THE G/IiAX NEl^S AUGUST 15, 1957 P/iGE 7 EOD OF SEflSOn CLEfiRflnCE iTIEn'S SLACKS ITlEn'S SUITS niEn'S SPORT COATS LADIES SHIRTS BYERS mEn'S SHOP FRED ASTAIRE-CYD CHARISSE TEAM IN COLE PORTER*S »^SILK STOCKINGS. ”Silk Stockings,*! the Cole Porter musi cal hit,which ran on Broaciway for two years now comes to the screen in M-G«M*s Cine*- maScope and color film version,intact with its original score,plus two new Porter songs,and with eye-filing production num bers starring Fred Astaire,Cyd Charisse, Janis Paige and Peter Lorre* ’’Silk Stockings" unfolds a tongue-in- ckeek satire of a forbidding Russian girl, Ninotchka (Miss C3iarisse), who arrives in Paris from Moscow^ to persuade Russian*s most famous composer to return to the home land ftom which he has strayed# It is an assignment on which three Commissars who have preceded her ( and who have fall en in love with Paris) have failed, and Ninotchka,too,fails,thanks to the wooing of an irresistible young American film producer (Astaire),who convinces Ninotchka that they are "Fated To Be Mated*’* This one of the new songs which Cole Porter wrote for the film* Janis Paige,in the part of Peggy,a movie swimming star who is determined to go dra matic,has three comedy songs in >*Josephine” **Satin and Silk** and "Stereophont® Sound*’** It will be shown at the Galax Theatre on Sunday-Monday August 18-19# Mr* and Mrs* Charlie Paul and family, have returned to their home in St-uart,Fla*, after visiting friends and relatives in Highlands* Mr* and Mrs* ’*Bill*i V7oods,of Manassas, Va*,are visiting friends and relatives in Highlands* “'LITTLE V/ITS END*' for COMPLETE LINE OF CHILDREN'S SVJEATERS> N EWS RECEIVED HERE OF DEATH OF JOHN A, RUSSELL News has been received here of the death of Mr* John A. Russell, of Highlands and Orlando, KLa* Reports are that Mr*. Russell was enroute to Highlands when he died following a heart attack early last Sat urday morning in St* Joseph hospital in Atlanta^Ga* He is survived by hia wife Mrs* John A# Russell and daughter Mrs* Julia Anne Kirkland* PATIENTS AT HKHLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Harold Watson,Glenville,N.C. |Mr* Harry A* Hoit,Hi^iands,N.C,jJerry Green,High- lands,N.C.;Mrs* Issac Keener,Highlands, N.C.jMr* Wood Hawkins,Cashiers,N*C*jMrs* Louise Clark,Six Mile,S.C*| and Mr* J* M. Morrow,Highlands,N.C* Mr* and I'Irs* C.E, McMullin took Mrs* T*W* Kitchen to Concord,N.C# on Wednes day* Mrs* Kitchen has been convalescing at the McMullin home from the effects of an auto accident that happened near Tat- amagouche, N ova Scotia, on July 12# Mr# Kitchen died from the effects of this accident* Mrs* Kitchen has been under the care of Dr* Stanley L. Lan^ord while in this area* Her home is in Miami, Ela# ’’LITTLE V/ITS END” for CHUDSTILE SLIPS. ELOUSES,GOWNS AND PANTIEB (SIZES 1-6X,) RELAX AT THE GALAX AND EIWOY A FINE MOVIE rriAcon cou aty SUPPLY COo GENERAL ELECTRIC DE/iiER YOUR HARDW/iRE /*ND FURNITURE CENTER FRANKLIN, N*C. PHONE 23 ECOnoniY GROCERY LOCATED OH DILLARD ROAD NOTICE* NEW PEONE NO. 4731 OPEN TIL 9*00 P.M.