THE GLALX NSWS July 19, 1956 PAGE 5 igh lands Cledners and idundry DIAL 2330 GCOD CLEANING GIVES A SMART APPEAR.WE Personalize Your Stationery and Party Accessories V/e Carry a Selective stock of EATON»S FINE STATIONERY BOOK MATCHES COCKTAIL and DINNER NAPKINS ONE DAY MONCGRAMiyiING SERVICE Gifts Accessories Jewelry ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs# O.F* Summer of Highlands announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Frances, to James William Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. WcN. Norman of Winston- Salem, N«C» The wedding is planned for September 2 in the Highlands Presbyterian Church, METHODIST LJEWS The Cashiers Methodist Church will ob serve an important occasion when ground is broken for a new educational building Sunday afternoon, July 22, at 5:30 pem. Members of the church will participate in the special service which will be lead by the Reverend Frank Smathers, District Superintendent of the VJaynesville Dis trict. The new educational building is the first stage of construction in a building program which is estimated at approximate ly 140,000. Members of the church are hoping to have the educational building ready for use this fall. Following the ground-breaking service, the congregation will gather for a fellow ship supper at the church. Members of the Highlands church are invited to attend the ground breaking service and the supper. At 7:30 p.m. the Reverend Frank Smat hers will conduct the Fourth Quarterly Conference for the Highlands-Cashiors Charge, Reports for the year will be re ceived and new church officers elected for the coming year. Miss Judith Hines, student at Vashti School for Girls in Hriomasville, Georgia, is spending her vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs* Kreig Hines, at their home on lyiirror Road, OLD EnGLlSH SILV6R SHOP Shipments of antiques, silver, copper, porcelain, chosen last winter by tiie owner — arrive every fortnight. Come to see our #5, JlO, and $15^ tables. Each item on these tables priced at #5, $10, and |15 — each one a fine old piece. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE EPISCOPAL SILVER TEA TODAY (July 19) p«m« Home of Mr. ejid Mrs. Fred S. Gould The Highlands Recreation Center is open Mondays through Saturdays from 1 p.m. to 5830 p.m. The Center offers an opportu nity for young people to enjoy many in teresting games. Square dcjices are held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8 to 10. JOHN H.C PERRY REAL ESTATE Phone 3725 or INSURANCE Residence: 2131 »*GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU" Developing Beautiftil Greenwood Forest On Little Bear Pen