PER COPY A MIMEOGRAPHED NEWSPAPER Published Weekly During the Summer Season Edited by ELla Cabe and Tina Harbison THURSDAY, JUI5E 15, 1961 PE^ COPY HOSPITAL AUXILIARY BAKE SALE The Hospital Auxiliary will hold a Bake Sale tomorrow, June l6, at the for mer Tar Heel Restaurant, locate next to the Methodist Church and across from Potts Service Station. Beginning at 900 a.m., the sale will continue until all the * goodies’ are sold out. Cakes, cookies, home-made bread and rolls, bibb lettuce-—all kinds of taste-tempting and delicious bakery products will be sold. Come to the Hospital Auxiliary Bake Sale, buy your favorite taste treats and support your Hospital. INTSRCHURCH SUPPER Bie Interchurch Supper for the High lands Churches will be held at the Pres- l^terian Church| Monday evening, June 19, at 6:30 p«m* GflLfiX iHEflTRE Thur-Pri June 15-16 Jack Lemmon-SW rley MacLaine in "The flpfiRTmEriT" This Picture Not RecomEiended For Children Shows at 7:15 & 9:30 Featiire at i^prox, 7:25 & 9:^0 Adm» 200 & 600 Saturday June 17 Rod Taylor-Alan Yo\ang in “ The Tim£ fllfiCHinG" in Color Shows at 7:30 & 9*30 Feature at Approx* 7:45 & 9:45 Adm. 200 & 500 Sun-Mon June 18-19 Deborah Kerr-Robert Mitchum in "The SunDOLunGR.s" in Color 1 Show Sunday at 9:00 Monday Shows at 7:05 & 9:30 Feature Approx* 10 Min, After Show Starts Adm* 200 & 600 Tue-Wed June 20-21 Dick Bogarde-Capucine in "SonG UJiTHouT Eno" in Color & CinemaScope Shows at 7j00 & 9:30 Feature at j^prox. 7:10 & 9:40 Adm, 200 & 600 Catbirds by Elizabeth Roe lyson **When the Catbirds come there will be no more cold weather*” That is the belief and the saying here in the moun tains and usually it proves true. (The cold snap late in this year was pro bably as much a surprise to the Catbirds as it was to the rest of us*) So we watch for them each spring and welcome them when they appear, like much loved summer visitors* Inconspicuous little things they are with their slim slate gray bodies and black cap and tail* They seem to be very proud of those beautiful long slen der tails, for they continually fan them out and show them off in all their ner- (Con*t on page 14 ) NATURE STUDY CLASSES TO BEGIN Nature Study Classes at the Museum of Natural History will begin Monday, Jxine 19. John Quinby, Counselor announced the time of the classes as follows: Each Mon day from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., children from 6-8 years; Each Tuesday frcan 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., children from 9-H; ^ach Wed nesday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., children —192^'P*l?) DECADE REACHED THE GALAX ITEWS, going into its 10th year of publication, is looking forward to a very successful season* This first decade co\ild only have been reached by the faithful backing of the local merchants and citizens which continues to inspire us to greater efforts to please them. Our paper began in 1952 vdth a tiny 7-page issue that has since grown into a maximum of 25 pages last year, an increase of 18 pages* ‘Hie staff and equipment has escpanded to meet the demands of this growth. There are many new items of mo dem and efficient equipment to make the quality of the paper better each year* As we continue to grow and expand we hope to keep meeting the approval of our patrons* We want to keep our friends of past years and make many new ones as we progress* We will put forth our best efforts to make this 10th year of publica tion the best in oxir history* EXPANSION PLAINS AT WCC by ELLA CABS Western Carolina College at Cullo- whee, K* C*, continuing its program of growth and development, this year announc ed plans for a long-range expansion pro ject to be completed in three stages. As the program develops over a period of ^ (Con*t on p» 16 ) 10 TH YEflFl OF PUBUCflTIOn