THE GAT.AY ITO.q JIIHE 23*..196Ql PAGE L NOTES FROM HILL CON'T marry the gal. The constant realization of what he might have been rankles to the extent of driving hin into occasional bin ges and the arms of Alcoholics Anonymous# To make ends meet, his frowsy but loving wife takes in a boarder, a girl student from a midwestem college. When hubby sees her playing fast and loose with a dumb athlete, forgetting a trust ful fiance, he takes to the bottle again. But the twist is that the gal, after her fling, marries the right guy» So the chiropractor, after a seige in a hospital alcohol ward, comes repen tantly back home to resume his hapless life with the only thing he has left to turn to—the ineffectual wife who had knocked all the ambition out of him« The wife, who has been living in the past, who has been calling to Little She ba, a lost puppy, finally decides to be gin living in the present and future. Patrons to date of the Highlands Community Theatre are5 Mrs. Carlos Bean, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Overton S* Chambers, Maj. and Mrs* C. D. S. Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Cook>, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Fitzpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Flowers, Col. and Mrs. James H. Howe, Mrs. Alice Darrow Kaughman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Randall, Mrs. Harri son Raoul, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney K. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Westervelt Terhune, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Cannon Weaver, Mr* and Mrs. Jack H* Wilcox* KING'S INN GUESTS Mr. George B. Cook, Jr. of Green wood, S. C.j Mr* W. C. Woodall, Jr. of Dawson, Georgiai Mr* Walter C. Hill of Atlanta, Georgia; Mr* Travers Hill of Atlanta, Georgiai Margaret Kent Bell, of Clinton, S. C*j Miss Elizabeth Nickles, of Seneca, 6. C.| T. H. Stribiling, of Seneca, S. C*; Mrs* Guy Titter, of Athens^ Georgia; Mrs. Paul W* Chapman, of Athens, Georgia; and E. M. Tersner, of Orange burg, S. C* FAIR of the FOUR SEASONS JULY 22-23 Lyda HflRComBe, realtor REAL ESTATE INSURANCE I HOP Em Ka in Street On- the Level Gems Minerals Gem Cutting Field Trip Friday, June 24'9i00 P.H* Early American Reproductions In Cherry, Maple, Pine AND Pecan Woods* Lamps « Gifts Pictures - Rugs Handloomed Bedspreads TRIP TO WINSTON-SALEM The editor of THE GALAX NEl'IS, Mrs. James Norman, with her husband and daughter, visited Mr. Norman's parents, Mr. and Mrs* W. N. Norman in Winston- Salem this past week-end. Their trip was ’’enhanced" by two blow-outs which made it indecisive whether they would get back or not. However, despite these odds they returned safely home Sunday. Rummage Sale A Rummage Sale will be sponsored by the WSCS in Highlands on July 15. Your contribution of any salable articlo^ clothes, furniture, books, etc., will be appreciated. Please help us make this a successful event. Contact Mrs. Richard Harrison, chairman, if further information is needed. MAPS AT CAROLINA MOUNTAIN SHOP The Carolina Mountain Shop in Cas hiers, N. C, has an interesting stock of 150 different geological survey maps of all areas of Western North Carolina, including Highlands. The maps give elevations and loca tions of waterfalls and trails to aid in planning trips or hikes in the moun tains. Houses are represented by black dots and property is marked so that a look at these maps can settle any argu ments or questions concerning property. These maps are featured at the Carolina Moxmtain Shop and are of inter est to anyone traveling in the mountains or for residents. RELAXat the GALAX