THE QALAX HEWS AUGUST 6. 1959 PAGE 16 JOHn H.C. PeRRY REALTORS INSURORS PHONE 5725 or RES. 2131 "GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU" DRIVE UP UUHITESIDe mOUDTflin And Look Down At The World I 64: Between Highlands and Cashiers miGHLflnos SUPER ^KlflRKET ME GIVE S d H GREEN STAMPS FRESH PRODUCE MOMDAYS AND THURSDAYS RATH BLACK HAWK IOWA BEEF MUSIC FESTTJAL (Con*t) Joan Fields, violinist^ will hold the spotlight Tuesday, August 11^ On August 24. the festival will pre sent Victor Stern and his virla in con cert with the orchestra# The orchestra is ccmposed of facility, staff and advanced canf)ei*8 • of the Transylvania Music Camp in Brevard, N*G« A special concert for young people is scheduled for Tuesday, August 25, at 2130 poiQ* Grant Johannesens, famed young pianist, will dose the festival with a concert Tuesday, August 25, at 8*15 p»m« All conceits will be held in the Highlands School Auditoritim at Bil5 unless another time is mentioned. Bright yellow music note, posters lead the way to the school, from all directions in Highlands# Among prominent Highlanders who will FOR PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Contact Any Galax Em PL 0 tee Or Call News 2495 Representing HERALD PUBLISHING CO, SYLVA, N*Cm attend the gala first night concert Monday, August 10^ ares Mr# and Mrs. George Asnip^ Mr. and Mrs* Harvey, Dr» and M^St H« Koepp- Baker, Mrs* Carlos Bean, Mr« and Mrs* F*Mf Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackmon^ Mrs# Arthur Bliss, Mr# and Mrso RtF# Rrownlee, Mr. a nd Mrs. Julian Carr, Mr© and Mrs# Ainslie T, Carter, Mr, and Mrs# Louis Clay, Mr* and Mrs^ W.C# Caye^ Mr* and Mr So Harold Ccoledge^ Mr# and Mrs# Prank B# Cook, Mr» and Mrs. J. Beaucamp Coppedge, Mr# and Mrs# R#W. Crenshaw, Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Dawkins, Mr# and Mrs# 1 G#H. Doolittle, Mr# and Mrs. Bl*ank R# Doiany, Mrs# Maura Brown Edmondson, Dr# (ConH on page 18) >*KINGS GO FORTH” A poignant love story of two American soldiers for an American girl who lives a lonely life with her widowed mother on the Ftench Riviera during the last days of World War II, is the theme of the P^ank Ross production, ’’Kings Go Forth,” which will play Wednesday, August 12, at the Galax Theatre through Itoited Artists release^ Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood are co-starred in ’’Kijigs Go Forth,” and the supporting cast is headed by Leora Dana, Karl Swenson, Anne Codee and Jackie Berthe® The picture was produced by Frank Ross and directed by Delmer Dvaes© In ”Kings Go Forth” Tony Curtis again plays what he calls a ”for-real” role, as a draft-dodging^ playboy soldier who trifles with the affections of a beautiful girl who has fallen in love with him# Natalie Wood, has been Hollywood ^s epitome of the teen-ager of the Beat Generation, graduates to a new kind of role in "Kings Go Forth#” As Moniquo, the American-FVench girl living in Prance# she essays her first mature role# ’’Kings Go Forth” was filmed in part on location in what has been termed ”the most beautifiil spot in the whole world” —the fabulous Cote D^Azur of France# GARDEN TOURS - AUGUST ? and 8 flnriE'S BEAUTY SHOP Franklin Road Phone 4265 Proc^ty Courteous Service