THE GALAX NEIJS AUGUST 13. 1959 PAGE 1C FOE QUICK SALE 2 Bedroom Furnished Cottage A Very Good Buy - - $5,900.00 ifl HODG£S, miOR Phone 3650 or 5761 V/HITESIDE MOUNTAIN With the opening in 1950 of a motor road to the top of Whiteside Mounatin (4j930 ft*) another of Americans great mountain fastnesses was made accessible. Generally recognized as the highest in Eastern America, the breath-talcing cliffs of Whiteside have long been viewed with awe by native and visitors alike# Your drive to the ample parking grounds near the summit of this noble mountain ia comfortable, safe, and only in a matter of minutes. You may just sit in your oar and look out on one of the most Sa le On Special Summer Merchandise New Fall Merchandise lllGHLfinDS UflRRY Crushed Stone (Any Size) For Dirveways - Roads - Fill Dirt Phone 3661 Nights You Ar© Cordially Invited To Attend THE ANNUAL EPISCOPAL TEA Home Of Mr, & Mrs* AtT. Carter Flat Mountain K Today (Thur) 4“^ V/^9 amazing panoramas of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, plains, forests, and high ways to be seen anywhere* Or, if you wish, hike over the inviting trails that lead to every vantage point along the three-quarter mile crest, and explore the romantic reaches that have been the basis of much fascinating legend* You will have real opportunity to study flowers, trees, shrubs, towering cliffs, and thrilling rock formations* Whiteside Mountain is open April 1 to December 1 and also on Sundays during the winter months when the weather per- mits« TRANSYLVANIA MUSIC CAMP The ’’after-dark symphony” at Transyl vania Music Camp doesn’t soimd quite the same* Although the principals are still there, the accompaniment of l65 young musicians is gone* Transylvania Music Camp at Brevard ended its 23rd season August 9, and, for this group of campers from 12 to 20 years of age, six weeks of study, per formance and recreation were left behind in the dust of departing automobiles and busses. At Transylvania Music Camp, the ’’symphony” goes on* However, the sassy "midget” waterfall at the entrance to the camp grounds seems a little less confi dent without the comforting murmur of young voices* CLEAVE LflnO BROS. COmPflHY G.E. MAJOR APPLIANCES Building « Plumbing - Electric jT*r* Sales and Service DIAL 3111 JUST MOVE RIGHT IN & HANG UP YOUR HAT Ccmpletoly furnished cottage, electric kitchen, even to the mix master and vacumn cleaner — T«V* ALL THIS FOR ONLY #9^500.00 Small Cash Down Owner will take back mortgage SEE mPGRUDER 6 o'BRien Highlands., N,0* Bhone 2340