IHB GALAX HEWS AUGUST 6f 1959 PACa 15 WRESI SERVICE NEWS (Cen»t) HOTEL 6DUURRDS approximately $25^000 less than the amount last yearft This Is due td the economy drive in Washington of which the District has no control# This week two men of the Mghland District are at the Wayah Depot of the Wayah District# They are working on a wild-life project at the Wayah Depot* Also this week, engineers from the Atlanta office in charge of recreation are working on the location for the latrine at Cliff** side and the plans should he complete soon* GUESl^S AT HIGHLANDS INN Dr# and Mrs# James Olanaway, College Park^ Ga.| Mrs* lazel Anderson^ Lexington^ Ky#| Mrs* W.E* Matthews, Montgomery, Ala#; Mr* Ev^yn ^ris, Atlanta^ Ga#| Mr* and Mrs* B*H* YateS| Atlanta, Ga#| Mrs* W*A* Law, Waynesboro, Gak| Mrs. Arthur ELiss, Washington, D*C*j Mrs* George Townsend, Washington, D*C*f Mrs# Wayne Wigman, Washington, D*C#| Mrs# P* Wayne Kittelle, Washingtoni D*C»| TOLUn HOUSE mOT£L flnD RGsn^URflnT Delicious Food Attractive Nev Rooms Phone 3575 — BURRELL mOTOR CO. Where Every Day Is Bargain Day Chevrolet f^LDSMOBiLE Sales and Service A COMPLETE LINE OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF CARS & TRUCKS BY FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS roUR WRECKER SERVICE Phone LA 4-^2421 Franklin, il/’*C'# Now Open 5HADY LANE MINIATURE GOLF COURSE Next Tc Helenas Barn Highlands^ N *C* OPEN week-^da ys starting at 10:00 ApH» sundayr- 1 TO 7 P.H. 9 P.N» TO 11 P.M, CONFOHTABLE .ROOMS DINING ROOM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DELICIOUS MEALS TALLEY'S "66" SERVICE STATION 10 Minute Quick Car Wash - tl»Z5 Specialist In Pexmanemt Waving And Hair Styling • SYLVIft'S 86RUTY SfitOn «-» Phone 3305 Robert Mden, Birmingham, Ala#; Mr# and Mrs* B* Phillips, Palm Beach, Fla#; Dr# and Mrs* Barney Blecher, Palm Beach, Fla*| Mr, and Mrs* D.J* Wardlaw, Aiken, S*C#| ^^# and Mrs* J*C* Keen, Delray Beach, Fla#I Mrs# F*M* Johnson, Alexandria, Vaoj Mr* and Mrs* Robert Prentice, Cocoa Beach, Fla*| Mr* and Mrs* Ira King, Jeffersonville, Ga#| Mrs^ desCognets Yancey, Lexington, Ky«>| Mrs* Walter Bishop, Athens, Ga«; Mra and Mrs* Fred Turner, Jupiter, Fla4>| Mrs* Rutherford Brown, Decatur, Ga«; Mrs* Dan Shadburn, Decatur, Ga^| Mr* and Mrs* Norman Morti mer, Welaka, Pla«; Mr* and I^s# William A» Bennie^ Atlanta, Ga*j Brig# Gen» and Mrs* Robert Watkins, Decatur| Ga#| Mr# and Mrs* C*H* Clark, Coral Gables, Fla#; Mr* and Mrs® Robert Watterson, Athens, Ga*j Mrs* A#S* Buck, Mrs* lyman Murpjiy, Mrs* Warner Wells, Atlanta, Ga#| Mr* and Mrs* Clark Kauftaan, Leesbuj^g, Fla#; Mr* and Mrs* Chris Rellley, Pensacola, Fla# «SAY ONE FOR ME» When producer—director Frank Tashlin, one of Hollywood’s masters of comedy, was given the production go-ahead signal to make Twentieth^Century-Fox*s ”Say One For Me,” which plays Thursday and Friday, August 6-7 at the Galax Iheatre. he had . one cast in mlndi Bing Crosby, i)ebble Reynolds and Robert Wagner* In this picture Crosby returns to the screen in a role that has made his stardom in the motion picture industry a lasting tribute# Singing songs in his own carefree manner and delivering comedy lines as only he can© Debbie Reynolds, who plays the rollege*«educated showgirl in the lavish production, has been a consistent box- office favorite since she began her motion picture career* Playing a much different role than any before Robert Wagner lives up to the expectations of his associates who^ve seen h-im Wgrow—up** the twentieth lot* As a nightclub entertalner-producer who takes an immediate liking to Debbie, Wagner exhibits a heretofore unknown quality, the ability to handle a song and dance Tnan i-ole with the best in Hollywood* A role sure to please his crops of ad mirers*