THE GALAX NEWS AUGUST 11, I960 ?AGE 3 Seriously III Master Sidney Louis McCarty, IV, age 6, son of Mr. and Mrs, S, L, McCarty, III, of Windermere, Florida, is seriously ill and is a patient in the Orange County Me morial Hospital in Orlando, Florida, He is undergoing extensive tests to determine the cause of his illness. Master McCarty is the grandson of Mr, and Mrs, S, L, McCarty, Jr., and Mrs. Elizabeth Valentine of Highlands. He would welcome and enjoy get-well cards from anyone wishing to send one to him, using his name and the hospital as stated in the first paragraph of this item. HIGHLANDS METHODIST SERVICES Dr. C. Markham Beriy of Highlands will be the guest speaker in the Highlands Methodist Church, Sunday, August 1^, at 11:00 a,m. The Church School meets at 10:00 a.m., and the Methodist Youth Fellow ship at 7:00 p.m. The 5s00 p.m. worship service is held each Sunday for the Negro summer congrega- tion. UUHITESIDe ESTRTES 300 FORESTED ACRES FOR YOUR OWN BACKYARD ^ 30 ACRE LAKE NOW BEING DEVELOPED WITH NATURAL SWIMMING POOL WAR&ED BY NATURE ADJACENT TO LAKE. LaKE FRONTAGE NOW AVAILABLE WITH UTILITIES* Contact 0. E. Young^ Owner AND DEVELOPER, PhONE 2366 OR 5640J OR YOUR BROKER FOR AP-* POINTMENT TO SEE SUBDIVISION AND MODEL HOME, APPEARS ON ED SULLIVAN SHOW Mrs# G.E« Hagg of Long Island, the former Miss Peggy MoLellaJi and the niece of Mr* and Mrs* Roy Phillips of Highlands, is the mother of three little boys who do coiDmercial modeling for vari ous magazines and telervlsion programs* They are Stdkes> age four years; Jerry, tiro years old| and M^k, four months* Last Sunday evening baby Mark appear ed on the Ed Sullivan TV Show in the Kodak camera cammeroial* Stokes has dene many modeling jobs on TV and has also appeared in '‘Parents Magazine”, ”Siii5)licity Pattern Book”, and in iiie Sears and Roebuck catolog* Mr. and Mrs* Phillips are very proud of these youngsters* HYF Camping Trip !Ihe older group of the Methodist Youth Fellowship enjoyed a caB5>ing trip on one of the islands at Glenville Lake last Monday evening* There were nine young people and Mr, Larry Bond, student CUSTOMER SERVICE IS OUR HOST IMPORTANT PRd)UCT "WHERE YE CCME WHEN IE ARE ALREADY AT THINE OWN WIT'S END, AND HAVE FOUND NOBODIE HCME,« Mary Lu d Earle Yoxing PHONE 5640 EA STERN STAR BAKE SALE at Duke University and Kay Charles* ^e regular meeting of the Order of In spite of the rain Monday night, the Eastern Star was held at the Masonic the group enjoyed coffee, hot dogs, and Hall on Monday evening with sixteen mom- marshmallows* Wien they returned home bers present* Tuesday morning they were very wet and The Ways and Means Committee announc- tired, but seemed to have enjoyed the e»- ed that another food sale will be held at perience* the Edwards building, next to the Condi- — — ment Shop, on Saturday, August 13, be- CHRISTENING SERVICE ginning at IDsOO a*m* There will be baked William Alan Lewis, sixteen months goods such as bread, rolls, etc* Thig vill son of Mr* and Mrs* A*A* Lewis of be the last Pood Sale sponsored by the Highlands, was christened at the lljOO o- Eastem Star this summer* clock ser^ce at the First ft*esbyterian - ^ Church last Sunday* Rev* G* Dan McCall "* was in charge of the christening* ESTATE FOR. SALE For the ultimate in gracious-, comfortable mountain living, \sARGE 2 STORY RUSTIC LOG HOME. 3,000 SQm FT. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 ::OMPLETE BATHS, HANDMADE CHESTNUT FURNITURE THROUGHOUT % SPLEN^ fpiD WESTERN VISTA FROM LARGE PORCH. SERVANTS QUARTERS LOWER LEVEL, 2 CAR GARAGE. 6 ACRES OF FORESTED LAND WHICH MAY BE DIVIDED INTO 5 LARGE LOTS WITH VIEWS. ACCESSIBLE MOUNTAIN ^TREAM ON PROPERTY, LOCATED 1.4 MILES FROM POST OFFICE. fRICE COMPLETE ~ $32,000.00 Realtors, Brokers protected, or contact 0. E. Young, agent PHONE 5640 for appointment^