THE GALAX NEWS AUGUST 22, 1957 PAGE 15 GIFT SHOP LCCAIIED ON MAIN STREET MRS. CH/JILIE POTTS, OWNER OPEN i\LL YE/Jl TELEPHONE 3575 "THE GREAT L0C9M0TIVE CHASE'* Welt Disney s “The Great Locomotive Chase,” produced on location in Cinema scope, with Fess Parker and Jeffrey Hunter in the top starring role, is basically a spy thriller drrmatized from a Civil War episode thar might have changed history had it succeeded. It developed as a re- s\ilt of a daring scheme blueprinted by a Union raiding party to cut the Con federacy in two by crippling the vital railroad artery between the big supply: base at Atlanta and the central front at Chattahooga* This high-speed tale of espionage, pictured authentically in ”The Great Locomotive Chase,'* is known as the famous Andrews Raid of 1862* It involved two locomotives, the “General,” stolen by James J# Andrews, and the ”Texas,” grabbed by Confederate train conductor William A. Puller to frustrate the plot. In the Disney production, Andrews is portrayed by Fess Parker and Puller is characterized by Jeffery Hunter. Andrews cud his party pose as Kentuck ians when they board the “General,” with its two passenger and three freight cars, at Marietta* At Big Slianty, the next srop, Fuller, with his passengers and crew, leave the troln to have breakfast at the nearby Lacy Hotel* Andrews craft ily uncouples the two passenger cars and starts racing the “General*” When the surpi-ised Fuller sees the forepart of his train disaj-pearing aroiind a bend, he gives chase for eight ^/ild hours* “The Great Locomotive Chase” was filmec near Dillard, Georgia* It will be shown at the Golajc Theatre on So^rday, August 24. Mrs. Ralph H* VJetmore,Sr*, has joined her husband at their home on Sequoyah Lake for some time* ^'Irs« Kathrjni Brown_,of Fort Lauderdale, KLa*, is visiting her parents, Mr* and Mrs* J,N* McJunkin* i*lso visiting the McJunkin*s is Mrs* Ernest Miller, of Johnson City, Tenn» Jan B urnette spent the week-end in Asheville visiting with her college room- mate,Miss Sue Cooke# Mrs* W.T* Crawford and Mrs# J*D* B urnette are visiting in Haines City, C/iLL AT THE LOa'J. CHi'J4BER OF COMMERCE FOR i\LL BUS IW FLIGHT SCHEDULES* I lyjir, John Schiffli who is a, student at Georgia Tech in Atlanta^ Ga,, ^ent the week-end with his mother^Mrs# Regina Schiffli* HILLTOP nmoco ALWAYS USE mCCO GAS REMEMBERS AMOCO GAS IS PURE AND CAUSES NO LEAD FOULING. IT GIVES YOUR CilR A LIFT. PHONE 4675 VJE GIVE S & H GREEN STiOTS COCA-COL/i BOTTLING COFiP/Jiy HENDERSONVILLE, ic.C. FOR HANDCRAFTS OF THE SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS BE SURE TO VISIT ounmounTflin HomE In cm Authentic Pioneer Cabin One Mile Prom JVanklin on Highlands Road* JIMf JELLIES, HONEY,: POTTERY, Bi^KETRY, FABRIC, iyiETAL, CMDLES, SOAP /iND OTHERS. FURNITURE IN BLACK W/iLNUT MD WILD CHERRY