THE GALAX NEWS July 19, 1956 PAGE 6 OTTS mouse Phone 9360 Steam Heat Room and Meals WE SERVE BUFFET or FAMILY STYLE FLOWER ARRiWEMELiT LECTURE Sponsored by the Highlands Garden Club, and through the courtesy of the Highlands Biological Station, Ilrs. Harrell Wilson of Greenville, S. C., will present an other of her inimitable lectures on Flower Arrangement. This event will toice plr ce on Friday, July 27, at 10*30 a«m» at the Highlands I'^^sGuiii, Mrs. Wilson, a nationally accredited Flower Show Judge and well known lecture^ has fascinated many audiences throughout the country with her artistic flower cre ations, which she combines with witty and charming conversation. You are urged to come and take advantage of the opportun ity to hear this informative as well as entertaining lecture • There will be an admission charge of $1*00 and the pro ceeds will go to the Highlands Biological Station* NEW HIGHLANDS TOWN BUDGET IS ANNOUNCED The Highlands Town Board has adopted a budget of for the 1956-57, fis cal year according to L.E. Potts, town clerk. The new tax rate was set at ^2.25 on the $100 property valuation, the some as for the past several years. Various 33jponditures will include ^0,085.00 for Aiministration; ^11,300.00 for Police and Fire Department; ii>20,200.00 for Street Department; ^^11,^0.00 for Debt Service Transfers; ^37,340.00 for Electric Department; ^22,920.00 Water Department. The total receipt- for last year, 1955- 56, was $110,037.00 and expenditures were ^106,628.00. M.Y.F. PLAN “CAR WASH” Members of the Methodist Youth Fellow ship have planned for Saturday, July 21, a group "car wash" behind the Methodist Church, Hours for the "car wash" will be lo a.m, to 12 noon, and 1 p*m, to 5 p.m* A FIRST FOR HIGHLANDS Highlands is the location of the first famous Te':^hbuilt Vacation Cottage to be built in the southeast. The Cottage, which is 1 1/3 miles from tovm on the Franklin Road (Rt. 64), is being built by C.DcSo Clarkson. The Clarkson Cottage was designed by Carl Kock of Boston, internationally known architect, for Techbuilt a pre-cut housing firm of Lexington, Massachusetts. The house is contemporary in design and built by post and beam construction. Features of the house include the exposed Douglas Fir beams, the great expanse of glass, and a large sitting porch* The total effect is of spaciousness by bring ing the outside inside. Although the Clarkson house has two bedrooms, kitchen and bath, the cottage may be planned in any manner in order to satisfy the owners needs. The Better Homes and Gardens maga zine calls it "the best summer home buy yet". The Clarkson Cottage will be open for inspection daily from 2-5 beginning Sun day, July 22. Mrs* Gilbert S. Brownell is building a two-story Techbuilt Cottage near her home on Billy Cabin Ridge. It is nearing completion also. buy your homesite on bedutiful Li)\ flOV Ll' l_A One Half Mile South of the Country Club on Dillard Road LOOK FOR BIG SIGN Al'JD FOLLOW ARROWS TO PROPERTY LARGE BUILDING SIT3S APPROXIMATELY 200 x 200 FEET An OutatRnding view from every lot CITY WATER, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE FACILITIES All Roads Rocked 20 Feet VTide Protective Building Restrictions For FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT C. A. PHINEY, OWNER, ON PROPERTY - TELEPHONE 4103