THE QilLxlX NEl'JS JUNE 20^19^7 PAGE 11. HIGHLRHDER RESTRURflriT "MOUNTAIN COUNTRY CURfiD HAM" WESTERN STEAKS PRIED CHICKEN "ALWAYS THE BEST " BILLS SODfl SHO SODAS FILMS MAGAZINES "COME IN AND HEAR THE LATEST TOP TUNES” ON OUR NEV/ SEEBURG ”100” Mr* and iyirs. Kack H, Jones and faiiiily have returned to Fort Kyers, Fla* after spending a week at their home in High lands on the Ashville road. They plan to make a return trip to Highlands sometime in July, Mr. and Mrs. -Billy Waller and family have returned to Tampa, Fla, after spend ing a few days in Highlands visiting friends and relatives. Miss Kathleen Brown, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W.R.Brown of Dillard, Ga. has re turned home from Agnes Scott College in Decatur,Ga, where she is a Junior, She will be helping her parents in Brown’s Store in Highlands this summer. NEl'^S R.ECIEVED OF WICK’S DEATH Ivews has been recioved hare of the death of Mr, L,T, Wick of Palm Beach, Fla, and Highlands, He died, following a heart attack, June 13, in a hospital, at Palm Beach, Mrs. Henry Schoolfield Sr. and Mrs. Henry Schoolfield, Jr. and three sons, all of Mullins, S.C. have arrived to spend the summer at "Dear Mont” on Satuloh Mt, TOVJN OF HIGHLxiNDS Mayor- V, W, McCallL Commissioners- ' Tudor N. Hallj Edward Potta*;' L*W, Rice Sr#, ' L.C. Billingsley, Curt A, Wilson*. Council Street Committee— L.C* Billingsley, L*¥. Rice, Edward Potts, Council Utilities Committee- Tudor N. Hall,' Curt A. Wilson* Attorney- J.H. Stockton,Franklin* ( Con*t on Page^ ) FOR Rtn FIVE ROQi HOUSE WITH LIGHTS, WATER ;j!D BATH FOR REl^'T DILL;JID, GA. CALu 3519 DILLARD, GA. H ICj! 4 L fl n DS corrifnuniTY TutRifiE PRSSStTS The S3asons First Performance HARVEY July 3-4-5 For ticket information call 4870 WHEN IN FRANKLIN VISIT MACON COUNTY'S NEWfiJoT DEPT. STORE PEOPLE'S DEPT. STORE PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE IN FRANKLIN, N.C, EVERYONE KNOlvS ITS THE TV^inS SHO FOR BETTER CLOTHING FOR LADIES J J.C. JACOBS- OWER J.C. JACOBS- O’rfNER