Hudson Library Highlands, N. C. 5c PER COPY Edited By- Mary Summer Norman PHOliE 2/^95 9TH YtflR OF PUBLICflTlOn A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER Published Weekly During the Summer Season THURSDAY, JULY 21. I96O 5c P6R COPY Assisted By- Ella Cabe Tina Harbison MISS HARRIS PASSES Word has been received here of the death of Mss Rebecca Harris, 90, in a nursing home in Hendersonville, N. C, on Tuesday evening at 6;30 o’clock. Miss Harris had resided in Highlands for about 50 years* There are no immediate survivors. Funeral services will be held Friday at 3:00 p.m, in the Episcopal Church, Thomas Shepherd Funeral Home, Hen- GflLflX THEflTRe Thursday July 21 Robert Stack-Dorothy Malone in “The Lpst VoypiG£" in Color MATINSg at 3t0e-Night Shows at 7j35 & 9»25 Feature At Approx. 3:15> 7150 & 9:45 Adm-Matinee 20^ & 50^••.Night 20^ & 60^ Fidday July 22 Frank Sinatra-Gina Lollobrigida in ' "flEVER So FeUJ in Color & CinemaScope Shows at 7:15 & 9s30 Feature at Approx. 7:25 & 9:45 Adm 20^ & 60^ Saturday July 23 Clint Walker- John Russell in “YELLOUJSTOne Kelly" in Color MATINEE at 3:00-Night Shows 7:30 & 9:30 Feature At Approx. 3:25, 7:55 & 9:55 Adm 20^ & 50^ Sun-Mon-Tue J\ily 24-25-26 Stuart WhitmaiwTcan Tryon-Peggy Wood in "The Story Of Ruth" in Color & CinemaScope MATINEE Sun-Mon at 3:00 1 Show Sunday Night at 9:00 2 Shows Monday Night at 7:05 & 9:30 2 Shows Tuesday Night at 7:05 & 9:30 Note 7:05 Starting Timie Feature Begins 15 Min. after Show Starts Admission Matinee and Night 25^ & 750 Wednesday July 27 David NivenwMitzi Gaynor in "HfiPPY RnnivERSPRY" This Picture not recomm.ended for Children Slows at 7:35 & 9:25 Feature at Approx. 8t00 & 9:50 Adm 20(^ & 60i dersonville, is in charge of arrange ments . Near Collision Tuesday, about 11:00 a.m. a 1959 Oldsmobile station wagon decided to leave its parking space in front of The High lands Gen Shop. Slipping out, it headed down the hill at full speed toward on coming traffic and a collision seemed inevitable. Then it swerved sharply and crossed the sidewalk hitting another car and ramming into a small building. The car belonged to Mrs. R. B. Hare, of Lynchburg, Virginia. Her two-year-old son was in the car when it made its de cision to move. There was no serious da mage and the car was driven away by the owner after it was pulled from its chosen parking place. DONORS TO FUND DRIVE The Community Fund Drive workers and Chairman are so grateful for your gifts that we are releasing for public acknowledgement, the names of contribu tors through July 19th, Occasionally an anopymous gift is received. We plan to release the names of donors each week (Con*t on page 13) ms. CLAUDE CALL cm Y CRITICALLY ILL Mrs, Claude (Marie) Calloway is in the Highlands Community Hospital in an extr^ely critical condition. Monday between 9 s 30 and 10:00, Mrs# Calloway received a phone call from s. person whom she beleived to be her mother, flaying, "Help, Help, Mariei” She called her mother, Mrs, Dock Dalton, but didn’t receive an answer because Mrs, Dalton was not in hearing distance of the phone. Believing something had happened to her mother, Mrs. Calloway started running to Mrs. Dalton’s about a mile away. When Mrs. Dalton approached the house she heard a groan and saw the kitchen door open. Entering, she saw Mrs, Callo way crawling out of the bedroom. She had blacked out before reaching the house and had crawled a considerable distance to get there, Mrs, Calloway was rushed to the hos pital where she remains in a critical condition. The telephone lines in the vicinity have been checked to see if there was anyone in distress but nothing has been discovered in relation to the call.