THE GAUX NEWS August 16, 1956 PAGE 15 [?(Dr¥S BK0S. FOOD STORE GROCERIES mD MEATS COUNTRY CURED HAMS AND BACON HICKORY SMOKED OR SUGAR CURED »‘A MAN ALONE" Ray Milland*s illustrious career in pictures reaches brilliant nee heights as he dons levis and a six-shooter for what is certain to be one of the most talked-about performances of the year in Republic’s great drejna, ”A Man Alone,’* which plays Sat,, Aug. 18 at the Galax Theatre, Filmed in Trucolor amidst the harsh splendor of western Utah, ”A Man Alone'* presents such notable co-stars as beaut iful Mary lyiurphy and rugged Ward Bond# The gripping story opens with Mil- land, a notorious gunman, coming across the bodies of six victims of a stage coach holdup as he plods alone across a western desert after his horse has died. Taking one of the stagecoach horses, he rides into the mearby town of Mesa and immediately suspected of the holdup and murders. In the course of the grim nocturnal manhimt which follows, Milland, under cover of a violent sandstorm, overhears Raymond Burr, the local banker, heated ly arguing over shares of the stage coach loot with his partner, Grandon Rhodes, and Lee Van Cleef, a cowboy accon^lice. Outstanding performonces are turned in by the entire cast of this unusual picture, which is enhanced by the beau tiful photography of Lionel Lindon, one of Hollywood’s top cinematographers# Mr, and Mrs* T, Miller Gordon, Jr,, and family have returned to their home in New Orleans, La,, after spending a week here with Mrs, T. Miller Gordon at her home on Mirror Lake* HIGHUNDS REVISITED (Con*t,) symphony and ballet performance in a crowded auditorium, ‘The pollywogs around the edge of the Lake are unusually pliamp this year and the dragonflies unusually blue. Perhaps the scientists from the Biological Lab, are putting special vit amins in their diet this summeri It is easy to forget how deep a blue the Highlands sky can be when one is sur rounded by gray buildings, gray smog and the din of airway and highway traffic. Ihere are no words to describe the spe cial quality of the very air of Highlands, There is a lightness and a freshness to it that seems to be the embodiment of the very spirit of the Blue Hidge Mountains and the Highlands country in particular, Sarah Hines Bailey Mr, and Mrs, Byron Rector of Tryon, N»C. spend last week-end here at Hotel Edwards. They also visited their neice, Miss Judy Reynolds. B£LK5 DEPI STORE SERVING MACON COUNTY Franklin, N. C. COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY HENDERSONVILLE, N, C. F (CREflmERY DAIRY PRODUCTS OF SUPER QUALITY SOLD IN ALL GROCERY STORES IN AND AROUND HIGHLANDS