' THE GALAX NEWS JULY 31, 1958 PAGE 9 REEVES HflRDuuRRE compflnv DFRflnK IB. COOK FRIGIDAIRE APPUABCES REAL ESTATE HABBMAHE . BUILDIN3 HATEBIAIS GIFTS INSURANCE PHOSE 3510 GUESTS AT HIGHLANBS INN Mr. and Mrs* Fred !IVimer, Jupiter, Florida; Mrs* Richard T« Anderson, Lexing» ton, Ky*j Mrs* B#C* Yancey, Lexington, Ky,| Mrs* F»M» Johnson, Alexdria, Va»; Mr» and Mrs. G.M. Reilly, Pensocola, Fla#; Mr» and Mrs. Arthiir P. Laws, Atlanta, Ga#j Mrs# Walter Bishop, Athens, Ga«; Dcm and Mrs# D. Anderson, Tuscaloosa, Ala*; Mrs# W. E. Matthews, Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. Ruther ford Brown, Decatur, Ga«; Mrs* D»W. Shad- bum, Decatur, Ga«| Mrs. Donald Hastings, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs* Robert Hiden, Birming ham, Ala.; Mrs. George Townsend, Washing ton, D*C.; Mrs. Arthur Bliss, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. W«A« Law, Waynesboro, Ga«; Mr« and Mrs* Norman Mortimer, Welaka, FIa*| Mrs. Clyde G. McCall, Valdosta, Ga*; Mrs* Virginia Hewitt, Qui-tman, Ga«; Mrs. Lamar Sledge, Atlanta, Ga*; Miss Nina Sledge, Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Lamkin, Athens, Ga.; Dr. and Mrs. Clouse, Griffin, Ga.; Mr. George Harris, Atlanta, Ga#; Mr* and Mrs. Raymond J. Paynei^ Charlotte, N.C.; and Mr. and Mrs* Robert Watterson, Ath^s, Ga« Dr. and Mrs* Leland Stoddard, Tal- mage Memorial Hospital, Augusta, Ga*, will occupy the Stevens Cottage in Cul- lusaja Heights for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs* Richard Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ledford ^ent Sunday with Mr. and ^s. James W# Norman* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sullivan of Ander son, S«G* ^ent the week-end with Mr* and Mrs* J»P* Byers* Mr. and Mrs* Jack Laros, and children Alan, Michael, and Johnny, visited friends here the first of this week* Mr. Laros was formerely employed by the Forest Service here* HIGHLRnOS REXflLL DRUGS »»WHERE EVERYONE MEETS" "QURLITY" »LES GIRLS" Producer Sol C. Siegel, who gave the screen on of its greatest musical hits in ”High Society”, now follows with an other musical bonzana in ’*Les Girls*” Again the astute producer has brought together a brilliant cast, starring Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gaynor, England*s Kay Kendall, meiking her Hollywood debut, Taina Elg and Jacques Bergerac. Ihe story begins in London with a suit for libel* ^bil (Key Kendall), the English member of the act, now married to Sir Gerald Wren, has witten her gay memoirs about her eaqjerience with the troupe, which was known as ”Barry Nichols and Les Girls," Barry (Gene Kelly) being its American entrepreneur. In the book she had written that Angele Ducros (Taina Elg), the act*s French dancer, had at tempted to commit suicide be^.ause of her unrequited love for Barry* Angele, now married to Pierre Ducros^ furiously denies this statement aid is suing Sybil for slander* ’*Les Girls” will play Wednesday, August 6, at the Galax Theatre. Mr. and Mrs* Jack Lee and children, Richard, Suzazmai and Chris, of Houston, Texas, arrived here Monday for a week*s visit with Mr* and Mrs* Richard Ui Lee and Mrs. Madge Lee at Lee*s Inn* Mr. and Mrs* William Clarkson and children. Sue, Nancy, Hugh, and Benny, of Fairfax, Virginia are guests of their uncle, Mr* G.D.S. Clarkson at his home on Mirror Lake* Mr* and Mrs* Fred C* Bauchens, of Naples, Fla*I are occupying the Strick land House on Whiteside during ATaguSt. TATE'S HOUSE STEAM HEAT ROOMS AND MEALS LUNCHEON - $1,50 DINNERS - $2.00 FULL COURSE SUNDAY DINNERS - $1.75 WCOUNTEX HAMS AT ALL TIMES” "TATE^S FOR STEAKS” PHONE 9360