, and a more convenient entrance, with concrete walks leading in from the street. The grounds, thanks to the generosity, public spirit and hard work of members of Highlands Garden Club, have been land scaped. Native shrubs — rhododendron, laurel, azalea — have been set out across the front of the Library, dogwood and hemlock trees planted at the sides, a wild.fi ower garden started, and the fastest sprouting clover known to man has suddenly transformed a bare front yard into a deli cate green lawn which is set off from the street by a low white picket fence and bordered with yellow marigolds already (Con’t. page 5) THE GALAX NEWS It is cur pleasure to again bring to YOU The Galrx News, which has been pub lished weekly during the summer months for the past eight years* This season it will be sold for 50 per copy each Thursday from June 21 through August 30. Heretofore, The Glalx News has been published through the courtesy of the Galax Theatre, but this year we felt that it would be conpulsory to charge a siacJJL price for it since we have had our staff increased. You will be able to obtain a copy in all the local shops and at the box office of the Golax Theatre. Several persons, who have already sub scribed to the Galax News for the season, have expressed their feelings as being glad that we were now charging for the paper. As cji old saying goes, "You al ways value most what you have to pay for." If you wish to subscribe to the Galax News, phone 2495 or send your name and address to The Galax News, Box W, High lands. The charge for a season mailing subscription will be ^1.40. Probably you new suimer visitors are wondering how we have been able to pub lish The Galax News free of chcxge before this season. It has, and still is, fi nanced through the gracious business people of Highlands and neighboring towns who hrva responded well in placing adver tising with us. Quite a few people have montionedto us how glad they are that The G^ax News is again being published this season. Natur ally, we cTe delighted that you are (Con*t. on page U)