THTi! aaT.AY TJTO.q JUNE 21,,1960 PAGE 5 COmPLETE FOOD STORE Fancy Foods Richelieu^^Reese—Gresca^-^Sexton" Constant Comment Tea-^Country Cured Hams PYF Meeting Last Sunday night the Presbyterian Youth Fellowship met for the second sum mer session of meetings. It was well at tended by local and summer visitors. A very lively and interesting discussion on various topics was led by Rev. McCall and Mr. Jay McConnell contributed several ideas. The whole group viewed their opin ions on the topics listed under “The Mean ing of Life.” Plans for further meetings were made and a refreshment committee was selected# Another group was selected for the pur pose of planning outings for the group* Mr. McCall plans to order more movies of interest to be shown at the meetings. The weekly meetings are held at the Presbyterian Church at 7:00 p. m. and all local and visiting young people are cor dially invited to attend. BALL GAME Last .Sunday on the local baseball diamond the Highlands All Stars were de feated, 14-6, by the Chicopee Mills team from Walhalla, South Carolina* ¥INS SCHOLARSHIP Jimy Calloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Calloway, has been awarded a scholar ship at North Carolina State Collefe in the field of Chemical Engineering. He will study Pulp and Paper Tachnology. The scholarship is worth $500.00 a year for the four year college curricu lum, Jimmy was valedictorian of this year's graduating class at Highlands High School. LIONS CLUB m^S The annual Ladies Night of the High lands Lions Club was held at the last meeting, Thursday, June l6th. The Club meets on the 1st and 3rd 13iuradays of each month. Installation of officers will be the business of the neaft meeting, Thursday, July 7th. COBBS RETURN TO HIGHLANDS Mr. and Ifrs. Wilton Cobb have re turned to their home here on Satulah after spending over three years in Rich mond, Virginia. Mr. Cobb worked with his brother in real estate in Richmond. They work ed in project development—building and selling houses. Mir. and Mrs. Cobb, former residents of Highlands, retiarned Sunday and plan to make their home here again. BYER’S STYLE CENTER At the Byer's Center this summer, the season in Highlands, I''Jiss Betty Ruth Byers will be working with her mo ther. Miss Byers is a rising senior &.t Hanna High School in Anderson, South Carolina. During the month of August, Mr. Will Sullivan of Anderson will be assisting in the Center. Mr. J. P. Byers will al so be working during most of the month in the shop* Galax Theatre July 3-4-5 RELAX AT THE GAUX. Ladie^ s Lady Manhattan Cord on--Ford Jantzen Gold Cup Sox Mens Manhattan McGregor MichaelS'^Stern Interwoven THE JflCKSOn COUniY BflllK SYLVA HIGHLANDS CHEROKEE MEMBER OF THE F.D.I.C.